Come to The Peak

Chapter 540: : Luo Yu identity

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"Xie Dazhangzun!"

More than 100,000 people thanked each other in unison, all of them were martial arts who were not weak, and many of them were still the rare King of Fire in the outer world.

This thick voice of Xie Li went straight to the sky of Nine Heavens, reverberating between heaven and earth, and it could be heard clearly hundreds of miles away.

More than 100,000 people stood straight on the waist, like the javelin of the same pole, staring wildly at the old man.

This God-like figure of the Great Qin Empire is the top ten Emperor Wu of the mainland.

The old man stepped out of the air step by step in the void, and Luo Yu, who was floating beside him, followed the path of Dao Xuzhang and floated.

The people in question below looked back from the horror of the Emperor Daoxu and looked worriedly at Luo Yu, who was hanging beside him.

At this time, Luo Yu's upper body was naked, and a lot of wounds covered her whole body. The blood was frozen, her eyes were closed, and Luo Yu's breath weakened to the extreme, like an old man who was about to die.

"Hey, brother, why are you out of customs?"

Dao Chong sneered with the past.

Dao Chong admires Dao Xu most. It can be said that he admires his master, but he is also afraid of his master, because he can be said that Daoxu grew up and looked at him.

In fact, the entire Zixia Tianzong is the oldest in Daoxu, more than 900 years old, and several other lords are hundreds of years younger than him.

Therefore, the status of this big palm respect in Zixia Tianzong is not just as simple as the first person in power. He is also the oldest and most respectable person in Zixia Tianzong.

Coupled with the strength of his own top ten Emperor of the Emperor Wu of the mainland, this imagination has a higher status than Zixia Tianzong's disciples.

Even the arrogant **** of war, the King of Fire, who is full of arrogance outside, must respect his self-proclaimed disciple on one knee before the emperor Daoxu.

And they called the other three palm respects only to honor the palm respects, but they did not bow down to the point of kneeling.

Because the emperor's road is empty, he is a real elder, and all elders of Zixia Tianzong disciples.

The last time he was stunned and killed, the ten kingdoms rebelled, the three kingdoms were destroyed, and three warriors withdrew from the conquest of the mainland. The Great Qin Empire survived, and the Zixia Tianzong survived. There is a large part of the reason for this. Deterrence.

Like Hao Lao's status in the Ice Emperor Sect.

Zhenhuang Zhenhuang, what he excels at is the formation method, the only seven-pin formation mage in the ancient Cang continent, the formation method can be attacked and defended, and can best reflect the value in the war.

Luo Yu has been in Zixia Tianzong for so long, and everyone can see that Zixia Tianzong is full of formations, juyuan array, defensive array, teleportation array, and attack matrix that has not been activated. It is the best of the Seven Kingdoms.

Dao Xun's big palm gave a glance at the road and said indifferently, "I don't know if you can make such a big movement here, and you can practice with peace of mind? Although people are old, they can't be deaf or deaf. "


Da Chong smiled awkwardly when he heard the words.

"Brother, are you here because of Luo Yu?"

The light of wisdom flashed in Tao's eyes, and he said.

"Oh, yes, that's right"

Daoxu showed a peaceful smile to Daoyi, no longer serious about Dao Chong, which made Dao Chong a bitter smile.

Among the five brothers and sisters since his childhood, the big brother is like his father. The youngest brother Lin Sheng is the most free and easy, Dao Yi is the smartest, Dao Hui is the most kind and attentive, and he is Dao Chong ... Hey, Dao Chong is the most naughty and active, and the most able to get into trouble.

Therefore, he often suffers from Daoxu, who is also used to treating him with a serious attitude.


At this moment, Lin Sheng, who was drunk, also flew over and gave a gift to Dao Xu palm: "Brother!"

"Little master!"

Dao gazed at Lin Sheng with a glass of wine, and there was a touch of fatherly love in his eyes, and he sighed, "Drink less wine."

Lin Sheng didn't say a word, but looked up at Hefa Tongyan's imagination, and there was a trace of wetness in his eyes.

"Brother, what's the evil spirit on this little guy? This evil spirit can improve his strength so much when he enters the body?" Tao Yiwuhuang frowned.

"Ha ha!"

Dao Xun's big palm smiled slightly, without answering it first, Luo Zi's purple sword giant sword flew in his hand.

The violent sword of the Aster in his hands was as light as a feather in his hands, and the palm of his imagination looked up at the dragon pattern of the Acer, and a crisp sword screamed from the body of the sword.

"I have to ask my old friend about this. This is a sword he made. The inscription on this sword is the only one who can carve the entire continent, and only he can carve it."

Dao Xuan said with a smile.

The three of them heard a word in their hearts, and those who could be called old friends by their big brothers had only the strength and age as the strong man he wanted to be.

And strength and age are comparable to Daoxu, and there is only one person who can cast a sword.

Qihuang Liuhao, one of the top ten Emperors of Wuhuang Peak!

"You mean the sword was cast by the emperor!"

Dou Yi reacted slightly surprised first.

"Yes, this sword is a companion to repair the magic weapon, the best in the weapon. It is engraved with the bloodthirsty nine refining dragon pattern, which is one of the top ten taboo inscriptions. This inscription can only be carved by my old friend. , This sword has the potential to evolve into a magical weapon, and it is a superb magical weapon.

Only the master of the sword can support and flexibly use it. It seems that the relationship between this little guy and my old friend is not ordinary. He can even let him personally cultivate a minor for the little guy. You must know that someone is He was asked to practice companions to repair soldiers with the elixir of grade nine, but he never opened the furnace. "

Dao Xuwang said to Luo Yu, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. What is the relationship between his Zixia Tianzong disciple and his old friend?

"Nine products of elixir are not willing to refine the companion soldiers! Why is this?" Da Chong was surprised.

"Second Brother, you don't know"

Lin Sheng, who did not speak at this time, spoke.

Lin Sheng looked at the purple giant sword with a hint of envy: "My teacher, he has only created three companion soldiers in his life, one is his wife's ice emperor sword, one is his own sky-burning sword, and the third The handle is the giant purple sword in front of you.

Refined companions must depict a forbidden inscription. The forbidden inscription on the ancient Cang continent will be described by the teacher alone.

Because the fellow soldiers have to depict the inscriptions of taboos, they are too counter-intuitive. When each fellow soldier becomes a magical weapon, the heavens will drop the punishment and the person who refines it. Therefore, he is not a teacher of relatives. He wouldn't use the danger of confronting heaven punishment to make fellow soldiers. "


When the other three heard the words, they were shocked in their hearts, but the sky punishment was more terrifying than the sky robbery.

It can be a punishment for the heavens, a punishment lowered by the heavens. Only if something is too bad, it will be lowered.

Passed, allowing you to exist, but ... eh ... **** it.

"Then this disciple is ..."

Tao cried in shock.

"He is a personal disciple of my teacher, a descendant of the instrument emperor!"

Lin Sheng said lightly, with a little envy in his eyes.

He has a passion for castors, and naturally respects the pinnacle of this one, Qihuang Liuhao, with the same respect as his brother.

But he was also a student of the Emperor Qi, not a personal disciple.

"Secret disciple! He is the disciple of Qi Huang!"

Dao Chong was surprised, and there was a certain color in Dao's eyes. Obviously, there was speculation when Lin Sheng explained the casting talents of the companion soldiers and Lenovo Luo Yu. Dao Hui was calm because he knew that Already.

"Oh, it seems that my old friend also wanted to find a passer to pass on his skills, and also sent me Zixia Tianzong. Could it have been impossible for him to come?

Dao Xuan said with a smile.

"Well ... OK, let's go back and talk"

Dao Xu sighed, and then waved Luo Yu in the direction of the four halls.

☆ Update p most #O fast h¤ on √

Dao Chong and Lin Sheng also followed the laser shot, leaving only tens of thousands of people present.

"Let's go! The big palm and three palms are gone?"

More than 100,000 people present looked at each other ...

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