Come to The Peak

Chapter 548: : South sea border area

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"Hmm ...!"

Tu Wan spit his blood and looked at Luo Yu in horror. Luo Yu stepped on Tu Wan's chest and looked at him indifferently, his face was as calm as before he did not move.

At this time, Tu Wan suddenly saw a piece of milky white jade card hanging on Luo Yu's waist, one was the purple cloud pattern of Zixia Tianzong, the other was written with the name of Luo Yu, and the two small characters.

Seeing this jade card, Tu Wan suddenly turned pale, terrified and said, "It turned out to be a Guozong disciple, and there was an offense in the massacre of Wanzong, and there was a lot of forgiveness from adults."

Tu Wan said, lying on the ground with his hands in fists.

Luo Yu was not surprised to see the other person recognize her identity, and still stomped on Tu Wan's chest without a word.

Tu Wanjian Luo Yu suddenly lifted his heart without talking, and at the same time his arm slightly moved, as if he wanted to move.

"I advise you not to take out the poison dagger in your sleeve, otherwise you will die very painfully."

However, Luo Yu, who had not spoken at this time, spoke faintly, terrifying Tu Wan's body.


Luo Yu's hands became sword fingers, a blue sword-mang was cut out, and Tu Wan's arm was chopped off at the same time. At the same time, a palm-length dagger in the broken arm sleeve fell out, and the dagger was issued. Youguang is clearly poisonous.


Tu Wan was chopped with one arm and made a painful howl, and blood blew out from the broken arm.

"I said that if you left your arms by yourself, you would still be alive. Now I'll break your arms and you won't have a chance to survive."

Luo Yu said coldly, and at the same time his back trembled, and the purple giant sword flew out, banging on Tu Wan's head.

Almost all of Tu Wan's skull and face were plugged by the giant sword of Asterium, and only the surrounding face barely wrapped the Asterium.

This scene looked **** and horrible, and the blood of Aster's Great Sword flashed, and all the blood in Tu Wan's body was sucked clean in one breath, and turned into a dry corpse.

A ray of light also shot from Tu Wan's head and was drawn into Luotong's soul jade.

Ziyu **** blood, Youyu hangs soul, Luo Yu gets money, Yu Yu's murder is still not wasted at all, so that the value of the dead is maximized, which is worth learning.

"Tu ... Tu Wan is dead!"

"Master Tu, just ... just be killed!"

"His ... a hot young man, just kill and kill"

The residents of the town who looked around looked at Luo Yu in horror. A chill rose in their hearts, and many people took a step back involuntarily.

After Luo Yu received the storage bag, a flame of golden purple heart burst into the palm of his hand, which was Nirvana Lei Yan.

Looking at the corpse, the golden flame immediately burned the corpse. After two or three breaths, the dry corpse was burned into a black ash. Luo Yu clapped his hands and walked towards the inn.

The shopkeeper of the slightly fat blue shirt saw Tu Wan killed by Luo Yu three or two times, his face was shocked and happy, and when Luo Yu came over, the blue shirt shopkeeper knelt and fell to the ground.

"Thank you, Gongzi, for saving your life. If the Gongzi didn't kill the Tu Wanren family, it would be all over."

The T-shirt shopkeeper knelt on the ground and respectfully said that he had deceived Tu Wan in order to protect Luo Yu. If Luo Yu did not kill Tu Wan Yi Tu Wan, his character would probably kill his family.

"Oh, please come up soon, I heard all the words you deceived Tu Wan, and I should thank you."

Luo Yu raised the T-shirt shopkeeper with a gentle smile, and it was completely different from the ruthless young man who had just killed.

The T-shirt shopkeeper heard the words and said quickly: "Dare to dare, the son stayed in the shop, if the villain betrays the boy casually, my shop will not open anymore."

Luo Yu smiled, and then took out a large bag of gold and silver from Tu Wan's storage bag and put it on the counter with a bang, saying: "These are my accommodation expenses. The shopkeeper is a good person, and regrets that there is a period. "

Luo Yu took a fist, then turned around and left with Luo Yan, Bai Ze quickly followed, and walked with extreme chic.

"Accommodation fee!"

The T-shirt shopkeeper heard a word, and then opened the bag, which was full of Huang Cancan's gold, no less than a thousand.

So many silver couples don't even say it's accommodation. It won't take so much to buy his small inn.

The T-shirt shopkeeper looked weird, and then he was all grateful. He bowed to Luo Yu's back quickly.

"Thank you, Grandson, for sending him away!"

Luo Yu, who walked far away, waved her hands, then her toes jumped a little onto the roof, and a few jumps disappeared into the eyes of everyone or shocked or worshipped ...

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Outside the area of ​​two or three towns, walking on a bluestone paved official way, occasionally three or two pedestrians and carriages can be seen on the official way.


Luo Yu gave a low drink, and the ancient beast Bai Ze snarled, and then turned into a white beast that was two meters tall and five or six meters long, with his fangs exposed and sharp claws. Mount.

Luo Yu turned and rode on Bai Ze's back, and Luo Yan also turned into a slap-like dragon phoenix and stood on Luo Yu's shoulder.


Xiaobai yelled, and then ran away on all fours, rushing on the official road like a wind, and ran a few hundred meters away with a narrow eye. As the same white wind blew through the official road, passers-by rushed away.

"Riding Bai Ze to travel the world,

You can do it on Bafang Avenue.

Do n’t ask how dangerous the future is,

Courage to climb to the top.

Ask the pinnacle!

Hahahaha ... in the South China Sea, water and fire blossom, and my Luo Yu is here ... "

The wild laughter accompanied by the fast figure disappeared on the official horizon, leaving only the pedestrians who were surprised ...

After three days ...

A blue sea appeared at the end of the horizon. From a distance, the sound of the tide beating against the coast could be heard.

From time to time, the seabirds crowed, and white seagulls circled in the sky, and shot into the sea from time to time. When they got up again, a sea fish had been caught on their paws.

From time to time in the sea there are two or three fish boats sailing.

The sea breeze brought a faint fishy smell, blowing Luo Yu's long hair, bringing a coolness.


The boundless South China Sea is sky-high, the red sky is reunited, and the South China Sea has finally arrived ... "

Luo Yu lowered Bai Ze's back and murmured on a sea reef.


Luo Yu opened her arms and sent a happy long howling to the sea, and the howling was over the sound of the tide like a thunderous thunder.

The sea is full of rivers, and it is full of capacity. The sea always gives people a sense of gallantry.

A good man has a heart like the sea, and Luo Yu also loved to go to the sea to experience the rush of the sea.

I feel that my soul will be immersed in the sea and become as spacious as the sea.

The red sun slowly submerged into the sea, the sky gradually darkened, and a bright moon slowly rose from the Canghai, and the tide also spread.

Luo Yu took Bai Ze, the size of a wolf dog, to a small fishing village in the distance. He planned to wait for tomorrow, and find a fisherman to take him to Baifeng Island.

The eighteen islands of the South China Sea, each of which is less than 10,000 miles below, is placed on a small continent of the earth. The South China Sea is also the most expansive region of the Great Qin Empire. The area of ​​the territorial sea is the sum of the other three areas.

After the South China Sea, Yan Kingdom, Yan Kingdom and Qin Kingdom face each other across the sea.

Luo Yu took Bai Ze to a fishing village in the distance ...

There are hundreds of people on the coast of the fishing village several hundred meters above sea level. At this time, the lights of the stars have been lit.

Luo Yu walked into the fishing village. There was no one in the village at night. Apparently, he stayed in his home. The sea breeze at night was very strong, giving a chill.

Luo Yu walked to the yard of a fisherman, and knocked on the knocker on the door of the courtyard gently.

"Well! Who is it at night? Here it is."

The voice of a man sounded in the courtyard, and there was a sound of footsteps.


The courtyard door was opened, and a young man with burly short hair was wearing a plain linen.

The young man was in his twenties or so, his skin was dark, his eyebrows were big, his eyes were masculine, and his body had a slight fishy smell.

"Well, are you ...?"

The young man was surprised when he saw a stranger, and asked.

"Hehe, my elder brother is Luo Yu. I arrived in the South China Sea today to see that it was late and wanted to spend the night with my elder brother. Could it be convenient for my elder brother?"

Luo Yu laughed with open fists.

"Oh, it was a guest staying here. Please come in, my name is Gu Yuan."

The young man laughed and opened the door to Luo Yu with enthusiasm to let Luo Yu come in.

"Thank you Brother Gu!"

Luo Yu smiled again, then walked into the courtyard.

There is a thick weeping willow in the courtyard, and several plum fruit trees.

At this time in April, Li Hua was in full bloom.

"Brother Yuan, who is it?"

Another woman's voice came from the main house in the courtyard.

"The guest who came to check in, Xiaoxiu, get ready to eat."

When Gu Yuan and Luo Yu came in, they responded to the sound in the room.

"The guests?"

Suddenly the door opened and a woman in a blue dress came out. The woman's face was also beautiful. She was twenty-five years old, she had fair complexion, and a slim figure.

"Oh, good sister-in-law, in Xia Luoyu, it's too late to stay here for the night, hoping not to bother you," Luo Yu laughed at the woman with a fist.

"Brother Luo Yu is polite. Please, Brother Luo Yu hasn't eaten yet. I'll make something for you."

The woman smiled back at Luo Yuyingying, and then went to the nearby kitchen to eat.

"Brother Luo Yu please!"

Gu Yuan and Luo Yu entered the living room.

The living room was very clean and simple. There were a few chairs on a wooden table, and some simple decorative furniture. Gu Yuan greeted Luo Yu and got a glass of wine for Luo Yu.

"Where did Brother Luo Yu come from?"

Gu Yuan laughed after the two sat down.

"Don't hide Brother Gu, the younger brother came from Zixia"

Luo Yu took a sip of wine and laughed. The wine was just ordinary rice wine, which was gentle in the throat.

"Oh! Zixiajing! Surprise, it's not close. See if the brothers are dressed as warriors."

Gu Yuan looked at the purple giant sword behind Luo Yu and was surprised.

He is also a five-armed warrior, but this kind of warrior is similar to ordinary people, with a force of one or two kilograms.

"Yes, the younger brother is a nine-level warrior!"

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