Come to The Peak

Chapter 562: : That sensual boy

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Luo Yu took a two-day rest in the inn. Since the wasteful things haven't made much progress, Luo Yu doesn't plan to waste time.

Luo Yu and Luo Yan walked out of the inn and took Bai Ze out of the White Maple City.

Out of the White Maple City, Luo Yu ran all the way through Bai Ze and rushed to the pier of White Maple Island.

It didn't take long for Bai Ze's speed to reach the pier, Luo Yu descended from Bai Ze and headed for the pier.

"Brother, may I ask if there is anything like an underwater volcano in the sea near Baifeng Island?"

Luo Yu approached a merchant ship that was unloading and asked a middle-aged man dressed in a black short cedar sailor.

He came here naturally to find underwater volcanoes and see if there were any fires and flowers.

"Underwater Volcano!"

The middle-aged man asked a question, looked at Luo Yu strangely, and saw that the other man was wearing a white robe and carrying a huge sword.

Immediately said: "My little brother is looking for the volcano on the sea floor. I know this one. There is one place a thousand nautical miles east of the pier. I don't know much.

However, a shop over there sells navigation charts, which clearly mark the navigation route and some underwater features on the Baifeng Island Wanli Sea. Little brothers can go there for a look. "

The man in the black shirt said with a third-floor shop far from his finger.

Luo Yu looked over, where there is a large shop named Nanhaiju.

"Thank you bro!"

Luo Yu smiled at the middle-aged man, then walked to the shop.

There are a lot of people in the shop. The shelves of the shop are equipped with compasses, Sinan, fishing nets, fishing tools, and other fishing tools, as well as some animal products for sale.

Luo Yu walked into the shop. At the counter on the first floor of the shop was a middle-aged man in a blue coat who was slightly fat.

"Treasurer, do you have a map such as the topographic map of the sea near Baifeng Island?"

Luo Yu walked over and asked lightly.

"Map of the sea area!"

The middle-aged man heard a word, and then said: "The son is going to record the sea maps of the sea area. We do have them here, but the sea maps that record the sea bottom landforms are expensive. The maps are congenital. Masters dived into the sea to observe the geomorphology of the sea "

"You take it out, the price is not a problem," Luo Yu said with a smile.

The middle-aged shopkeeper didn't say much, took a scroll from the counter behind, and opened it on the table.

Luo Yu looked down, and the map of the sea area was indeed very detailed. Even some small islands were depicted, and all the navigation routes were recorded.

"Well, yes, the records are very detailed. I wonder if there is a sea topographic map of the entire South China Sea?" Luo Yu asked again.

"The entire South China Sea! There is such a map, but no one can draw such a detailed picture. The South China Sea is too big. Some places and islands are still the territory of the Tatar people. Middle-aged shopkeeper said.

"You take it out and let me see it," Luo Yu said with a slight frown.

The middle-aged shopkeeper nodded and took out a large white scroll. This scroll immediately occupied the entire counter as soon as it was spread out. Luo Yu's eyes brightened.

Although this map of the sea area is not as detailed as the previous one, some large islands and some large submarine mountains are labeled. He discovered three sea areas where the submarine fire mountains were recorded.

"Okay, just this one, how much is it?" Luo Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"Hey, this map of the sea area is more expensive than the one just now, a hundred dollars," the shopkeeper smiled.

"Okay, I'll take it, and you get me a compass." Luo Yu nodded, and Qian Kunjie Xia Guang on his finger rolled a roll, and a black leather bag appeared on the counter.

"Quan Kunjie!"

At the sight of the shopkeeper, the Qiankun Ring on Luo Yu's finger exclaimed. This Qiankun Ring is a high-level storage tool. The lowest Qiankun Ring is comparable to a treasure.

The middle-aged shopkeeper immediately looked at Luo Yu with a hint of respect that he didn't have, and then he took out a big compass.

The compass is the compass.

Luo Yu handed in a total of 110 yuan stones, checked the compass's direction, and walked out of this shop.

"Brother, are we going straight to the sea now?" Luo Luo, who turned into a dragon-phoenix on his shoulder, asked.

"Well, let's go today. Just look at the sky to see the Eastern Fire Mountains." Luo Yu nodded.

At this moment there was a word that shocked Luo Yu in the street not far away.

"Door, I don't think you look right, your complexion looks pale, do you often show respect at night?"

A bald boy in a yellow tattered jacket asked a woman who looked pretty and had a bumpy figure in a blue dress.

This bald boy is slightly fat and slightly blessed. A face that looks eighteen or nineteen has some fat on his face. There are nine scars on his head. He wears a yellow tattered puppet with a string of blood on his hand. Red beads with bare feet.

The bald boy asked the pretty woman with a straight face, but from time to time, a pair of eyes let out a little green light on the woman's full **** and rounded hips, and two small dimples were exposed at the corners of his mouth.

Cute, insignificant, these two words come together on this bald boy.

"Yeah, little brother, how do you know? I do often often lately ... respectfully and lose my energy all day."

The woman in the blue dress said blushing slightly.

What is respect? It means going to the toilet.


The bald boy retracted the green-lighted gaze and nodded, his face was full, and his expression revealed a dignified look.

When the pretty woman looked at the expression of the bald boy, she immediately panicked, and quickly asked: "brother, what am I doing?"

"Hey ... you may have a strange disease, but it ’s not clear whether that kind of sick monk is a proficient pharmacist. I have a set of techniques for touching the bones to show the donor"

The bald boy said in silence.

"Touching the bones and taking the pulse? Well, little brother, you can show me," the woman said slightly.

Although she didn't understand why the boy talked so weirdly, she called her a donor, but when she heard what strange disease she had, she thought too much, and immediately agreed.

"Okay, then, here we are, please, this person is too much to influence me to perform this trick

The bald boy heard a lascivious smile in the corner of his mouth, and said with a finger at an unoccupied street corner.

"Uh-huh, okay, then trouble the little brother." The woman nodded like a good baby.

They then walked towards the corner of the street.

All of this was seen in Luo Yu's eyes, with a touch of shock in his eyes.

The two stopped at the corner of the street.

The bald boy said: "Donor, I am going to perform this technique of touching the bones and veins. You are ready, and you cannot be interrupted in the process."

"Okay, little brother, you can do it," the woman nodded.

The bald boy took a woman's hand with a straight face, and put his hand on the pulse of the woman's wrist, which really looked like a pulse.

Then the bald boy put it on the woman's wrist and manually lifted it, and gently squeezed it on the woman's arm.

The woman showed a hint of discomfort, but the bald boy's face was clear and his eyes were clear, without resistance.

But then the bald boy's hand passed the woman's hand to the fragrant shoulder, and then he looked down and grabbed on the plump breast, and kneaded it gently as he did.

At this moment, the woman's face has changed, becoming extremely red, like an apple that is so familiar that she wants to say something, but the hand of the bald boy looks down, rubbing his bones a little.

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Then a hand was exposed on the rounded buttocks, rubbing constantly.

At this time, the woman's eyes were about to shed tears, and a big girl with a yellow flower turned her whole body by a teenager.

But what the boy said just now was right, so that she did not dare to resist, for fear that she was really sick.

At this time, the evil hand of the bald boy finally stopped and retracted his hand, his face was clear and his eyes were clear: "Donor, I have already seen the technique of touching the veins with bones, and you are not born with that strange disease. , Just caught cold in these days,

In addition, it is only in your special period. It is good to go back for more rest and eat more red dates. In the next few days of each month, you must pay attention to keeping warm. Do not eat cold food and take a cold bath. Okay? "

"Well, thank you little brother," the woman blushed and thanked.

The bald boy heard a very wretched smile.

"Catch him, that guy is a prostitute"

At this moment there was a scream of a woman from the street. A woman who was also pretty in a yellow coat was carrying a group of people, looking at the bald boy fiercely.

The eyes were full of shame.

The bald boy saw the woman's face change immediately, and then said to the woman in blue: "Remember to pay attention to keep warm these few days in the future, the little monk has gone in advance"

The bald boy would run away after speaking.

"Hum, lascivious, where do you run, catch me?"

The woman in yellow said coldly

Then a group of people behind her ran to immediately fence the running direction of the bald boy and blocked the bald boy on the street.

The bald boy saw that his face was slightly changed, and then turned around and folded his hands with the woman in the yellow suit: "I haven't lost my hair, donor, are you ill?"

"Hum, you dare to say, you prostitute, stopped me yesterday and said that I had a strange disease, you guys ... but I went back and forth to know that it was just a cold and cold, come on, kill this prostitute

The woman in yellow remembered yesterday's incident with shame and anger on her face, and her face was blue and red, wonderful.

"Kill this adulterer!"

The group of people around the bald boy rushed up, and around the bald boy was a punch and kick.

"Oh, don't hit my handsome face!"

"Ah, my little waist!"

"Buddha ... the lumbar disc is protruding"

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