Come to The Peak

Chapter 713: : Sound east and west (big

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The dragon phoenix flew directly into the residence of the envoy of Chu State, and landed on a fir tree.

"Second Brother, what's the situation?"

Luo Yu endured the stinky smell in the stomach of Longhuangque, and his stomach was agitated for a while.

"Has flown into the mansion"

The dragon phoenix stood at the treetop and watched a group of ten men in black robes pass by.

"Be careful, don't get caught. Go to find Chu's pity room first. She is Princess Chu. The defense around the place where she lives should be tight."

Luo Yu exhorted in the stomach of Dragon Phoenix.

The Dragon Phoenix responded, fluttering its wings and flying through the huge mansion to see it.

"The patrols keep an eye on me. The safety of the princess is more important than our lives, you know?"

In the middle of the mansion, outside a courtyard hall, a burly man in a black robe shouted at dozens of guards around him.

"It's an adult!"

The guards shook, and said quickly.

The man nodded with satisfaction and left independently.

After the men left, these guards continued to patrol outside, and these patrol guards Xiu Wei also had the true state of Ningyuan Realm.

And all this, was also seen by a purple bird sitting on the side of the osmanthus tree.

"Hey, brother, found it," Long Huangque said to Luo Yu in her stomach.

"Oh, good, just fly over"


The dragon phoenix didn't hesitate when he heard the words, fluttered his wings and flew to the Sihedian, but just before he flew into the Sihedian, a white light flashed out suddenly, and a white light film bounced off the Phoenix.


The dragon phoenix was startled, and the enchantment was laid outside the Sihe Hall.


The flicker of the enchantment just now naturally caught the attention of the surrounding guards. Immediately, dozens of people were holding weapons and guarding the entrance of the hall, which was also the only entrance to the enchantment.

Someone also attracted other patrolling people, and more than a hundred people gathered outside the Sihe Hall, looking around alertly.

"what happened?"

At this moment the burly man in black robe strode over and asked.

"Sir, something just triggered the enchantment"

A guard said hastily.

"Someone triggered an enchantment!"

The man surnamed Sun was shocked, and then quickly raised his eyebrows, a pale golden halo radiated from his senses, enveloping the Sihe Hall.

Choo Choo Choo…

At this moment, a bird's song sounded, and a purple bird fluttered over the sky.

"Mother, a sparrow"

Seeing just a sparrow, Lord Sun was relieved.

"It's all gone, it's all right, just a sparrow who made a mistake"

Lord Sun waved at the people gathered here, and the soldiers who came over from other places also dispersed their patrols.

On a large tree in the distance, the dragon phoenix stood on the treetop and watched the crowd disperse. .

"It's so dangerous, second brother, you are not afraid to detect the gods"

Luo Yu also sweated in the stomach of Dragon Phoenix.

"Well, the consciousness of warriors in the same realm is impossible to see through me, unless the consciousness is much stronger than mine."

Long Huangque smiled proudly, but Luo Yu in his stomach frowned.

"This house is too heavily guarded, how can we approach her?"

Luo Yu meditated in his stomach.

"The princess' house is shrouded in enchantment, and the only entrance is guarded by others. It is impossible to mix in. You must find a way to distract the guards. How can you distract them?

Luo Yu touched her chin and thought, Long Huangque knew that Luo Yu was thinking about the problem, and didn't bother to say anything.

"Well, hehe, there is"

The light in Luo Yu's eyes brightened, and an idea emerged.

"Brother, do you think of a way?"

"Well, second brother, this method requires you to cooperate, you first go to the woods next to you and let me out."

Luo Yu nodded and smiled.

The dragon phoenix fell to the ground in the garden with more than ten laurel trees planted next to it.

The dragon phoenix's head rose, and it made a big mouth, and then spit out the one-meter-sized small Luo Yu.

"Whew ... suffocated me"

Xiao Luoyu sat on the ground with a buttock and took a breath of fresh air.

The smell in the stomach of Longhuangque ...

"Second Brother, you will ..."

Luo Yu talked to the Dragon Phoenix with the voice of the gods, and the Dragon Phoenix nodded, and fluttered away from here.

After the phoenix bird flew away, Xiao Luoyu crawled in the Gui Garden and looked at the Sihe Temple not far away. This position was at an oblique angle, so that you could see the door of the Sihe Temple, which was the junction.

There were more than a dozen people at the door, and a team of people patrolled around the mansion.


When the dragon phoenix flew away from Luo Yu and flew to a corner of this huge mansion, the red light of the dragon phoenix flickered into the Luo Yan with purple hair.

Luo Yan also put on a covering robe on his body to cover his appearance.

At this time, two people patrolled just above the wall of the government house.


Luo Yan flew up, two flame-daggers appeared in his hand.



Luo Yan jumped up and the two patrolled men in black robes immediately found Luo Yan and made a loud exclaiming sound.


But in response to the two of them were two fire daggers that came from him.

The two were frightened, and the protector bounced open, but the flame dagger directly pierced the protector.

Uh ...!

Two flame daggers were shot on the heads of the two, and they were inserted into the heads from the eyeballs. The two did not make any gruesome sounds. The heads burst into flames, and then the heads burned to ashes.

Uh ...!

The two bodies without heads fell directly down the wall of the house, and the exclamation sound of the two just naturally caught the attention of a large number of patrollers.

Immediately, dozens of people blasted around.

A burst of purple flames burst out from Luo Yi's white palm, and his hands shook, and the flames flew to a house in the mansion.


Wow ...!

As soon as the purple flame fell on the house, it ignited a raging fire, as if it was spilled with gasoline. The fire rose more than ten meters high, and the entire residence can be seen.

"Someone breaks in!"

At this time, twenty or thirty people rushed over from all over, and also saw Luo Yan in a black robe on the wall of the house.

Seeing this group of people coming, Luo Yan did not dodge or dodge, so he quietly looked forward to the group of people on the wall of the house.

"Abominable, dare to break into the envoy's mansion of Chu State, and set fire to kill, brothers, kill!"

A big man in a black robe drank with a long snow-white knife, his blue real element lingering around, and stepped towards Luo Yan.

There was a touch of irony in the corner of Luo Yan's mouth, holding two flame daggers, his body shot like lightning.


Luo Yan's body was extremely fast, and he flashed away. He shot in front of the big man in an instant, and the dagger in his hand flashed.

Uh ...!

The dagger cut through the real body of the protector. The big man's head flew up, and the severance was black and no blood flowed out.

That blood was instantly evaporated by the high temperature on the flame dagger.

At this time, others rushed in with swords and besieged Luo Luo.

Uh ...!

Luo Yan's body is like a ghost, flashing in the crowd. These warriors are just the real Qi Ningyuan, how are Luo Yan's opponents.

Uh ...!

With each flash of fire, a person was cut through his throat, stabbed into his chest and killed, and a wailing sound was heard.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The exclamation sounded here, and the warriors elsewhere in the mansion saw the fire here and the screams of people's exclamation, all rushing towards this side with their weapons.

"What happened to his grandma!"

The old man who was outside the Sihe Hall saw the fire at the gate of the mansion and the crowd was noisy and shouted.

"My lord, it's not good. There are enemies breaking into the mansion. The strength is estimated to be a martial art in a dynamic state."

Then a black robe guard came running and exclaimed.

"What, **** it, some people dare to break into our ambassador's residence in Chu, and don't want to live anymore, follow me!"

The burly man heard a surprise in his heart, and then screamed angrily, and took all the people here to run away to the wall of the house, while he himself condensed Yuanyi to fly there.

Hundreds of people across the mansion rushed past.

"Hey, second brother is doing well"

Xiao Luoyu looked at the gate of the Sihedian in the Gui Garden and was attracted away, showing a touch of joy.


Luo Yu's small body shot like a sharp arrow, almost rushed to the entrance of the palace with a breath, and rushed into the palace with a flash.


At the gate of the mansion, Luo Yan was killing the war. More than twenty corpses had been lying on the ground, but more people rushed here, and six streams of light flew directly to this side.

"Hey, it's almost there, everyone is attracted to it, there should be no problem with Brother"

Luo Yan cut off the head of a warrior with another dagger, and saw a large number of people coming over with a conspiracy smile.


Suddenly a pair of purple wings emerged from Luo Yan's back, and he flew up into the distance and fired away.

Leaving a dead body.

At this time, everyone in the mansion came over.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Chu Jingtian, a young man with a black robe and sword, came to look at the body in this place, his face was gloomy.

"Sir, there was a man in a black robe just now, and when he came to kill, he fled," said a guard trembling.


Chu Jingtian looked at the distant red stream of light flashing away, his eyes were full of anger.

"Abominable, even come to my Chu state envoy to kill and set fire, don't let me catch you!"

Chu Jingtian was a little angry, and everyone else was angry.

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Rumble ...!

"What's going on here?"

At this time, a group of sergeants with a hundred people in yellow armor rushed over and the head of the people bowed to Chu Jingtian.

"Sir, what happened?"

"What happened? Well, we Chu people were killed when you came to Wei. What did you say happened?"

Chu Jingtian shouted coldly to the centurion, and anger happened to the unfortunate centurion.

"This ... Adults forgive their sins, and the villains immediately report that they are really murderous."

The centurion shook his body and said quickly, and then ordered his men to pack up the corpses, and then he left quickly, leaving the Chu people with an angry face ...

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