【And Uchiha Sasuke obviously doesn't have as many ideas as Uzumaki Naruto】

【I am full of expectations for the new environment I am about to enter.】

【Here, they can become stronger!】

【When the two walked on campus, many people cast strange glances at them.】

【Some people were discussing,"That's the Uchiha kid. The Uchiha are an evil clan. The more hatred they have, the stronger their power will be.""】

【"Don't mess with this family. I've heard from my family that the Uchiha clan and our village are not on the same side, it's very dangerous."】

【"Look at that one, the boy with yellow hair. That is the fox demon."】

【Some people immediately gnashed their teeth in hatred】

【"Demonic fox! It was he who caused the death of my parents!"】

【"I want revenge!"】

【During the Nine-Tailed Fox Rebellion, many people died in the village.】

【At this moment, there was an orphan of the deceased present, wishing to eat Uzumaki Naruto alive.】

【Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh】

【There are several figures from���He jumped out from the corner and stood in front of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, his face full of hatred.】

【Their parents died during the Nine-tail Rebellion】

【Some of them even entered the Ninja School for revenge.】

【These six children were not much different in height from Naruto at this time. Two of them were even shorter than Naruto, but they were all seniors, sixth graders.】

【Soon, you will take the Genin exam. After passing it, you will graduate from the Ninja School. Do more missions and slowly grow into an elite.】

【In other words, they are almost six years older than Uzumaki Naruto】

【It looks like the drama of seniors bullying freshmen is about to begin.】

【A black-haired boy with an angry face said,"You are the demon fox......"】

【Before he could finish his arrogant words, he heard a"bang bang bang bang bang" sound.】

【At the scene, Naruto has created six shadow clones.】

【There were no fancy moves. The six shadow clones went up to the six senior ninjas and punched and kicked them.】

【The speed and strength were so great that the opponent was unable to perform even the most basic techniques.】

【The main goal is to be steady, accurate and ruthless】

【They didn't even have time to form seals before they were beaten up and soon had black and blue faces.......】

【Where is the initial shouting? Only the miserable look remains.......】

Uchiha Madara,"I have to say I like this Naruto very much, he really suits my temperament"

"Straightforward, straightforward, no nonsense."

Haruno Sakura,"This Uzumaki Naruto is so rude and unreasonable......."

"But why do I feel like I can't hate him? On the contrary, I like him more and more."

Hinata Hyuga,"Yeah, I think he's rude too......."

"But, he looks so safe."

Yamanaka Ino,"This is what a man should be like, okay? He should have the strength to protect himself!"

"If the Uzumaki Naruto in our world had this kind of personality, I would have pursued him a long time ago."

Uzumaki Naruto squatted in the corner and drew circles," Your three views are wrong......."

"I am very good in this world, but no one likes me"

"I was so rude in that world, and obviously had a dark side, and was always engaged in conspiracy theories, but you guys liked me."

"Women, it's really hard to understand......"...

【Naruto squatted down, lifted the collar of the leader, and said coldly】

【"I hate it most when people call me a fox demon. What's even more annoying is that I'm in the same school with you brainless people."】

【"Why don't you use your brains? If I really am a fox demon, can I still live in this village?"】

【"Do you just blindly hate others based on rumors you hear from somewhere? Your brain is not developed, and you don't even have the ability to judge for yourself."】

【"You still have the nerve to cause trouble?"】

【"If I were you, I would drop out of school and pick up trash on the road."】

【"Also, you guys are at this level and you still want revenge? Are you still using the senior class to bully the junior class?"】

【"After entering the ninja school, has Tenten studied hard? Why is he so useless? How can I, a freshman, knock him down with one punch?"】

【"Your rubbish has dampened my longing for the Ninja School."】


【"I advise you not to think about those messy things all day long. Don't be a waste of air when alive and waste land when dead."】

【After all, Naruto is a person who spends a lot of time reading books, and his knowledge reserves are quite rich. After a few words, several senior children were embarrassed.】

【I wish I could find a hole to crawl into and never come out again.】

【Being humiliated in front of others is already embarrassing enough. Besides, there are many other classmates in the school watching. How can I hold my head up high in the future?!】

【They are just children!】

【The senior students who were beaten back burst into tears and cried loudly,"Please, stop talking, we are such a failure!......"】

【"Wrong, we were wrong, let's go......"】

【Naruto,"You offended someone, and you can't even say an apology?"】

【Several senior students were completely upset. They were the ones who were beaten, so how could they be the ones to apologize?!】

【You hit me and you want me to apologize?】

【Naruto,"If you don't want to, that's fine. I'll teach you a lesson. I believe in winning people over with virtue."】

【The senior students, with bruised faces, showed fear and said,"We were wrong. We were wrong.""】

【"I'm sorry, it's all our fault today. We shouldn't have been impulsive without knowing the truth and come here to try to bully you, wuwuwuwuwu......"】

【"We must study hard, practice ninjutsu, and be reasonable people......."】

【"Sorry, we were really wrong, sorry"】


【Naruto stood up and continued walking towards his class with Uchiha Sasuke.】

【Sasuke's eyes were full of stars, looking at the other students passing by, casting awe-inspiring glances at them, feeling good】

【Convincing people with virtue is indeed reliable】

【What Naruto said is the truth!!!】

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