Uchiha Madara,"Although I am optimistic about Naruto, this kid, but the mysterious masked man is obviously very powerful, I feel a sense of danger."

"So, Uzumaki Naruto will definitely lose"

"Let's make a bold guess. I choose option B. The mysterious masked man will kill Uzumaki Naruto."

Uchiha Madara can already see that the existence of Uzumaki Naruto will definitely be a variable.

It is very likely that it will disrupt his Moon Eye Plan.

Even in a parallel world, he hopes that the other party will die.

Senju Hashirama,"Madara, I have a different opinion from you."

"Although the mysterious masked man is very strong, I think Uzumaki Naruto is a man who can create miracles."

"I choose option C. It is very likely that both of us will suffer losses."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Although this Uzumaki Naruto slanders me in various ways, I still recognize his strength."

"However, everyone overestimates him. After all, Uzumaki Naruto is only seven years old."

"I choose option e, he will lose."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hey, you all look down on my Naruto too much."

"My Naruto is so strong, but in the end, he beat the mysterious masked man and made him flee."

"I choose option d.

"Naruto may lose......."

In this world, during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Namikaze Minato fought against the mysterious masked man.

At that time,

Namikaze Minato was able to gain some upper hand in the confrontation with the opponent because of his Flying Thunder God Technique.

But the opponent also had other means, which were very powerful.

He knew how difficult the mysterious masked man was.

Yamanaka Ino,"There is no reason to support Uzumaki Naruto, he directly beat the mysterious masked man to death!"

Uchiha Sasuke,"Yes, Naruto beat him to death, I choose this too."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I also think I am the strongest! I will definitely be able to defeat the mysterious masked man!"...

【Uzumaki Naruto came up and used his ultimate move directly, using his strongest method】

【Densely packed shadow clones were summoned, and the shadow clone shuriken technique was performed.】

【The sudden outburst made the mysterious masked man swear】

【"What the hell?! Is this an attack that a six or seven year old kid can launch?!"】

【After a moment of amazement, the mysterious masked man immediately fought back】

【The space in front of his eyes spun, and a vortex appeared. The shurikens that attacked the mysterious masked man actually pierced through his body.】

【It didn't cause any damage, he just seemed to have turned into nothingness】

【However, just as one of the shurikens pierced through the mysterious masked man, his body suddenly became solid again, grabbed the shurikens, and threw them at Naruto.】

【It's just that Naruto's dodge was faster, so it didn't cause any harm to him.】

【"This person is really difficult to deal with......."】

【Naruto quickly began to analyze the battle situation and used more of his other ninjutsu.......】

【Uchiha Itachi took a quick look at the battle situation here, then walked towards Uchiha Sasuke】

【Although Uchiha Sasuke resisted with all his might, he was still like a little ant in front of Uchiha Itachi.】

【The opponent grabbed his neck and took him to another battlefield.】

【Uchiha Itachi threw Uchiha Sasuke on the ground like trash】

【Uchiha Sasuke yelled like crazy,"Why did you do this? Why did you kill my parents?!"】

【"Is the mastermind behind this the bastard Third Hokage?! Did he brainwash you?!"】

【Uchiha Itachi smiled and said,"Interesting, after spending so much time with Naruto, you have some strange ideas in your mind."】

【Boundless anger caused Uchiha Sasuke's pupils to change, and two magatama appeared.】

【And, it seems that it is developing towards the direction of three magatama】

【Uchiha Itachi smiled again,"Not bad, your eyes have opened and your strength has become stronger."】

【Facing Uchiha Sasuke, who attacked him like crazy, Uchiha Itachi easily resolved the opponent's moves】

【"I don't have time to play with you anymore. I'll tell you why. Of course, it's to become stronger."】

【"Only with strong mental stimulation, reaching the extreme of hatred, can our Sharingan reach its strongest state."】

【"Look, this is the Mangekyō Sharingan!"】

【Uchiha Itachi used Tsukuyomi to pull Uchiha Sasuke into the illusion space, letting him watch the scene of Uchiha Itachi exterminating his clan again and again.】

【Uchiha Itachi laughed crazily,"See, only when you have power can you do whatever you want."】

【"If you want revenge on me, become stronger."】

【However, I will take out your eyes when the time is right, so that I can become an eternal kaleidoscope.......It will be my nourishment"】

【Uchiha Itachi threw Uchiha Sasuke, who was already exhausted and had no ability to resist, to the ground.】

【Sasuke fainted】

【Uchiha Itachi attacked Naruto】

【At this time, Uzumaki Naruto was fighting with the mysterious masked man.】

【Although Uzumaki Naruto has many methods, he still has too little combat experience.】

【Moreover, he was only a seven-year-old child. In fact, in this confrontation, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.】

【When Uzumaki Naruto discovered the murderer, Uchiha Itachi, coming to kill him, his heart tightened.】

【Naturally, he was very unwilling to accept that the mysterious masked man had caused all of this tragedy for him. He wanted to keep the other person with his own hands, but......Obviously some conditions do not allow】

【"Should I borrow more of the Nine-Tail's power? Then I might lose my mind......."】

【Uchiha Itachi rushed over, and a shuriken shot at Naruto at an extremely tricky angle, straight to his head, which was a sure-kill move.】

【Uzumaki Naruto narrowly evaded】

【"If this continues, I'm afraid it will be really dangerous......."】

【At this moment, several figures flashed in from outside.】

【The Sandaime Hokage arrived with his Anbu subordinates,"Hurry and protect Naruto."】

【Uchiha Itachi glanced at everyone and sneered,"Uzumaki Naruto, I also look forward to your revenge."】

【Then, he disappeared in front of everyone.......】

【Uzumaki Naruto took advantage of the mysterious masked man's distraction when he was distracted by the Third Hokage and used his killing move again to injure him.】

【Mysterious masked man with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth】

【The mysterious masked man stared at Naruto and said,"I will remember you."】

【Disappeared suddenly, as if it had never been there......】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a while, then said to Uzumaki Naruto,"Take Sasuke to the hospital."】

【"We Aftercare"】

【Uzumaki Naruto had many doubts, but did not say anything. He carried Uchiha Sasuke on his back and quickly went to the hospital.】

【"No, there are a lot of things that don't make sense here."】

【"The truth may not be what we see......."】


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