【Uzumaki Naruto knows Kakashi】

【His father is Konoha White Fang, Hatake Sakumo, who was originally a well-known figure in Konoha.】

【However, during a mission, he chose to save his companions, which led to the failure of the mission.】

【After returning, he was condemned by people.】

【Even the companion who was saved by Hatake Sakumo condemned him.】

【In the end, Hatake Sakumo couldn't stand the public opinion and couldn't get over the psychological barrier, so he chose to commit suicide.】

【Leaving the seven-year-old Kakashi to live alone】

【Kakashi is also a tragic character】

【Uzumaki Naruto, who is good at thinking, also analyzed this incident and came up with his own unique opinion.】

【"This is very likely due to Sarutobi Hiruzen, a political conspiracy."】

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Damn it, I finally figured it out. This Uzumaki Naruto is always putting all the blame on me."

"I said he was brainwashed by conspiracy theories, but you guys still don't believe it."

"Look, what does this have to do with me?"

"Haha, maybe soon you will find out the truth"

"This Naruto, in fact, is not right at all, everything is his imagination."

Mitomon En,"Yes, Lord Hokage is the greatest Lord."

"He is selfless, and everything he does is for the village."

Utatane Koharu,"But some people are despicable and desperate to discredit the Hokage. I don't know what their intentions are."

Orochimaru,"Haha, you are still trying to make those innocent children believe you, right?"

"You don't dare to tell the real truth to the new generation of children in Konoha, for fear that they will rebel, right?"

Shikamaru,"Let me try to analyze it."

"If we follow Orochimaru's theory, to analyze the truth of a matter, we must infer from the beneficiaries."

"Then what good would it do to the Third Hokage if Hatake Sakumo was forced to death by public opinion?

Shikamaru began to think seriously.

"I figured it out. Hatake Sakumo was sent to carry out the mission."

"From the perspective of the Third Hokage, the most hopeful thing is that he successfully completes the mission and obtains the information he wants."

"Instead of this member who is carrying out an important task, he goes to do other things in the middle of the task."

"Saving your companions is also important, but it is less important than achieving your goal."

"After all, the Third Hokage has to consider the overall situation."

"What does the death of Hatake Sakumo's companion have to do with the Third Hokage?"

Akimichi Chouji,"Hiss......Shikamaru, your point of view sounds so scary and cruel!"

Yamanaka Ino,"Choji, the world is so cruel, otherwise why do so many people die?"

"If it is not cruel, why should we work hard to train and have strong strength to protect ourselves?"

Kakashi,"So, you think that the public opinion generated by the villagers is actually pushed by the Third Generation behind the scenes?"

"The purpose is to nip this unhealthy trend in the bud!"

"If my father's behavior was not punished but praised, many people would follow his example."

"In this way, mistakes may occur in many tasks."

"This is a situation that the Third Generation cannot allow to happen."

Shikamaru,"According to reasoning, it seems to be like this"

"Of course, the villagers' opinions forced your father to commit suicide."

"It is still uncertain whether it was the villagers who initiated it, or whether there was really a Third Generation behind the scenes pushing it."

Kakashi gritted his teeth,"At least, even if it was not the Third Generation who pushed it, he did not stop this kind of public opinion that could kill people from fermenting!"

"My father was his subordinate!"

"He didn't care and let the villagers who were protected really kill a person with words. This is his fault!"

When he was seven years old,

Kakashi lost his father.

His world collapsed after that.

This is also a world that will destroy the world as long as any road is not taken correctly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, looking at Kakashi, an excellent subordinate, actually made such a statement, and he felt bad in his heart.

"Kakashi, don't be so easily deceived by them."

"You know what the situation of the village was at that time."

"With external and internal troubles, our nerves are always tense."

"Every day, I have to deal with a lot of documents, make various arrangements, and guard against the wolves and tigers outside the village."



"Even if it's really as you said, that's why you still refuse to apologize and admit that you were negligent at that time, right?"

"He said all kinds of sweet words and made all kinds of excuses, but he just refused to admit that he had done something wrong."

"Tsk tsk, Sarutobi Hiruzen, ah Sarutobi Hiruzen, the older you get, the more hypocritical you become."

"Besides, you know whether you were the one behind Hatake Sakumo's death."

Hatake Sakumo," I'm still in pain, it turns out someone was plotting against me."

Kakashi,"Father, I will find out the truth, if it is true, I will definitely avenge you."

Uchiha Madara,"Tobirama, you admit it now, it was a mistake for you to become Hokage."

Senju Tobirama,"......"

"Evil Uchiha Madara, we have nothing in common, so let's stop communicating."

【Uzumaki Naruto analyzed and came to the same conclusion, but he thought more deeply and thoroughly.】

【Hatake Sakumo is a victim of Sarutobi Hiruzen's politics】

【"The method used by Sarutobi Hiruzen at that time was exactly the same as the method used on me when I was a child."】

【"All with the help of public opinion"】

【"Fortunately, I am good at analysis and understand the working principle behind it."】

【"Hatake Sakumo was in trouble, he was killed by Sarutobi Hiruzen"】

【"Killing a chicken to scare the monkey is indeed a cruel method."】

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