【"I think Uzumaki Naruto wants to use the Rasengan to fight me to improve his actual combat strength."】

【"I feel like there's a high chance of capsizing in the ditch. This can't be allowed."】

【"I can't let the great image I have in his heart be reversed......."】

After all, Kakashi is also a genius ninja.

He grew up in the halo.

【"He's also going to perfect the Rasenshuriken, which sounds even more dangerous......."】

【Kakashi began to complain, wondering if his recognition of Naruto was a mistake.】

【"Let's go find Kai and find a solution......."】

Kai is a very important person to Kakashi.

Without the warmth of this good friend,

Hatake Kakashi might have been lost in the darkness.

【Kakashi found Kai and told him what happened today.】

【Kai laughed heartily, feeling relieved at seeing his good friend suffer a setback.】

【At the same time, he was also extremely shocked. He did not expect that the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, that young man Naruto, was so talented.】

【"In other words, Uzumaki Naruto now wants to compete with you."】

【"However, you are not being modest. You really don't dare to fight him. You are afraid that he will kill you with a Rasengan."】

【"After all, the power of that spell is too strong. If a fight breaks out, it's hard to say how many casualties there will be."】

【"More importantly, Naruto's chakra is extremely huge, he can fight a war of attrition and wear people down to death."】

【A cautious look flashed across Kai's face.】

【After all, if Kakashi could admit the power of this technique, it must be very powerful!】

【Kakashi had a bitter look on his face.】

【Suddenly I don't know how to avoid this disaster.......】

【"The main reason is that I don't know what to teach him next."】

【"It's quite a frustrating feeling, isn't it?"】

【Kai:"Fortunately, I have never had this kind of experience before."】

【Kai's face suddenly showed some disbelief,"Is Naruto really as amazing as you say?"】

【"I have to go meet this guy."】

【"Let him know that there are always people better than you, and that you must be neither arrogant nor impatient in order to go further."】

【Obviously, Kai was thinking,"So what if you are good at ninjutsu? I am good at taijutsu."】

【"Wouldn't that be a lesson for Uzumaki Naruto in just a few minutes?"】

【"While giving Kakashi a chance to vent his anger, he also let him admire him and helped him regain his dignity."】

【"I will interrupt him with extreme speed and use the hand seals of ninjutsu to make him unable to use any moves."】

【"I want to make him feel extremely frustrated and realize the importance of learning physical skills!"

Kakashi:"Fortunately, I don't have such worries in this world......."

Kai,"I suddenly had a bad feeling."

"The me in the parallel world is going to be tortured next, right?"

【Kakashi said,"It would be a good idea for you to meet him. Some of this little guy's theories are very interesting."】

【"These past two days I have also been thinking, whose Konoha is the one we protect with our lives? Is there any meaning to our existence?"】

【"Moreover, we can actually learn something from geniuses."】

【"But remember one thing, when facing that little devil, you must be extremely alert, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will capsize in the ditch."】

【Kai showed his signature confident smile and said,"Don't worry, my Eight Gates of Dunjia is not a vegetarian."】

【"I'll try to be gentle with him."】

【"There is just one thing, I hurt your students, please don't feel bad"】

【"If you want revenge, I welcome you anytime, but you have to come in person."】

【Kakashi,"I advise you not to be so confident......."】

Rock Lee,"The teacher in the parallel world is really confident......."

"But I'm sorry, teacher, I really have a feeling that you will take back what you said soon......."


Senju Hashirama,"If we look at the overall strength, Uzumaki Naruto should be slightly better."

"Of course, what we are talking about here is not a life-and-death battle."

Senju Tobirama,"I agree. After all, Kai knows the Eight Gates. When the eighth gate is opened, the whole life begins to burn. It is really hard to say who will win or lose."

"But in that case, Kai's life would also be lost, so when he fights Uzumaki Naruto, he will definitely not open the Eight Gates."

"In this case, I think Uzumaki Naruto's chances of winning may be greater."

Gaara,"I think Uzumaki Naruto will fall into Kai's hands."

"Indeed, as he said, if Kai's speed is absolutely fast, he can immediately interrupt Uzumaki Naruto's seal and prevent him from performing ninjutsu."

"In this way, Uzumaki Naruto can only rely on his own physical skills to fight Kailai."

"Although Uzumaki Naruto also practices Taijutsu every day, he is still far behind Kai, unless he also learns the Eight Gates."

Shikamaru,"I agree with this point." Yamanaka

Ino,"No matter what, I believe Naruto-kun has a way to resolve it."

"Make the situation favorable to you, Mr. Kai, and wait for the loss."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I think Uzumaki Naruto has a better chance of winning."

"Teacher Kai's idea is more idealistic."

"Have you forgotten how fast Uzumaki Naruto can make hand seals? Moreover, he can now make hand seals with one hand."

"In other words, he can devote more energy to restraining Teacher Gai in physical skills."

Ohnoki,"Yes, if it's just a physical skills duel, Uzumaki Naruto will definitely lose, there is no doubt about that."

"But if Uzumaki Naruto can use all his means, those forbidden techniques, including the Nine-Tails Chakra, Kai may not be able to win."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Come on Naruto, teach them a lesson, let them know what a genius is!"

Everyone is looking forward to the upcoming duel.

【On this side, Kai also found Uzumaki Naruto who was training.】

【Kai shouted out confidently,"You must be Uzumaki Naruto, I am Kakashi's friend."】

【"This time I came to you to test your strength. After all, you gave Kakashi a headache."】

【Uzumaki Naruto immediately became excited】

【He had long realized that he should improve his combat skills. Now, someone who was practicing came to him.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said,"Then can I fight with all my strength?"】

【Kai's mouth was filled with a confident smile,"That is necessary"】

【"I also want to learn how amazing you are, who is regarded as a genius by Kakashi and is so shocked!"]

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