【However, Uzumaki Naruto's clear battle ideas had already allowed him to use his left hand to seal and perform his attack ninjutsu while retreating.】

【A simple fire style fireball technique, launched at an extremely fast speed.】

【The blazing fire wave immediately forced Might Guy to dodge.】

【Uzumaki Naruto was able to catch his breath for a moment, and he used this extremely short time to quickly form a seal.】

【Shadow Clone Technique】

【At this time, Might Guy, like a beast, kicked with a powerful kick.】

【Hit Uzumaki Naruto's stomach directly, this is a move that can end the opponent with one kick】

【Might Guy has already revealed his signature smile, he thinks the battle is over】

【Uzumaki Naruto is indeed excellent, he admits, but it seems that he is still a little immature.】

【Of course, Might Guy was also secretly frightened in his heart, but fortunately he was decisive enough to open the sixth door in time and did not capsize in the ditch.......】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled, and shouted in the wind,"It's too early to think you've won now."】

【Might Guy reacted immediately because he felt something was entangled in his legs.】

【I was controlled by Uzumaki Naruto!】

【"Oops! He let me get close on purpose. This guy is using tactics!"】

【"His real purpose was not to distance himself from me, but on the contrary, to get closer to me!"】

【The next moment, Might Guy's hair suddenly stood up, and he felt that something extremely dangerous had appeared!】

【All he saw was that densely packed blue balls of light had lit up in front of his eyes and around him, which was very dazzling.】

【It was so powerful that Might Guy recognized it at a glance. It was the famous skill of the Fourth Hokage, the Rasengan.】

【Once you are hit by this thing, you will either die or be seriously injured!】

【Might Guy even saw Kakashi use a Rasengan to break the rock and create a hole more than one meter deep!】

【Might Guy's scalp was really tingling, because what appeared in front of him at this moment was not a Rasengan!】

【At this moment, I am being controlled! I am like a target!】

【"Unexpectedly, Uzumaki Naruto still took advantage of the opportunity. I didn't expect that his speed in performing ninjutsu would be so fast!"】

【"Moreover, he was just an eight or nine-year-old child. Why did he have such outstanding combat ideas?"】

【"Is this thing called talent?"】

【"And more! This kid is simply a chakra monster. How can he have so much chakra in his body?!"】

【At this moment, many thoughts went through Might Guy's mind.......】

【He suddenly remembered that before the battle with Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto had a childish and warm smile on his face.......】

【And asked if he could fight with all his strength.......】

【Might Guy suddenly felt that he was so stupid and foolish, as if he had been cheated!】

【"Despicable Naruto! You deceived me with your childish appearance!"】

【At this moment, Might Guy could finally empathize with Kakashi!】

【My scalp is tingling!】

【The duel between the two is coming to an end.】

【After all, if it was just a sparring match, Might Guy couldn't open the seventh gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, because that would be like risking his life.】


Next, everyone saw a very funny scene that they had never seen before.

【Might Guy actually opened the sixth gate of the Eight Gates to escape, not to fight the enemy!】

【This has never happened before!】

【Under the bombardment of Uzumaki Naruto's Rasengan, which was like a cannonball, Might Guy fled in a very embarrassing manner.......】

【Until the end, Might Guy had no choice but to surrender helplessly.......】

【"Ahem, okay, okay, I suddenly remembered that I have something urgent to do."】

【"That's all for today's discussion. See you next time."】

【Uzumaki Naruto stopped what he was doing, with a puzzled expression on his face.】

【"What's so important that we have to stop at such a critical moment?"】

【"As expected, he is Kakashi's best friend. Both of them have the same reason......."】

This scene was quite dramatic.

The audience in the live broadcast room were almost laughing like crazy.

Rock Lee,"Hahahaha, sorry teacher, I really can't stop laughing.""

"The way you ran away from the Rasengan bombardment was really funny and ridiculous."

Might Guy,"Hey, hey, hey, what does this have to do with me? That's me in the parallel world!" Tenten

,"I almost couldn't stand up straight because of laughing."

"The difference between Mr. Kai's face before and after the duel with Uzumaki Naruto is really huge, so cute."

Hinata Neji,"Teacher, your initial plan has completely failed."

"But I believe that the teacher is too disdainful to argue with Uzumaki Naruto"

"In fact, the teacher is fully capable of defeating Uzumaki Naruto, it's just a matter of opening one more door."......"

His face turned red.

He was so old, but he beat up a kid of eight or nine years old.

He still needed to open the seventh or even eighth gate?


The Might Guy in the parallel world was beaten, and it had nothing to do with the Might Guy in this world!

What is there to be ashamed of?

Guy,"Haha, my strength can still teach Naruto in this world a lesson!"

Uzumaki Naruto,"???"

Being misled?

Uchiha Madara,"Uzumaki Naruto's combat talent is too high"

"This is not only reflected in his combat strategy."

"And his use of Rasengan in battle"

"Don't forget, he just learned the Rasengan from Kakashi not long ago."

"Now I can use it skillfully in combat."

"It's really incredible.

"If we really give him some more time to research the Rasenshuriken,......"

"It's hard for Uzumaki Naruto not to walk sideways."

【Might Guy fled in panic, but returned just like Kakashi】

【He felt really wronged, so he could only complain to Naruto and leave a piece of advice.】

【"Naruto, let me give you a suggestion. Don't be so low-key in the future, just walk sideways in Konoha."】

【"Show your strength generously and fully, and let everyone admire you!"】

【"Otherwise, it is easy for some people to get hurt!"】

【Kai, who had overturned the car, left after saying this and quickly turned around and walked away.】

【This made Uzumaki Naruto feel a little puzzled, and he didn't know why the other party said that.】

【Uzumaki Naruto began to sit down and review the battle with Might Guy just now.】

【The opponent's physical skills experience made Uzumaki Naruto feel obsessed. He felt that he had made great progress.】

【"It is better to quietly possess strength so that you can convince others with virtue at the critical moment, which will be more convincing."】

【"As Kakashi's friend, Might Guy is indeed a good training target."】

【"I can't let this man go."】

【"We must try every possible means to squeeze out everything that can be learned from him."】

【On the other side, the depressed Might Guy met up with Kakashi, and he saw a playful smile flash across Kakashi's face.......】

【Might Guy immediately said angrily,"I can't beat that monster Uzumaki Naruto, but I can't beat you, a fake Kakashi?"】

【"You're not like Naruto, who has endless chakra!"】

【"If you are a real man, come and duel!"】


【Originally, Might Guy was seeking justice for Kakashi, but he decided to take his anger out on Kakashi.......】

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