Namikaze Minato,"Good boy, my Flying Thunder God 2nd stage was copied by him"

"He has completely mastered the essence of the Flying Thunder God Technique and has made great use of it."

"The speed of the enemy seems to be faster than mine."

"It seems that the training of nerve reaction speed during this period is indeed extremely effective."

"My reputation as the Golden Flash is really about to be surpassed by Naruto, haha."

Uchiha Madara,"What a terrifying fighting talent!""

"Compared with Uzumaki Naruto's strength, I think his greater strength lies in his calm mind and analysis of the current situation."

"Even for me, I'm afraid it would be difficult to analyze it in such a short time."

"But don’t forget that the current Uzumaki Naruto is just a child in his teens and he has not yet graduated from the Ninja School!"

"It is amazing that he could do such a stunning feat."

"It's incredible, I never thought of it."

Senju Hashirama,"I agree with Madara."

"Although Uzumaki Naruto has little combat experience, he always performs exceptionally well on the battlefield."

"His calm mind and ability to analyze the current situation are enough to prove that even without rich experience, he can still be invincible on the battlefield."

Senju Tobirama,"If Uzumaki Naruto is given more time to kill enemies on the battlefield, his growth will be even more rapid."

"By that time, no one will be able to stop Uzumaki Naruto on the battlefield."

"I'm afraid that in the entire ninja world, only my eldest brother is qualified to fight him."

Ohnoki,"Senju Hashirama is the god of the ninja world. He gave such a high evaluation, which shows that Uzumaki Naruto's strength is indeed good."

The fourth generation Raikage,"With the existence of Uzumaki Naruto, the pattern of the ninja world will definitely change"

"From now on, there shouldn't be any more fights between our villages."

"Strength will be overwhelmingly advantageous due to the presence of Uzumaki Naruto."

【The mysterious masked man, although not killed by Uzumaki Naruto's Rasengan, was indeed seriously injured and half crippled.】

【One of his arms was broken. His internal organs were ruptured and he kept coughing up blood.】

【The mysterious masked man was so angry that he yelled,"Uzumaki Naruto, Namikaze Minato, you are all bad guys!""】

【"When we have to settle accounts, I'll let you be arrogant for a while."】

【"I'm so angry, I'm really angry, I was beaten like this by these two men using the same moves"】

【"Uzumaki Naruto, this kid, although he is young, is even more ruthless than Minato Namikaze"】

【"Why didn’t we kill this little troublemaker back then?"】

【The mysterious masked man was so angry that he jumped up and down, but he had no choice but to sit down and take a rest.】

【He habitually recalled the battle with Uzumaki Naruto just now, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.】

【"I didn't expect that Uzumaki Naruto would grow so fast."】

【"Now, he has even learned the forbidden technique of Flying Thunder God, and he is even better than his teacher. He is faster than Minato Namikaze."】

【"In the future, it will be more difficult to remove the nine-tailed fox from his body."】

【"How could this kid be so talented? It's really a headache......."】

【The mysterious masked man was also shocked by the strength of Uzumaki Naruto.】

【"It is not an exaggeration to call Uzumaki Naruto the number one genius in the ninja world. I hate geniuses the most. Those who are called geniuses are not good people."】

【The mysterious masked man became gloomy】

【I don't know what he was thinking about, but after a long time, he left the outskirts of Konoha. 】

Mei Terumi,"Sure enough, our guess just now was right. The arrival of this mysterious mask is aimed at the Nine-Tails in Uzumaki Naruto's body, and he is going to implement a capture plan."

"There must be a huge conspiracy behind this."

"Could it be that the mysterious masked man is going to use the Nine-Tails to rule the entire ninja world?"

Ohnoki, there is more than 90% chance that this is the case."

"The other party has been plotting for a long time and definitely has great ambitions."

Senju Hashirama,"Is there a possibility that this mysterious masked man wants to gather all nine tailed beasts?"

"The purpose is to have absolute power to rule the world."

"From this perspective, capturing the Nine-Tailed Fox is only part of their plan.."

"Therefore, the mysterious masked man and the forces behind him need time to prepare, which gives Uzumaki Naruto time to grow."

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, I think your analysis makes sense."

"If that happens, the ninja world will be in trouble again."

"It would be a pity if the war we had finally ended with so much effort would be plunged into turmoil again because of someone's selfish desire."

Uzumaki Kushina,"No matter what, we must believe that our Naruto has the strength to resolve these crises."

"There is nothing wrong with what he said."

"In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is vulnerable and useless."

Namikaze Minato,"Yes, Naruto was able to embarrass the mysterious masked man this time. Next time we meet, Naruto will definitely become stronger."

"The mysterious masked man might not even be able to raise his head in front of Naruto, and he still wants to capture the Nine-Tails? Wishful thinking"

【This confrontation with the mysterious masked man gave Uzumaki Naruto a rough idea of his strength level.】

【"This guy's unique space ninjutsu is really hard to deal with, and he is elusive. If you can't beat him, he can run away immediately."】

【"If you want to really kill him, you need to be stronger and be able to kill him with one strike."】

【"I am still not strong enough to keep him at the moment we met. I need to continue practicing."】

【Uzumaki Naruto quickly analyzed the battle situation just now and learned from it.】

【"However, I also took advantage of the time when I used the Rasengan to attack the opponent and left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on his body."】

【"As long as the time is right, you can teleport to his side in an instant and kill him."】

【"Besides, the other party was injured so badly by me that he would definitely not dare to come to Konoha for a while."】

【"According to the original plan, first kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo."】

【Uzumaki Naruto returned to the street where he parted with Hyuga Hinata】

【Hyuga Hinata is waiting anxiously】

【Seeing Naruto coming back, he immediately grabbed the corner of his clothes and asked】

【"Naruto-kun, what happened just now? Did you chase a strong enemy? Are you injured?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and touched Hinata Hyuga's head and said】

【"Don't worry, little Hinata, that mysterious masked man suffered a great loss"】

【"Okay, I won't walk with you today. I need to go back quickly to figure out some things inside, review the situation with Sasuke, and discuss tactics."】

【To ensure that, in the future, the killing of the mysterious masked man is foolproof】

【Uzumaki Naruto was thinking about how to cooperate with Uchiha Sasuke to make the killing move more effective.】

【Hyuga Hinata nodded obediently and said】

【"Okay, Naruto-kun, your business is the most important. I can walk back by myself......."】


【Suddenly, Uzumaki Naruto squatted down, put one hand through Hinata Hyuga's legs, and put the other hand on her back, using force to pick up Princess Hinata Hyuga.】

【"I'll take you back directly, it's faster."】

【When Hyuga Hinata realized that she was being held by Uzumaki Naruto, her face immediately turned red and she couldn't say anything.】

【My body became weak and I felt like I was going to faint.】

【In a daze, she only felt the wind blowing past her ears, and the huge round moon set off them, becoming the background】

【Hinata Hyuga raised her head and looked at Uzumaki Naruto at this moment. She felt that he was extremely handsome. It completely touched her heart.】

【"It would be great if I could walk with Naruto-kun forever......."】

【Hinata Hyuga, who was really shy, fainted. This level of stimulation was too much for her.......】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Minato, you look familiar."

"That year, when I was captured by those people, you rescued me in the same way."

"It was also at that moment that I fell in love with you. A similar scene today was staged by Naruto."

"The means of chasing girls are all in your blood. It's inherited, right?"

Namikaze Minato,"Hahahaha, Naruto is different from me, obviously he has more potential"

"Back then, I held you because you were about to fall."

"But looking at Naruto, he is completely proactive."

"But speaking of it, Naruto is really talented, whether it is in ninjutsu training or in the aspect of passing on the family line, he is excellent."

Hinata Hyuga,"So romantic, but really so shy, how can Naruto-kun be like this?"

"How could he hold me and gallop under the moon when so many people saw it?"

Yamanaka Ino,"It's too much, it's really too much, why don't I get such treatment?"

Haruno Sakura,"You're going to cry with envy, okay?"

"The Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is a scumbag. I don't want to like him anymore. Woohoo"

【Originally, according to convention, Uzumaki Naruto was going to send Hyuga Hinata to her doorstep.】

【But it was discovered that Hyuga Hinata fainted from shyness.】

【Uzumaki Naruto had no choice but to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to send Hyuga Hinata into her boudoir. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

【Then quickly left】

【When the guards who followed Hyuga Hinata came back and reported the incident to Hyuga Hiashi, Hyuga Hiashi expressed that he was also helpless.......】

【"This brat, next time I see him, I will definitely have a good talk with him!"

Uzumaki Kushina,"My dear, please visit us more often when you have time." Hyuga Hiashi


"Uzumaki Naruto of this world, I warn you in advance, if you dare to learn that, I will definitely break your dog legs."

Uzumaki Naruto,"......"

"Don't worry, I definitely won't, because I don't know the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"But I can't tell in the future......"

"Haha, I'm kidding. Now I have ambitious goals."

Uzumaki Kushina,"I believe that as long as Naruto has a goal, he will be able to grow up quickly."

"Mom is waiting for you to become the golden light of Konoha"

【After returning, Uzumaki Naruto informed Uchiha Sasuke of the information about the battle against the mysterious masked man.】

【After some analysis, the two decided to practice more combination skills in the future.】

【Although Uchiha Sasuke is much weaker than Uzumaki Naruto in terms of strength, his Sharingan has a strange ability.】

【At the critical moment, he will be a good hand at finishing off the opponent with a sneak attack.】

【After that, in addition to daily training, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke will also learn more combat experience, history, humanities and other diverse knowledge from Kakashi and Jiraiya.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke also understand one thing better】

【Sometimes, the war in the ninja world is fought over information gap, that is, intelligence.】

【As for ninjutsu, Uzumaki Naruto is also perfect. He has learned all five ninjutsu, including some strange ninjutsu from Jiraiya.】

【In this process, he also created many ninjutsu】

【In the eyes of Kakashi and Jiraiya, in the future, Uzumaki Naruto will surpass the achievements of Senju Tobirama】

【In this way, time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was time to graduate from Ninja School.】

【It was finally time for Uzumaki Naruto to think that he could not improve anything in the village.】

【".It's time to go out and see more wars and gain experience."】

【"Sasuke, when we come back, it will be time for us to take revenge and kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo."】

【Uchiha Sasuke nodded heavily and said】

【"I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I am always ready. My knife has been sharpened."】

【"He needs to see blood."】

【The two of them bumped fists and laughed together.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were assigned to Team 7, with Kakashi as their instructor, leading them on their mission.】

【According to general regulations, there are three people in a class.】

【Haruno Sakura was assigned to come in】

【Kakashi, who knew the purpose of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, soon received the first mission.】

【This is a C-rank mission, to protect the bridge-building expert Dazna from the Wave Country and bring him back to his country.】

【For Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, the level of the mission is not much different.】

【The more important point is that they are going to travel outside and start sharpening their knives. 】

Shikamaru,"Suddenly I have a feeling that the outside world will become bloody because of the appearance of the two of them."

Yamanaka Ino,"Let me mourn for Zabuza in advance."

"I hope this guy can have some foresight and not die too miserably."

Zabuza,"I feel so panicked. I'm afraid that I will soon see myself in the parallel world being cut into eight pieces by Qian Li and die miserably in front of me."

Bai,"Sir Zabuza, I will be with you no matter what."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Actually, you don't need to panic too much. I feel that Uzumaki Naruto and I in the parallel world are not very interested in your level."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I think what Sasuke said makes sense."

"After all, Zabuza, your seal-making speed is so slow"

"If you encounter me from a parallel world, you just raised your hand to make a seal, but I, on the other side, have already released the Rasengan Shuriken and hit you......."

"Your level is too low, there is no point in killing you."


【The journey escorting bridge-building expert Dazna was very boring.】

【Of course, the boring part here means that the whole journey is very dull, and there are no enemies that jump up and down one after another.】

【Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and the others did not waste time on the road, they created shadow clones and continued to practice and study.】

【After walking for more than a week】

【The enemy finally appeared for the first time. They were two ninjas wearing Mist Hidden Headguards.】

【There was a horizontal line on their foreheads, clearly they were rebels from the Land of Water.】

【Kakashi told Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke about some of the situations in the Land of Water.】

【At present, the Wuying Village is experiencing the period of the Blood Mist Village. In the village, extremely high-pressure policies prevail.】

【This led to many ninjas defecting.】

【In fact, Uzumaki Naruto was somewhat interested in the brutal Mist Shadow Village at that time.】

【Now, he is going to a chaotic place, where he can kill people and see blood.】

【Anyway, the Wuying Village is already in chaos enough, so it shouldn't matter if he goes in there to cause more trouble.】

【As for the two Mist Shadow Ninjas, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, they had no interest in fighting against each other. They were obviously not good enough.】

【Kakashi, the leader of the team, was also helpless. He turned around and signaled to Haruno Sakura.】

【Haruno Sakura immediately looked nervous and stepped forward to fight the enemy.】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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