Orochimaru,"Don't hesitate any longer, quickly send the seal method to Uzumaki Naruto."

"Let him do the research quickly, this thing is too great, it cannot be delayed."

Orochimaru of this world also got excited at this moment.

Scientific research is equivalent to a second life for him.

Kabuto Yakushi,"Lord Orochimaru, calm down."

Tobirama Senju,"I can understand how Orochimaru feels."

"You ordinary people don't understand the fun of development techniques."

Mei Terumi,"I watched Orochimaru go from refusing at the beginning to being impatient now."

"Sure enough, men are fickle."

"Don't say that Kabuto Yakushi worships Uzumaki Naruto. I now worship Uzumaki Naruto even more. He is really amazing."

"In him, there is infinite brilliance"

"Even when I look at it, I feel like I can't open my eyes, it's so dazzling"

"What a great woman she must be to be this man's wife and follow him.���There must be a lot of pressure."

"I want to back off. I'm not worthy of Uzumaki Naruto......."

Yamanaka Ino,"You shouldn't have thought that way in the first place."

Hyuga Hinata,"Yes, at the beginning, you thought too much."

【After calming down a bit, Kabuto Yakushi looked at Orochimaru and couldn't help wanting to send the curse seal method to Uzumaki Naruto, so he also asked】

【"Lord Orochimaru, I think you can calm down first."】

【"I think this is Uzumaki Naruto's way of attacking people's hearts"】

【"Now you are completely passive."】

【"What if you give him the method of curse sealing, and Uzumaki Naruto doesn't share the new method with you after he figures it out?"】

【"You don't get any benefit at all, but become a tool for others."】

【Orochimaru laughed,"So what?"】

【"As long as the seal can be improved, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me the principle."】

【"As long as I see a better curse, I can get some inspiration from this."】

【"With my talent, there will be new breakthroughs."】

【"You will never understand the joy of research."】

【"What a pity, the one who understood me was actually my enemy Uzumaki Naruto, who was just a teenager."】

【Pharmacist Pocket,"......"】

【He couldn't say anything more.】

【It is clear that Orochimaru is completely controlled by Uzumaki Naruto and cannot get out of his hands.】

【"However, this is also a good thing. Being an enemy of Uzumaki Naruto will not end well."】

【Yakushi Kabuto thought to himself, and even felt a little happy.......】

"I've seen it a long time ago, Lord Orochimaru, sorry for Uzumaki Naruto."

"Now this is really happening......"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto is really born to be a leader."

Orochimaru,"Don't underestimate me. It seems that I am being controlled by Uzumaki Naruto and am at a disadvantage."

"But later, there will definitely be a reversal"

"I will learn it quickly after he develops the upgraded version of the curse."

"Then he developed it and, in turn, suppressed Uzumaki Naruto"

"Hahahaha, just wait and see, I will definitely do this."

Senju Tobirama,"Orochimaru, your idea is too ridiculous, it's simply a daydream, how is this possible?"

"If you really have the ability to overtake"

"At the beginning, I directly researched and developed a perfect version of the curse."

"Instead of being controlled by Uzumaki Naruto and asking him to help you perfect yourself, you won't be controlled by Uzumaki Naruto now."

Uchiha Madara,"Orochimaru, you'd better face the reality and stop thinking about things you shouldn't think about. It's ridiculous." Senju

Hashirama,"Hahaha, you still have to have dreams, Orochimaru, you should work hard to surpass them.""

"I hope you can achieve this goal one day in the future.

Although Senju Hashirama said this

, Orochimaru felt that Senju Hashirama was the most sarcastic among these people.......

【On the other side, Uzumaki Naruto found a place and began to study fairy arts.】

【The Nine-Tails has already explained the principles of the celestial art to Uzumaki Naruto】

【In fact, it is to combine the natural energy existing in nature with the chakra energy and spiritual energy in a certain ratio to produce the fairy chakra.】

【The difficulty of practicing this thing lies mainly in the fact that ordinary people cannot perceive natural energy at all.】

【Although, it exists around people】

【Moreover, if one wants to practice the Immortal Technique Mode, one needs a huge amount of chakra.】

【The Nine-Tails also told Uzumaki Naruto that natural energy is a thing that can be said to be good or dangerous.】

【That is, if the absorbed natural energy is not in good proportion with the chakra in the body,】

【If there is too much natural energy, it will devour the body. 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Completely become a part of nature】

【Fortunately, this is not a danger to Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Because the Nine-Tailed Fox is born with the ability to absorb natural energy.】

【In other words, if Uzumaki Naruto wants to practice the Senjutsu mode, he needs the Nine-Tails to assist him.】

【In this way, when he finds that he has absorbed too much natural energy and Uzumaki Naruto is in danger, he can immediately discharge the natural energy.】

【Uzumaki Naruto started his first fairy technique training】

【Because of his hard training since childhood, Uzumaki Naruto's control of chakra and spiritual power is already very abnormal and amazing.】

【Extracting the fairy chakra became very simple for him.】

【It's just another kind of energy being manipulated.】

【There was almost no sign of losing control. Uzumaki Naruto quickly completed the first refining of Senjutsu Chakra.】

【And, this process is very stable.】


"Uzumaki Naruto is so terrifying. He actually succeeded in his training right away. Is he kidding me?"

"Although I know that Uzumaki Naruto's talent in cultivation is amazing, but that is a fairy technique. Can he succeed in cultivating it in one go?"

"This is simply cheating, okay? It's so unfair!."

Jiraiya had practiced immortal arts before.

He recalled how hard it was for him to practice at that time.

Compared to now, it was easy for Uzumaki Naruto to practice.

His mentality collapsed.

"At that time, when I first started practicing immortal arts at Myōboku Mountain, I had to smear toad oil all over my body."

"With this sticky thing, you can sense the natural energy."

"Moreover, if you are not careful when absorbing natural energy, your body will turn into a toad"

"If you are not careful again, you will be petrified."

"If you completely turn into a stone toad, you will be gone."

"There are many stone toads on the back hill of Myōboku Mountain. They are all caused by their failure in cultivating immortal arts."

"Such a dangerous magic mode, if you are not careful, you will be assimilated by nature......."

"Uzumaki Naruto......How could he cultivate so easily in a place outside the three holy places?"

"It is true that I am not afraid of comparing products, but I am afraid of comparing people. Comparing people with others will really make me angry to death."

"The point is, his cultivation speed is indeed ridiculously fast!"

"do you know?"

"At that time, it took me more than a month to successfully absorb natural energy."

"Not to mention, it is necessary to properly mix this natural energy with one's own chakra and spiritual power......."

Kakashi,"From Jiraiya-sama's anger and grief, I can see"

"He did suffer a lot when he was learning the immortal arts mode."

"I understand your feelings. After all, I once taught Uzumaki Naruto......."

"In fact, teaching a genius is actually a pain......."

"It is better to teach those who are not so smart but willing to learn."

"For example, Sakura. And Sasuke."

Uchiha Sasuke 4.9,"......"

Haruno Sakura,"......"

Orochimaru,"Okay, Jiraiya, stop talking. Do you think I can't see it? You're just showing off."

"I also went to Ryuchi Cave, one of the three great celestial places, and I haven't learned the sage mode yet, so don't show off."

Senju Hashirama,"Ah, really?"

"This mode is indeed difficult."

"But it's not as difficult as you say."

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, don't talk in this situation, it's easy to make them angry to death." Gamabunta

,"I can't help it, because Uzumaki Naruto has the Nine-Tails."

"Natural energy is really nothing to him."

"Just absorb it casually"

"In fact, although the fairy mode has a very high threshold, it is easy for those who know how to do it, and difficult for those who don't know how to do it."

"Simply put, it depends on whether you have this destiny. If you have this destiny, you will be able to"

"If you don't have this fate, you won't be able to learn it even if you practice to death."




Without comparison, there is no harm. The world is so unfair!". Hạnh

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