There was silence in the cave where the mysterious masked man was.

The more he watched the movie, the more frightened he felt.

He couldn't help but mourn for his parallel world self.

"The parallel world's Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are too strong. It is absolutely impossible for me in that world to complete the plan."

This made him feel sad.

The mysterious masked man thought of various ways to deal with it.

In the end, he could only come to one conclusion. There was only one end for him in the parallel world.

That was to hide and no longer think about his grand plan.

Even so, he was afraid that he would be discovered by Uzumaki Naruto one day and killed.


"But it's okay, this is not a parallel world"

"In this world, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are still very weak and insignificant. My plan can still be implemented......."

【Sarutobi Hiruzen found someone to ask Hinata Hiashi to come to the Hokage Building to talk at"450"】

【Hyuga Hiashi has made his position clear, so he will not go to Sarutobi Hiruzen's summons.】

【This made Sarutobi Hiruzen very angry and even made him feel quite sad.】

【The gap between the two is too big, and it happened too fast.】

【It seems that not long ago】

【He is still the most powerful man in Konoha】

【With his powerful strength and accumulated reputation, he shocked the world and was respected by everyone.】

【At that time, even if he wanted to kill the brother of the Hyuga clan leader, the Hyuga clan could only do it and did not dare to say anything.】

【But now, Sarutobi Hiruzen just wants to summon Hyuga Hiashi to talk.】

【The other party openly ignored his orders and refused to obey......】

【"The Hyuga clan is simply a fence-sitter. They will stick to whichever side has the most power."】

【"This is the bad habit of old families......."】

Hinata Hiashi,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you old man, what else do you have to pretend?"

"You're about to die, but you still can't recognize your situation, right?"

"You also said that our Hyuga clan is fence-sitters. It's just that you, Sarutobi Hiruzen, have no vision."

"You are just not wise at all. You played a terrible game of chess, and you still have the nerve to say this."

Hinata Hizashi,"That's right, it's ridiculous."

"When you forced my Hyuga clan to hand over our people and forced me to death"

"You should have thought that there would be a day like this."

"It's a great relief!"

The Hyuga clan and Sarutobi Hiruzen have been grudged for a long time.

In the live viewing room, they vented their emotions.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say anything, he just felt the grief of the rabbit's death.


This is Sarutobi Hiruzen in a parallel world, who suffered such treatment.

But if you watch the movie in the live viewing room like this......

When the movie is released, the treatment he will receive in this world will probably not be much better.

"If there is really no way to survive, then we will just do a one-for-one exchange and see who gets unlucky!"

【After much thought, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to take the initiative to find Hyuga Hiashi. It was necessary to talk to him.】

【If Hyuga Hiashi could stand by me, there might be hope of a comeback.......】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen still holds on to his fantasy】

【But in fact, deep in his heart, he already knew that he was just struggling to survive.】

【But people who are about to drown have a strong instinct to survive.......】

【Hinata Hiashi didn't expect that Sarutobi Hiruzen would come directly to his house to talk with him.】

【There was a mocking look on his face.】

【The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was once the most powerful person in Konoha, has become so humble now.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen was very angry, but he could do nothing about it.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen sorted out his emotions and suddenly sighed.】

【"Hiashi, you must be resentful of me for forcing you, Hinata Issuke, to hand over the murderer. But what could I do at that time?"】

【"You've experienced what the situation was like back then, you know, I have no choice"】

【"If we don't give those hateful guys an explanation, they will start another war, but Konoha at that time couldn't afford a war."】

【"From the perspective of the overall situation, I have no choice but to do so"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen tried his best to gain sympathy, but it did not make Hinata Hiashi sympathize with him.】

【He actually felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen was disgusting.】

【He paints his own weakness and selfishness so beautifully. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The glare from Hinata Hiashi's eyes made him look even more cold and ruthless, and the mockery in his eyes was evident.】

【Now that the cards have been laid bare, there is nothing to hide.】

【"Sarutobi Hiruzen, don't think that you are the only smart person in the world, the only one who knows how to play political conspiracies and psychological tactics."】

【"What did you mean by that? We all know it."】

【"First, you are weak. You are afraid that your position will be challenged and unstable.."】

【"In that position, you have enjoyed too much respect, you have become corrupt, and you dare not fight again, you are afraid of accidents."】

【"You are no longer the famous third generation you once were. You have become a person who is greedy for pleasure."】

【"Second, that behavior is simply your political conspiracy."】

【"You just think that our Hyuga clan is an old family and want to completely control us."】

【"They are afraid that we will not obey, so they use the means of coercion to suppress us, which is also a warning."】

【"I'm afraid that if Hinata Hiashi didn't listen to you and hand over the murderer that year"】

【"Will also have the same fate as the Uchiha clan"】

【"Sarutobi Hiruzen, there is actually no point in you coming to see me today. The root of the disaster was already planted that day."】

【At this moment, Hyuga Hiashi burst out with his majesty as the head of the clan.】

【Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen, he was extremely tough and completely broke off relations with him.】

【There is a fundamental contradiction between the two parties, which cannot be reconciled, not to mention that Sarutobi Hiruzen is a dying man.】

【Hinata Hiashi is not afraid that this old man will counterattack and kill him before his death.】

【Hyuga Hiashi himself is very powerful, even if he is not a match for Sarutobi Hiruzen, the ninjutsu master.】

【Saving lives is still possible】

【In that case, there is no need to give him face.】

【At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned pale】

【He thought that he had come to Hinata Hiashi to talk about something in a humble manner.】

【The other party will show some sincerity】

【Even if it's just 2.6 on the surface, it's still good】

【But he did not expect that the Hyuga clan, who had been suppressed by him, would be so tough.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen's murderous intent surged, and at this moment he really wanted to take action】

【Killing the chicken to scare the monkey】

【To remind the other families who are still preparing to make a move in the dark, the boss of Konoha is still Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【But the consequences later on still made him sober up and he couldn't do that.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his face away and stood up and left】

【Hinata Hiashi's laughter could be heard from afar, it was very harsh!】

【His face turned green with anger!】

【But there is nothing I can do!】

【I almost vomited blood from depression!】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that all these changes and the confidence of Hyuga Hiashi were given by Uzumaki Naruto.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto! You are such a nuisance!"】

【"It's no wonder that people call you a fox demon. You are the scourge of a cholera village!"】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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