Even though size does not equal strength. But if the size reaches a certain level, people can't help but feel fear. And the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)' is so huge that even if it does not match the legendary power, it still makes people feel that it is not something that can be competed with.

No one has ever thought about going to trouble the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)'. First of all, they don't have the courage, they are not full and full, and they are bored and want to find the feeling of death. Secondly, the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)' has always been flying in the dimensional gap, always looking like that harmless to humans and animals, and indifferent to the world.

What's more, the interdimensional space is not small, and it has disorienting characteristics. Trying to find the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (GreatRed)' inside is undoubtedly similar to finding a needle in a haystack. Another point is that the strength of the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (GreatRed)' is too powerful and intimidating, and it is not something that ordinary people dare to peek into.

Nowadays, it seems that there will never be any intersection.���, appeared in front of everyone steadily like this

"Hao......"With a solemn look on her face, Rias slowly and heavily walked to Li Hao's side and shouted softly. Obviously, she wanted him to make up his mind on how to deal with the Dragon God outside.

"Its target is obviously Orpheus!"An unprecedented serious expression appeared on Li Hao's face. He was facing the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)', an opponent that no one in the world dared to despise."To be precise, it doesn't want to see the Great Red Emperor. Faith stepped into the dimensional gap and wanted to drive her outside!"

"......."Ophis clenched his teeth, his delicate face expressionless, his eyes like black pearls staring intently at the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)' outside, rarely showing anger.

The dimensional gap is the place where she was born, and it can be said to be her hometown. The 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)' had driven her away for countless years, but he was still not satisfied. Just getting involved in this, it can't wait to appear

"——Ouch!"'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)' raised his head and roared, causing the entire dimensional gap to shake, forming a strong sound wave, causing the train to shake violently.

Suddenly, the dimensional gap became extremely distorted, and it was very A hole was soon opened, and the entrance to the other end was obviously outside.

It was immediately clear that the True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red) did not want to destroy the train. But he wants Orpheus inside the train to leave the dimensional gap and never get involved again.

"That's too much to deceive......"Li Hao sighed and said to himself:"Do you want to do it?"

Rias and the others couldn't help but jump when they heard this. However, it is not impossible to imagine that this is not possible

‘The True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red) is great. Some people dare to deny it. But here, there is Ophis on the same level as it. Moreover, those who control the will and power of God are not vegetarians.

The gods recorded in the Bible are also on the same level as the two dragon gods. However, after sealing the Imperial Beast 666, which was also at that level, his strength plummeted and he fell in the battle between the three major forces.

Of course, Li Hao only inherited the power left by the god. Naturally, it cannot be the power of the god in his heyday. He should have sealed away the imperial beast 666, which is close to the god during that war.

But again, if you have the power to damage that level, you can break the defense. If we add another Orpheus, the result will be hard to say.

"——Ouch!!"'True Red Dragon God Emperor (GreatRed)' roared again, pretending to tell you to get out of here.

"——I wipe it!"Li Hao took out the Holy Spear without hesitation.

Just because this thing occupies the dimensional gap does not mean that it has it. Speaking of which, Orpheus, who was born in the dimensional gap, is the real master. And 'True· The Red Dragon God Emperor (GreatRed)', although it flies eternally in the dimensional gap and considers itself the master of the dimensional gap, it was born in illusory fantasy.


At this moment, there was a sound of earth shattering. The dimensional gap seemed to have been hit hard, shaking wildly, with an expression that could break at any time. This has never happened before, and the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor' (GreatRed) was shocked, turning the giant faucet and feeling at a loss.

In fact, not only the dimensional gap, but also the situation in the outside world was not much better

, as if it was in a doomsday-like crisis, with endless storms. Tsunami, changes in the sky, thunder......Waiting for a huge disaster to strike suddenly. People are frightened, panicked, frightened, fearful, sad, hysterical, desperate......, but it is of no use at all. The doomsday disaster has not stopped.

And the heaven, underworld, and Xitianling Mountain that depend on the human world......In other major worlds, the situation is not much better. In the face of such an inexplicable and irresistible natural disaster, gods, Buddhas and demon kings......The existences that transcend mortals also appear to be very small and powerless to stop all this.

"Taishi, was it you?"Li Hao understood a little bit.

"hehe......"With a sound like the ringing of wind chimes, the suffocatingly adorable little girl, like a fairy, appeared in mid-air with easy steps, pounced on Li Hao, and pressed her little head firmly into his arms. With an expression of enjoyment, he shouted softly,"Master!"

"nailed it?"Li Hao couldn't help but ask. Taishi appeared so arrogantly, the answer was obviously close to ten.

"certainly!"Taishi raised his head proudly, put on a very proud, please come and praise me look, and said:"For the master, I work hard day and night. Finally, it was completed a little earlier than expected. Isn’t it amazing, Master?".......................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically............................._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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