"If God dies, then he dies. Even without Him, the earth will still turn."Li Hao said nonchalantly. Speaking of which, he is not a believer in God. He doesn't care at all whether God is alive or dead.

"......Liar,......Liar."After receiving the confirmation, Aisha, Xenovia and Irina Zitou lost their strength, and immediately knelt on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Active believers of God, servants of God, take serving God as their duty, and serve God as their own duty. It exists for the purpose of living. But now that God is dead and has been denied, it is natural that the reason for living is lost.

This is not bad.

A crazy believer like that, whose heart is broken and cannot accept it, may commit suicide on the spot to accompany God.

Seeing the miserable state of Xenovia and Irina Purple Teng, Kirkbolt smiled happily and said,"Human beings are a lot of fragile people who don't have the balance and law functions of the God's heart.

It's natural not to tell you.

We fallen angels and demons did not inform the lower levels of this truth.

No matter who it is, everyone thinks that the information that God is dead cannot be revealed.

Therefore, even among the three major forces, only some people at the top know the truth.


"After that battle, the angels lost their gods, the demons lost all the demon kings and most of the higher-level demons, and the fallen angels lost almost all fallen angels except for the cadres. All three parties had entered a state of exhaustion, and they judged that there was no point in continuing to fight. , armistice~~~!!!"

"——ah! Why should we cease the war? Why should we cease the war? Why not continue to fight? Isn’t the purpose of war to produce a result?

Kokbol roared angrily, unceremoniously accusing his superior Azazel, and said angrily:"Damn Azazel, you obviously lost most of your subordinates, why did you say that you will not start a second war?" 'Such a declaration!! I can't stand it! I can't stand it! Keep going, maybe we will win!! What is the value of a fallen angel who lives with a human artifact owner?"

"Even if I were alone, I would start a war! We need to prove to Sirzechs and Michael that we fallen angels are the strongest!"Koke Bol fell into a state of madness and said angrily.

He was so crazy that for his own selfishness, he wanted to let the three parties fight again and plunge the three worlds into disaster. Rias and the others stared at Kirk Bol with their mouths open, feeling that he Just crazy

"Want to take medicine?"Li Hao couldn't help but ask. He told the voices of everyone present without reservation.

Kirkbol glared at Li Hao and said bitterly:"You bastard Holy Spear holder, don't stop me! If you like women, I have a bunch of beauties here for you to choose from!"

"You think too much, Rias is the only one!"Li Hao took out his ears and said with a mocking grin.

"——Hao!"Being announced like this in front of a large audience, Rias' pretty face showed a blush of joy and a hint of shyness.

"——Then go die!"

Ten black wings spread out behind Kokbol, and he grabbed each one with both hands. Two condensed swords of light fell on him and swooped down.

In an instant, he was in front of Li Hao, and the slash fell.

"——boom! boom!"

The holy spear that fell in Li Hao's hand, under his superb control skills, danced like a spiritual snake. All of a sudden, he blocked the incoming lightsaber and counterattacked. However, Kirkbol deserved It was a fallen angel cadre who had experienced that battle and had sufficient combat experience. It was difficult for Li Hao to counterattack for a while.

"snort!"Li Hao snorted softly and poured spiritual power into the holy spear. Suddenly, the holy spear burst out with dazzling sacred light, strong fluctuations shook the air, and produced a series of muffled sounds that shook the void. It was visible to the naked eye that it rippled through the space. ripples

"——!"Kirkbolt was startled, and he suddenly moved forward with his lightsaber, trying to resist the sweeping gun barrel.

"——Click! ——Crack!"With two crisp sounds, the condensed lightsaber was shattered and turned into light fragments scattered in the air. The strong aftermath knocked Kirkbolt away.

Standing up slightly embarrassed, Kirkbol looked at Li Hao's His eyes were full of horror.

The host of the most powerful god-killing tool, the True Longinus, could not be underestimated. He had been prepared for it for a long time, but he never expected that he would be so powerful.

It hasn't reached this point yet.——‘The Holy Spear of Zhen Ming Bai Ye can suppress him and beat him. To be able to control the holy spear so freely, it is impossible not to control the ultimate realm of the divine weapon. And once he enters the hand-banned state, doesn't it mean he can be easily killed?

In particular, the 'Bahui' that restores God's will and power!

When he thought of God's power, Kokbol trembled all over, and fear flashed in his blood-red pupils. He has seen the power of God and knows that he cannot compete with it!

In that war, none of the four major Seraphim in the heavens died, and not many other angels died. This is not because of God, it is almost because of Him who has withstood the pressure from both demons and fallen angels. Even if he falls, the other two parties will also be greatly damaged. All the demon kings are gone, and almost all the fallen angel cadres are gone.

"——Damn it! war!! I need war!! It doesn’t end here!!!"Kokebol's face was distorted and ferocious, and he roared at everyone.

"buzz buzz buzz~~~~~~!"

Waves of mocha sounds sounded in the air, and in the dark night sky, countless light guns shining with golden light were condensed. Countless spears of light floating in the air shrouded the area, and the tips of the spears were aimed at everyone present.

This situation is so terrifying. Once such a large number of light spears are scattered in this town, they can turn the town into ruins in an instant. But when they are concentrated and fired at the target, the power produced is simply unimaginable.

Kirkbolt fully displayed his demon king-level power. It is clearly understood that only those of the same level as the Demon King can fight against each other. There is a despairing gap between the Demon King level and below, which is irreparable......................New books are on the shelves. Please subscribe, collect, and automatically..........................

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