Chapter 111 The scariest thing in the haunted house.

The team in the haunted house moved forward very quickly, and soon it was Hayata and his group’s turn.

However, three groups of eleven people was too much, so they had to divide the people into two groups.

The former group consists of the four Hayama plus O-sensei and Totsuka, while the latter group consists of Hayata and four girls.

Ever since he learned on the train that Ebina had a very handsome and powerful boyfriend, Tobe was completely confused.

He never went to Ebina’s side again, and Hayata and the others were happy and free, and no longer needed to act.

More than a minute after Hayama and the others entered, Hayata and others also entered the haunted house.

“Hayabusa~ It feels so scary~”

As soon as he entered, Miura pretended to be in the arms of Hayabusa.

【Your acting is too fake. Fortunately, we are all our own people here. 】

Although he thought so in his heart, Hayata still followed the performance.

Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing for Miura to be alone

“Don’t worry, I’m here. I will protect you.”

Shunta patted his chest in assurance, and at the same time, he calmly hugged Miura’s slender waist.

【It seems that Yuko is already robbing…ah…what’s next? 】

Duanzi’s little head has forgotten the words.

Although Tuanzi was helpless about the arrest of yet another of her best friends, there was nothing she could do about it. Who made her like Hayata so much?

Well, as for the effect of the talent of loving best friends, and the fact that Mrs. Falcon is strong, these are just details.

As soon as you enter the haunted house, the first thing you see is a video playing.

The content of this video is very simple. It reminds tourists that the ghosts here are actors pretending to be actors, so don’t punch or kick them.

——When such a disappointing thing appears here, Hayata can imagine the bloody lesson behind it.

Just like what he saw while riding the subway in his previous life – all kinds of weird and forbidden matters, they all have profound lessons.

After walking past the place where the video was played, it officially started. They seemed to have entered a completely different space.

The background of this haunted house is set in the Edo period. The interior is dark with only minimal lighting. Those lightings are specially arranged to guide the visitors’ sight and make some creepy things clearly emerge.

After the visible range of the eyes is restricted, props will fly out from the dark place to scare people.

Because of this environment, although Hayama and others only came in a short time earlier than Hayata and the others, they could only hear screams from time to time.

【If this were Kudo, he would definitely rush over to see if there was any case happening. 】

Mumbling in his heart, Hayata’s footsteps did not pause at all.

“Good can……”

Miura was about to continue pretending to be weak, but was interrupted by a sudden and strange laughter.:

“Hey hey hey……”


She was so frightened that she hugged Hayata tightly, as if she wanted to integrate herself into Hayata’s body.

On the other side of Hayata, Dango was also startled by the sudden weird laughter.

Relatively speaking, it was still Hayabusa is relatively calm

——After knowing in advance that it was all fake, the feeling was still different and not so scary.

Hayata turned his head and looked towards the place where the sound came from, and then there was a black line on his face.

“Hey hey hey……”

It turns out that it was Ebina who made that weird laugh.

Because of the screams from Tobe and the others in front of him, Ebina’s special brain circuit started to think about the rotten man’s direction again.

“Alas! What’s the weird noise again this time?……”

This time Kawasaki, who always looked calm, couldn’t help it anymore. She was also frightened to death and grabbed the hem of Hayata’s clothes, looking for a sense of security.

Hayabusa felt like her clothes were about to be taken off by her

【It turns out that the scariest thing in this haunted house is Ebina. ]

Hayabusa came to this shocking conclusion

“It’s Ebina, don’t worry.”

Shunta hugged Miura and Dango and comforted the three of them. Only then did they dare to turn around and look. After discovering that it was indeed Ebina, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

But, they never let go of their hands again..

In this way, Hayata continued to move forward one after another.

This state continued until they left the haunted house.

“Finally, it’s finally over…it’s really scary……”

Dango was always in a state of tension in the haunted house. She collapsed immediately after arriving at the exit. She was staggered and helped to the bench by Hayabusa to sit down…

Hayama and Totsuka, who came out first, were already there.

“Haunted houses are so much fun!”

Ebina’s condition was better than when he entered, and he was very excited. After resting for a while outside the haunted house, everyone left here and headed to the next location.

After that, they went to a few more places and waited until the afternoon , came to a Marriage Shrine. Because it is the most famous Marriage Shrine in the West, there are so many people here.

Looking at the long queue, Hayabusa really wanted to turn around and leave.

He didn’t want to be disappointed, so he could only join in the queue.

“There are so many people here.”

Danzi hugged Miura with one arm and Ebina with the other, looking at the long queue, he sighed.

“There is no way, I heard that this place is very effective, so many people from nearby cities or traveling here will come here. Miura explained.

The reason why everyone came here was her suggestion, so she knows better.

“real? I don’t know……”

Ebina looked at Hayama, Tobe, O-sensei and Totsuka, and then:

“Hey hey hey……”

My mouth is almost watering.

Hayata shuddered, secretly glad in his heart:

【Fortunately Ebina didn’t add me to the list. 】

Although Ebina’s love value is not high, I didn’t expect it to have such a special effect.

Hayabusa feels that he has made a profit

“It seems you are not from Kansai, but your accent sounds like Kanto.”

At this time, standing in front of them, a pretty girl spoke to the group.

There was a strong Kansai accent in her voice.

In the Sakura Country, the plain area where the bed master city is located, including Chiba, is It’s called Kanto; and the area in the west is called Kansai.

The woman who talked to Dango and the others seemed to be a high school student. She had aqua eyes, dark brown hair, a high ponytail, and was dressed casually. Pack

——This is another beautiful girl who is no worse than Tuanzi and the others.

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