Comprehensive Comics: That Infinite Conquest

Chapter 446, The Final Battle, Mo Gevs Ainz Ooal Gown (Please Subscribe)

Ainz Ooal Gown's last guardian, Gao Kangda, was cut in two by the God of Opportunity.

The cut surface of this rock giant is smooth, and you can already see the overheated and smoking power core hidden in its body.

"By the way, there are also these things that dirty people's eyes that need to be cleaned up. God of opportunity, go ahead."


Mo Ge flew off the shoulders of the God of Zhengji.

This mechanical demon that already possesses a machine soul does not need to be operated by him in order to act. It only needs Song's command to judge and solve the target on its own.

Ainz saw the God of Opportunity walking towards the black goat cub he had summoned, as if he were picking up a mouse that had escaped from the ground. There were four machines, one in each hand.

Ainz was about to use magic to stop it.

But Mo Ge stood in front of it.

"What-!!" x4

So Ainz could only watch helplessly as the 'cute' Black Mountain "493" sheep cubs he summoned were crushed one by one by the mechanical demon god with his bare hands.

The life value drops to zero amidst the shrill cry of the sheep.

Even though they are black goat cubs that are over level 90 and have enhanced durability, in front of the God of Machine Spirit who gave birth to a machine spirit and has been strengthened with world-class items, "they are no different from ordinary lambs."

Ainz's skeleton looked shameless, otherwise its face would have been livid at this moment. The 20 level 90 black goat cubs that he had worked hard to summon for a long time were being killed with ease.

Mo Ge also put on his equipment again with some nostalgia. Since the end of the old era, he has almost no need to do it himself.

"Come forward, to the hour of judgment."

The Demon-Destroying Holy Sword was pointed at the ruler of death in front of him, and Mo Ge's eyes showed a merciless determination to condemn his sin.

"Tsk! Directional teleportation!"

However, Ainz's choice was to escape. Using the ultra-long-distance coordinates set in advance, he activated the teleportation magic and instantly escaped to the other side of the world.

However, the song is not going to let go.

When Ainz teleported himself to a certain corner of the world, he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to accumulate strength for a while before making a comeback.

"You have nowhere to run."


"What's so strange? I am the lord of the world. I am the king's land in the whole world. Every part of this planet is my territory. No matter where you escape to, I can reach you in the blink of an eye."

"Asshole! You really think I will lose to you!"

"It's not defeat, it's death. Since you and I are both kings, the ending must be death. This is the battle between kings. It cannot be stopped without death.

"Then go to hell. As the Lord of Nazarick, I will never lose to anyone with the name of Ainz Ooal Gown on my back."

Ainz roared with anger.

Since there is nowhere to escape, since there is no way to retreat, then it cannot hide or retreat. Relying on intelligence collection and advance preparation to fight is its fighting style, but that does not mean that Ainz Ooal Gown only has that ability. .

Moreover, armed with several world-class items and hundreds of buffs, Ainz Ooal Gown at this moment is undoubtedly in his strongest state ever.

"The Root Earth Elemental Spirit Summons!!"

"The Root Water Elemental Spirit Summons!!"

"The Root Fire Elemental Spirit Summons!!"

"The root wind elemental spirit is summoned!!"

"Tenth level undead summon!!"

Holding the guild prop 'Ainz Ooal Gown's Staff' and wearing a full set of mythical equipment, Ainz makes a luxurious display as soon as he takes action.

The four highest-level elemental creatures and the highest-level undead summons not only have many powerful abilities, but each of them is over level 95.

"Don't call me despicable. As a magician, I am a defender."

"Everyone has their own fighting style, I understand, but... if you want to win with just these pets, are you looking down on others?"

Mo Ge glanced at these summons and opened several space cracks at will. The red light in Ainz's eyes flashed, and he heard countless terrifying roars.

"Since you want to play like this, then I will accompany you. Come on! Dragon of the East Wind, Tevalin!! King of the Grass Dragon, Apep!! King of the Rock Dragon, Ruotuo!! Wolf of the North Wind, An Delius!! Demon God of Whirlpool Orobas!!"

The wind dragon that soars in the sky, the original master of all vegetation, the master of the rock dragon that cracks mountains and cracks the earth, the king wolf from the north wind, the demon god who has been suppressed for thousands of years under the sea.

These mythical beasts that only appeared in legendary deifications gathered around Ge at this moment, roaring towards the king's enemies with a roar that shook the world.

Mo Ge has never been afraid of anyone when summoned.

In the past, when he monopolized the magic power of the world, countless monsters, mythical beasts, and dragon kings who possessed intelligence but were unwilling to lose their power took the initiative to find Song, hoping to maintain their power at the cost of surrender...

Mo Ge agreed, after all, he fulfilled his collecting habit. Before ascending the throne, he collected powerful mythical beasts from all over the world as war pets.

But some particularly ancient and powerful ones can always hide themselves well, making it difficult for him to find them. However, when the disaster of the end of the law comes, they can only obey the king to protect themselves.

Perhaps they were a little dissatisfied at first, but when these ancient beasts saw with their own eyes the progress, prosperity and peace of the world under Mo Ge's control, these beasts also surrendered.

Most of them don't like strife and war, they just want to exist for a long time. Mo Ge allows them to see the possibility of eternity.

Well, speaking of eternity, the island nation named Inazuma, the hometown of a certain pink mermaid under Mo Ge, also voluntarily surrendered after learning of the great achievements he had achieved.

But that was nothing more than a trivial matter. After Mo Ge used [World Authority] to investigate, he found that it was just a small country with poor resources, and there was nothing to care about.

Ahem, I accidentally missed it.

"Soldiers versus soldiers, adversaries versus generals, kings versus kings, just let them play with your summons. I'm not very interested in teasing pets."

"Don't be too proud! Even without the support of these summons, I still have magic! The triple magic 1.4 enhancement·Thousand-bone gun!!"

Ainz raised his hand and waved, and suddenly thousands, if not tens of thousands, of bone-tipped spears appeared. The "Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown" it held could greatly increase the power of magic.

Facing this bone gun that could penetrate even dragon scales, Mo Ge stretched out his hands, and a golden rock elemental barrier surrounding him at 360 degrees suddenly appeared around him.

"Taking everything into consideration·Yu Zhang's shield!"

Facing this impregnable shield, even thousands of bone spears would not be able to hurt him at all.

"The heavens are moving! The stars are falling!"

Then Mo Ge crossed his shoulders with his hands, golden light flashed in his eyes, and the next second a huge rock elemental meteorite appeared in the sky and hit Ainz's direction.

First update, please give me flowers and votes, monk.

Tonight at 10 o'clock, the new book "People Are Collapse III, Be Their Heroes" will be released, please support me.

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