Comprehensive Comics: That Infinite Conquest

Chapter 80, Alpha: I Love You (Please Subscribe)

"Long time no see, Alpha.

"Well, long time no see."

A pair of slender arms stretched out from behind to embrace Mo Ge. The breathtakingly beautiful blond elf visited the black prince's bedroom at night.

The one who came was none other than Alpha.

Over the years she became more and more stunning.

Her long blond hair is more dazzling than gold, and her perfect figure outlined by slime tights is in golden proportions, enough to make any woman envious. No one in the world can ignore her beauty. remove

People have gone blind.

"Alfa, didn't you go to the Kingdom of Midgar? Is there something urgent? -"

"No, I just thought of going to another country and I couldn't meet you right away, so I wanted to see you once before leaving tomorrow.

Alpha's eyes were filled with fascination.

She skillfully helped Mo Ge take off his coat, then brought two wine glasses, poured the wine and handed him a glass.

"When I think about not being able to see you right away, I feel a little lonely, so...can you give me your time tonight?"

"Of course, but there is no need for Ji Mo or anything like that. I will take the time to check on the situation later. You know distance has no meaning to me."

"Haha, indeed."

The blond elf Weiwei smiled charmingly.

Mo Ge and Alpha raised their glasses and clinked their glasses.


The wine glass made a crisp sound.

Mo Ge took a sip and then slightly shook the red wine in the glass. Under the light of the bright moon, his hand seemed to be holding a huge ruby, elegant and handsome.

Alpha smiled enrapturedly.

I feel lucky to be able to see him in this posture. If Beta were here, he would have already started writing articles and drawing and sketching.

"First of all, congratulations. You are one step closer to the throne. Although it is only the throne of the kingdom, not the throne of the world you are aiming for."

"Well, to be honest, I am also surprised. Today's unfolding is a bit strange, but if the result is good, everything will be fine.

"Regarding the final trial, I will ask Gamma to prepare for support and tell us immediately if we need anything."

"I will~"

Mo Ge nodded slightly.

Although he chose the worst land, it is precisely because of this that he can make the most vivid contrast, and he can easily solve local policy issues [the most important thing is actually to spend money on environmental transformation.

But there is no problem in this regard.

After all, Mo Ge has long trained two business empresses——Ningguang and Gamma.

The products he made using the knowledge from his previous life sold out smoothly. At the same time, the two girls relied on their excellent business acumen to establish their own chamber of commerce.

One person runs a nationwide chain in the country.

One person is busy with external development abroad.

And their wealth is Mo Ge's wealth.

"Don't call me despicable, Algard. After all, they were all trained by me. Connections, wealth, and influence are part of the strength.

It's your property. If you could rely on us more, everyone would be happier. "

"What are you talking about? I'm relying on you now, Alpha."

Mo Ge raised his hand and touched the elf girl's cheek. Only he was allowed to touch this stunning face. This sense of exclusivity made him feel satisfied.

Alpha raised the corners of his lips and rubbed his palm.

"But fortunately His Majesty the King agrees with you, otherwise something bad might happen."

"Um, what are you going to do?"

"I won't do that kind of impulsive thing, but there are some extreme children in the courtyard who may not simply give up."

Alpha said jokingly.

[Dark Night Courtyard] is an ultra-limited organization that only allows [Demon Possession] to join, but even so, it currently has more than 650 people.

It's normal that there are a few girls with outstanding personalities among them. Although they all love Mo Ge very much no matter what, but... a few of them love Mo Ge too much.

Mo Ge is no longer worshiped as a human being, but as a god.

For example, the 599th member recently joined, a girl named Victoria, who used to be a saint of the Holy Religion, but was abandoned by the Holy Religion after [Devil Possession], and met Song who happened to be passing by.

After being treated, the saint awakened.

From a girl who didn't even dare to step on a bug, she became a powerful person who kills decisively.

And it seems that all the previous devout faith in the gods has been placed on the song.

"If you are not recognized yet, those children will definitely make trouble for the king."

"This is ridiculous, remember to stop it."

The corners of Mo Ge's lips were dumbfounded.

Even the sect can easily assassinate the king. If it were to be done by a stronger courtyard than the sect... I'm afraid that when the king wakes up the next day, he will find a knife stuck on the side of his bed. It's a dagger.

...asking for flowers...

Alpha shook the wine glass in his hand, rested his head on Mo Ge's shoulder, and said softly.

"Everyone expects you to become the king. We are the ones who can only live in darkness after losing everything. There is no place for us in the current world, but...

But if it is a kingdom dominated by Mo Ge, then the girls in [Dark Night Courtyard] can get out of the darkness.

Live under the sun again.

Many girls in the courtyard are looking forward to this, yearning for themselves to be able to walk on the land ruled by the Lord, who will be their new national beauty.

"I know everyone is looking forward to it, and I will respond to them. Let everyone feel at ease when I go back. I have received this wish."

"Okay, I understand, but do you spoil them too much?"

"Giving you who follow me a place to stay is also a small thing I should do."

"But you already gave it..."

Alpha said with some helplessness, [Dark Night Courtyard] itself is already a shelter, and all of them would have lost their lives.

No girl from [Dark Night Courtyard] dares to ask for more from Dark Night/Mo Ge, because everyone knows that they have received huge favors from him.

Even if it takes a lifetime to repay it, it won't be enough.

It was just a trace of yearning left in the girls' hearts. If Mo Ge could realize this... Alpha could imagine that the girls' love would turn into hysterical fanaticism in an instant.

By then, I'm afraid not just a few girls will worship Mo Ge as a god.

[Although I am about the same, no, maybe even more so, ah, ah, ah, it seems I am not qualified to talk about those children. 】

Alpha thought with a wry smile.

She was the first to meet Mo Ge in the courtyard, and she was the girl who admired him the most, and she no longer knew how much she loved him, but Alpha was sure of it.

Even if God really exists in this world, I would still respect and love Mo Ge more. In fact, I am the most hopeless person.

But the most frustrating thing is that Alpha actually feels proud of himself.

Alpha: [I love you so much that I am proud of myself. 】

Seventh update.

About negative distance communication.

Asking for flowers, asking for votes, and asking for rewards. .

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