"I won't hurt your friends. All I want is royalty, and besides...

Of course you'll tell me, right.

As he spoke, Bai Ge saw a slippery surface appear on Zero.'s mask. A gap suddenly appeared on the fake, revealing the purple eye inside.

A red crest suddenly appeared on Lelouch's purple eyes. It was a special ability called 8-SS. Lelouch's seass is the power of "absolute obedience". _

"Tell me, where is the underground safe room 2"

...In your home, don’t stand so tall for me! '



The sword that killed the public suddenly appeared in Bai Ge's hand. He held the sword angel with one hand. He slashed hard at Zero/Lelouch's Nightmare Mecha.


For a moment. The Dream Shield mecha was cut in half. Here comes Lelouch who is very upset, and you want to use the power of sass to force him to obey Lelouch's wishes? It's funny, don't even look at the level gap between us."

Just saw this product. Bai Ge has already used [Eye of Truth] to complete the appraisal82

8s absolutely put 8

The effect can only be used once by one person. let see

The object you arrive will obey your orders and will never be able to disobey them. After use, the object will be lost...Objects with a danger level thirty levels higher than your own will be invalid.

Although Lelouch has a good mind, his physical abilities are limited... How could Bai Ge, who has only one danger level and one hundred and sixty-five danger level, be controlled by him?

"Everyone, it's time for Kuang San to dismantle the Gundam with his bare hands. Let them see what a real nightmare is!" Yingsha Gong pointed forward, and Bai Ge's eyes slowly turned crimson.

"Prepare for battle... There is something wrong with these guys, everyone, don't hold back!" Lelouch was so shocked.

He hurriedly gave orders to the black cavalry behind him.

The fight reignited.

On Bai Ge and Kuang San. Purple gold and dark red spiritual clothes were worn one after another. _[Eagle Killer 1 and [Emperor Keke l] appeared one after another.

Two single horns shining with blue and pink light appeared on Rem and Ram's heads at the same time. The temperament of the two women also underwent earth-shaking changes.

"Don't kill too many. Capture as many as possible alive and hand them over to Cornelia. But use the power as you like. I will use the Army-Broken Songstress to choose their brains later."

"It's the young master!'

"Understood~" one-sided


All guns were aimed at the opening song. Bullets as big as his head were fired from the muzzle of the Menghao mecha, attacking Bai Ge.

However, the defensive power of the elf's absolute armor - the spiritual equipment is unquestionable. The purple protective shield bounces all bullets away from high altitudes.

"How can something of this level be effective?"


[Eagle Killing the Duke] Cut horizontally. In an instant, three Menghao mechas were cut into half. , in front of the absolute nine powers of the elf, everything is just a joke.

On the other side, Kurumi is having fun

gang war.

What she is least afraid of is group fights. The clones who had been waiting at various places in this building had long been impatient. Now gathered, dozens of flintlock guns filled with psychic bullets - shelling in unison.

In an instant, the opponent wiped out her, and she also aimed to hit the cockpit: as long as the spiritual bullet was slightly compressed, it was no less than the top armor-piercing bullet.

So it's flat. Wails came from countless cockpits. Trembling hind legs. Leng Wang suddenly emerged.

"How can it be--"

.'Boom boom boom!'

"Fighting the Nightmare Mecha physically... Is this a monster?"

'Boom boom boom!'

"Zero... you run away quickly. Don't worry about us."

"Boom, boom, boom." There was such a sound coming, Bai Ge said that he was a little touched, so - let you be caught together and become my captives."

"I'll fight hard for you"

Red Lotus II roared, and the silver arm like a ghost melon emitted a dazzling red light. Huge heat mixed with red arcs.

This is a "radiation wave". Have huge

A move with great destructive power, it can be said to be the strongest attack method of the Red Lotus II Style.


"I want to touch my young master."

"Get through our level first!"

Rem and Ram jumped up high. They were two pretty, tall, and even thin-looking girls. It actually interrupted the huge nightmare. The driver lady inside probably felt uncomfortable too.

Rem, "What did the young master just say? Dismantle a Gundam with bare hands?"

Ram. "Although I don't understand very well. But just take it apart and it will be fine." The maid's expression became a little scary.

Because the forest has final exams today, tomorrow...the day after tomorrow. So it has to be slower. Sorry everyone~

The third update, please give me flowers and tickets. Please give me a reward. e_Text version of the novel" (bendanzang)_人

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Chapter 166: The day the two demon kings made a contract (please subscribe)

The victory that was within reach just now is now no longer visible.a

What happened 3

When he came back to his senses, Guwei had already become like this.

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