"That? Bai Ge?"

His Highness Qi Qiqian tilted his head, indicating that he did not understand.

The corners of the dragon elf's mouth slowly rose.

"It doesn't matter when the battle starts. What matters now is that the time has come. Dinner time. An empty stomach but a knight

The enemy! '

The words just fell. The stupid hair on Artoria's head that symbolized the importance of royal power trembled.

"I know. Hold on to the knight's sword and glory. I won't have any food left!'

'Well, I'm looking forward to it!'

Please give me flowers. Please vote for me. Please give me a reward.


Chapter 330, Bai Ge’s wish (please subscribe)

"Master, I still think it would be better to ask for leave from school during this period.".

"Haha, this can't be done. Asking for leave on the second day of school. It's too much."

Just like on the way to school, Bai Ge was "talking to himself" as he walked. Because of the invisibility magic he had cast on him, no one saw Artoli who was following him.

After all, due to some special relationship, she couldn't transform into a spiritual body like ordinary heroic spirits, so Bai Ge could only use this method to reconcile.

"However, this is an emergency. As

If you were attacked by someone at school. "

At this moment, the King of Knights was worrying unnecessarily about Bai Ge's safety.

"Until then, sab_er will protect me~ There's nothing to worry about." Bai Ge said with a smile.

In the end, Artoria slowly gave up. Although she felt something was wrong, considering that she was still following 1 and Bai Ge was protected by Avalon, the possibility of an accident was very low.

And she is actually in very good condition now. The supply of magic power from Bai Ge is too sufficient, even if she is allowed to

Enemies two heroic 07 spirits. Even Arturia won't be afraid.

"Don't worry Saber. There are actually at least two Maser in the school.\

,""What? Is this true!"

She was startled, but since this was the case, there was even more reason to go to school.

Bai Ge was naturally talking about Tohsaka Rin and Matou Shinji. Although he didn't take an old friend of this level seriously at all. She has absolute confidence in the Holy Grail War. After all, in addition to herself, there is also a Ber_ named Hercules in this camp.

Bai Ge, "Two five-star servants plus

H, the two strongest masters. Just tell me how to lose this round?"

Everyone here is a hot chick, my saber and Berserke.r are the strongest ones L

"Today's goal is to contact Arc_her's Master."_

"Is there any danger?"

"Haha, Saber, I can tell you. Only when facing Archer::.-We can't lose even if we want to."

Feeling Bai Ge's extremely strong self-confidence, Saber did not continue to press the question. Although the contact was short, she had already experienced it.

There are many Bai Ge who are very good.

Irisviel also said that Bai Ge's strength is far superior to that of her and Illya. You can leave the judgment to him An Xiao.

"By the way, there is actually one thing that I always want to force Master on.

"Huh? What?"

The girl riding the Seventh King hesitated for a moment, then asked. What kind of wishes do you have?”

The Holy Grail War is basically a battle for the omnipotent wishing machine, a war between magicians and heroic spirits to realize their wishes.

Artoria herself did not care about the exception as a Serv

ant, she will also be curious about what kind of wishes her master has in participating in this war.

"My wish is to return to the day of the Chosen. Let the Holy Sword choose again: a king better than me, to protect my country from the destruction of destiny.

What is your wish?"

"Huh? To be honest, I don't think so:

Bai Ge said embarrassedly.


"Because my wish has come true now."

The dragon spirit suddenly turned around. , Artoria saw a satisfied smile on the boy's face. ,

"This Holy Grail War itself has fulfilled my wish. What I wish for is an encounter. I hope to meet heroes like you who have left countless great achievements in history and talk to them. Fight. Collide::"You don't Do you think this kind of thing is great?".


Artoria stayed where she was. She looked at the young man in front of her in surprise, never expecting that Bai Ge's wish was like this.

What young people long for is a brilliant life. It is the war itself, being in the midst of this holy war, participating in this feast of heroes who have gathered together across time and legend.

"This battle

Fight very well. Very interesting. For the treasure called "Holy Grail", the heroes who have gone down in history are fighting each other for supremacy. In fact, it is exciting to participate in such a prosperous era, which makes me extremely happy. As for the Holy Grail? That is just proof of my victory. "

Bai Ge said happily. A He raised his hand as if he had already grasped the Holy Grail in the air, and said some arrogant words e

"Saber, don't you think so_? The collision between heroes across each other's legends? What a blood- boiling story this is!'

"...Ah, that's true. After hearing what you said, I became a little excited. Now

I just want to fight a certain heroic spirit like this. "

Arturia was silent for a while and said in agreement. She was also affected by Bai Ge's words. This is a war between heroes who stake their own wishes, a battle between legends! The blood of the heroes in the body is also boiling!

"Right~ So I am determined to enjoy the Holy Grail War. The Holy Grail is just a trophy that can be decorated in the cabinet later."

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