"Yes, I'm sorry, I planned to go to a restaurant for breakfast."

I folded the paper in a hurry.

He pulled Bai Ge and ran away. Then Bai Ge saw that the paper looked like he had folded 50% of the paper and said something, and then he turned around with a sigh of relief.

"Okay, okay, then the other me won't do anything for the time being."

"Hey Origami, what did you just say?"

"This is a secret."

The girl's reservation changed slightly. She decided to go directly to the topic and led Bai Ge in a certain direction.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at a small apartment. Bai Ge blinked. He recognized this place as Origami's home five years ago. Although it was destroyed by Origami himself after becoming an elf, it has now been rebuilt.

"Please, please come in."


"Although it seems a little too late to say it now, after knowing what happened to me and Bai Ge, they still said they hope to bring you back and say thank you properly."

It was not a big apartment but it was full of happiness and warmth. Two figures were sitting in the living room, looking at Bai Ge with grateful eyes.

Bai Ge was stunned for a moment, but then he realized that they were the parents of Origami he saved five years ago.

Although originally, they would have died again due to the corrective nature of history, but they were able to ignore the corrective nature of history, so Origami's parents really escaped the fate of death and have lived until now.

The kind-looking uncle and aunt bowed slightly to Bai Ge.

"You are the Baige-san that Origami keeps talking about. Really, thank you for saving us five years ago0"

"It must be thanks to your help that our family can be together like this."

Bai Ge waved his hand quickly: "Uncle and aunt, you don't have to be like this. If you were here five years ago, you should know that I am not an ordinary person, and Origami is the girl I like."

"It's okay to travel through time for the girl you like. I don't want her to spend the five years before meeting me again in despair of losing you."

Origami's face turned red all of a sudden. Bai Ge didn't hide it and took the initiative to hold Origami's little hand. Speaking of which, he now thinks I'm very strange.

Is this what is called meeting the parents? It’s quite new. On the other side, Origami’s parents looked at Bai Ge and couldn’t be more friendly. Especially the mother, who held her cheeks and looked at them with a smile, her expressions were like saying You should hurry up and get married.

Apparently she is very satisfied with her daughter's boyfriend.

Afterwards, lunch was settled under the warm reception of his aunt. Bai Ge felt that he was one of those rare sons-in-law who enjoyed the process of meeting his parents.

But "Dad, let's go on a date somewhere this afternoon."

"Yeah, looking at Origami and Bai Ge, I couldn't help but think of the two of us in the past. Let's go now. Next is the time for young people."

While saying this, Origami's parents left the scene at the speed of light, which was obviously 0.

9 Is there anyone who wants to give assists to their daughter...! When she left, that... Origami's mother was still winking at someone.

Bai Ge was ashamed and thought to himself, Auntie, are you implying something to me? Just before someone could react, Origami, who had just left temporarily, appeared in front of him again, but "Origami"

"What's wrong"

"Why Wear a Bunny Costume"

"Because Bai Ge likes it."

The white bunny girl costume stimulated the dragon elf's vision. Bai Ge only felt that he was so strong because his heart beat hard.

Is it really okay for you to be like this just after your parents left? Origami's parents don't seem to know about their daughter's special situation, but it doesn't matter. Bai Ge knows that the real date for Origami will come next.

Don't worry, Bai Ge, we understand the special nature of this date very well, so we will monitor and protect you in the dark. Once the target moves beyond that level, we will immediately.


"Ah, I leave it to you."

In front of the station, Bai Ge sat stiffly on a chair alone, ignoring the sight of passers-by. He felt as if there was a bomb under his butt.

Although it is rude to say this, Bai Ge really feels that he needs to be on guard. What he is about to face now is the most dangerous character in a sense. If he fails, the consequences will be unimaginable. "The target has appeared!"


With long white hair, she appears like a fairy.

Origami wore a white skirt and women's blouse today, and her pure and pitiful aura immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people "417"

Came over.

Bai Ge thought that it should be the clothes that match the pure personality now. In the past, Origami with short hair would wear clothes that were easier to move and more beautiful.

"Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Haha, aren't we still one hour away from the agreed time?"

"Yes, yes."

Now Bai Ge feels that he understands the other person. He will remember this little habit no matter what. The long-haired Origami also smiled slightly. It is precisely because Bai Ge understands her that he arrives an hour before the appointment. here.

But to be honest, she was a little nervous herself. Although she had thought about a date plan, she also knew her status.

The dual personality that only activates and awakens for Hakuge. When the thoughts and actions of the other personality appear, the elegant and pure image of the long-haired origami is completely gone.

Normally it's fine, but it happens when it comes to Bai Ge.

"Um...Bai Ge, during today's date, I might accidentally make a very bad move, so..."

"I just know this and still come here. It doesn't matter. I will accept everything today."

"Bai Ge, thank you very much."

The dragon elf said that he had already made a certain amount of awareness. The fact that he dared to stand here meant that he was able to figure it out.

111111111111 However, it seemed that he still underestimated this woman. Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Ge swallowed his saliva.

"Hey!!!, isn't this a bit too much?"

"Well, what's the problem?"

"The first stop on a date is a love hotel. Is this really okay?"

We obviously should have arrived here at the terminal! Miss Tobiichi Origami, do you want us to spend the whole day here! The girls behind us were already ready to stop us, saying that they didn't care, after all, in the end, we were taking advantage. .

"Ah, why did I come here!" "Ah haha, another origami personality."

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