
Bai Ge's eyes widened. General Eugene raised his two-handed sword and slashed at him. Naturally, he raised the moonlight sword and prepared to block, but something unexpected happened the next second.

The purple two-handed sword actually ignored the Moonlight Sword, passing through the defensive sword body like an illusion, and directly cut through Bai Ge's chest.

"Wait, what's going on?"

"Hmph, this is the power of my magic sword. It can directly attack the opponent with countless shields and defenses."

"Damn! You actually rely on equipment characteristics, how shameless!"

Bai Ge was immediately furious.

He finally understood that General Eugene's ranking of fourth place must be largely due to this weapon... "the ability to ignore defenses"

I got it with the power of the magic sword! Bai Ge gritted his teeth, it was a little difficult to deal with.

Well, just a little bit.

Chapter 570, Two-sword style (

"Too bad, although the player's strength is better than ours, the equipment gap between the two is really too big!"

"Is that the two-handed sword equipped by General Eugene?"

"Ah, the legendary two-handed sword weapon, the only magic sword "Ghulam" in this fairy country."

The magic sword 'Gulam' has two dragon patterns engraved on its shining dark red blade.

Has a unique special effect "Void Transformation"

【】, this ability can ignore the opponent's armor, and the weapon can directly pass through and hit the opponent, which is the so-called ignoring defense.

Listening to the words of the two lords around her, Leafa couldn't help but clenched her fists, hating herself for not being strong enough. If she could have the power to surpass General Eugene, she would definitely be able to help Bai Ge now.

No! That's not the case! She believed that even in this situation, the young man who was fighting in the sky at this time must have a way to break the current situation. That person was not someone who would be defeated by a sword.

Lyfa firmly believed in Bai Ge's power and that he could create miracles that would surprise everyone. He intertwined his fingers and offered the fairy's prayer.

"Come on, Bai Ge."

The fierce battlefield dazzled everyone, and the high-intensity battle was so exciting that no one could take their eyes away.


Swords collided with each other again, and after sparks flew, the two swordsmen stabbed each other's heart mercilessly.


Then they all avoided the fatal blow.

The battle that makes people break into cold sweats has been going on like this since just now. If either party is not focused enough, they will be caught in the next second and defeated.

"What a troublesome sword! It's so annoying!"

"Hmph, weapons are also one of the player's strengths."

"Tch, although I agree with this."

Bai Ge sighed, that... the magic sword's ability to ignore defense was too shameless, which made it particularly troublesome for him to attack.

According to legend, the only thing that can fight against the demon sword Gulam is the Holy Sword of Broken Steel, although until now no one knows where the Holy Sword is.

"I agree. You are the strongest player I have ever seen so far. You are stronger than... the swordswoman in black. You may even be able to compete with Juejian."

General Eugene gasped for air.

"Haha, thank you so much for Zanna. I will challenge him sooner or later, that... player of the Absolute Sword."

Bai Ge shrugged.

"Huh, but don't forget, your opponent now is me, You"

The fiery general rushed over again, holding the magic sword in his hand and about to sweep across Bai Ge's neck. He was also sweating profusely. Bai Ge was far more powerful than Eugene expected.

Obviously, the equipment and ability values ​​are far inferior to his own, but his pure fighting instinct can completely make up for the gap, if it were not for the powerful effect of the magic sword Gulam.

The outcome has already been decided.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to hide."

Bai Ge said as if he was tired.

"Hey, are you ready to let me chop you down?"

"You think so, go to hell!"

Rushing towards the powerful two-handed sword without any care, General Eugene was startled by Bai Ge's sudden change of color: scarlet eyes, and subconsciously placed the magic sword in front of him in preparation for defense.

But "succeeded!"


Bai Ge actually swung the Moonlight Sword fiercely, but he temporarily changed some angles, so the sword slashed diagonally on the body of the demon sword and continued to rub downwards, causing a series of sparks to strike all the way to the hilt.

Cut General Eugene's hand! The magic sword Gulam lost its power in an instant and broke away from Eugene's hand. Bai Ge reached out to grab it without hesitation.

"What a beautiful idea! That's my sword!"

"Whoever grabs it gets it!"

Both hands simultaneously grabbed the magic sword that fell from the ground. General Eugene raised the corners of his mouth because he was very close to the magic sword.


Bai Ge flapped the wings behind his back fiercely, and in an instant his high speed was once again displayed in front of everyone's eyes. The wind fairy's slender fingers were the first to touch the hilt of the magic sword! "Oh oh oh oh!!! "

Everyone was shocked by his move. No one expected that Bai Ge actually succeeded in grabbing the magic sword. Such situations occasionally happened in normal battles, although the weapon was lost due to accidents.

But now it is calculated. This is a perfectly planned robbery. No one will say that Bai Ge is not good, because these are insignificant things. They will only cheer for the wonderful change of the battle situation! Steal from the enemy. Weapon, such a crazy thing was actually successful. Everyone looked at the young man holding the magic sword and felt more respect in their hearts.

"What a great deal."

Bai Ge said with a sigh.

"Guh! Brat!"

General Eugene was furious.

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