"Ah, Shinono reminded me. During the semester, the teacher said it's best to get a card to pay fees, so let's do it together."

Asuna said.

"The nearest bank is right in front, just two steps away."

Bai Ge looked forward and suddenly had an ominous premonition for some reason. This premonition had no reason, but it gave him a feeling that he couldn't ignore.

But he didn't pay much attention to anything. In this world, he didn't

There really weren't many things that could be solved. He nodded and followed the three women to the bank.

The bank is currently in a relatively busy stage, and the four of them sitting together look like they need to wait for a while.

"It looks like it will take some time. Is it okay for Shino to go back later?"

"It's okay, I live alone in the apartment."

"Oh, oh, do you live alone? Come to think of it, I was living alone about half a year ago."

Bai Ge said with some nostalgia.

But from then on, he kept picking up beautiful girls on the street, and finally developed into what he is now without realizing it. This guy couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he thought about this.

But now he is not willing to go back to living alone.

I don't want to live independently. Wouldn't it be nice to be served by a beautiful maid? Besides, even if I live alone, I will meet Asuna and the others when I'm in school.

Just when this guy was thinking this, Bai Ge didn't notice that there was another group of "guests"

Went into this bank.

They were holding huge backpacks in their hands and wearing black socks on their faces. A few seconds later, several gunshots spreading fear appeared in the bank.

"Da da da!!!"

"No one is allowed to move, let's rob now!"

Bai Ge's mouth twitched wildly, how could he encounter such a classic plot? "Ahhhhhhh!"

The guests screamed.

"No one is allowed to move, or I will shoot him directly!"

After several shots fired at the ceiling, these robbers took the absolute initiative. Several robbers quickly blocked all roads of the bank with guns, not even a dog hole was missed. It was obvious that they had already Completely planned.

Then another robber quickly ran to the monitoring room. He used the butt of his gun to knock out the electronic panel, then took out two fuses and set them on fire. The excessive current instantly destroyed the monitoring equipment.

Bai Ge blinked, a professional robbery team is nothing more than that! "Everyone, please stay calm now. If anyone disobeys, we will immediately."

Shoot, there are many people here anyway, it doesn’t matter if one or two hostages die!”

The team leader raised his gun and said so. He also broke the alarm bell, so that it would take more time for the police to be notified and come to the rescue.

Asuna: "Baige, what should we do?"

Bai Ge: ".

Don't act rashly for now, there are too many people here and it's not convenient for me to take action."

Unlike Yuki and Shino, Asuna didn't have much fear and looked very calm.

There is no doubt that these robbers are professionals, and their plans must be extremely cautious. There is really not much hope to rely on the police for rescue.

But this originally 100% perfect plan became meaningless because of one person's existence.

These robbers don’t know yet that among the sheep they thought were just hostages, there was a dangerous dragon mixed in! Bai Ge: “How are we going to kill these guys later?”

Chapter 635: Tragedy repeated

Don’t wait any longer! Be careful I’ll kill you!”

"Open the vault quickly!"

He watched the robbers sweating profusely as they were busy with expressionless faces.

In order not to be discovered, all the members wore black hoods on their heads in the hot weather, but from the exposed eyes Baige could see the emotions full of greed, fear, and excitement.

He and Asuna sat there obediently, watching these guys busy like bystanders, without any awareness of being in crisis.

In fact, he has thought of more than a hundred ways to deal with these guys in his mind. Not to mention the guards who have been following him, Silent Hassan has already prepared a dagger.

"If I nod now, will these guys all die within five seconds? Well, life is really fragile."

He raised his hand and touched Yuuki's head. He encountered this kind of thing on the first day after being discharged from the hospital. This child was lucky enough. If possible, Bai Ge didn't want Yuuki and Shino to see him killing someone.

Turning to look at the girl on her left, Shino had lost her usual calmness.

"Shino, are you scared?"

"I'm fine."

"You're trying to be brave again. If you're scared, just hide behind me. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Bai Ge reached out and held Shino's trembling hand, and even said he wasn't afraid, but it was already shaking like this.

Although she was startled by the sudden holding of her hand, the warmth coming from that hand made it impossible for Shino to let go. Facing a group of robbers with guns, the scene in front of her was like a scene from the tragedy that happened when she was a child. Performed again.

Although she seemed to be calm, now that the terrible memory had been awakened, Shino was more frightened than anyone else, hiding behind Bai Ge like a frightened cat.

"I'm sorry, at least let me do this now"

"Ah, I will protect you, Shino."

These words seemed to be a reassurance, making the girl's trembling shoulders relax.

At the same time, on the other side, the robbers were also cheering for today's harvest. They fired at the ceiling to celebrate, and their eyes were filled with excitement as they looked at the banknotes filled in their backpacks, probably imagining the beautiful days ahead.

But at this moment "Ta!"

There was another gunshot.

However, it was not coming from the robber's gun, but from a certain security guard's gun. Only then did Bai Ge realize that this was a high-end bank with a large standard, and the two security guards were equipped with the most basic guns.

But the hidden security guard seemed to be too nervous, and his shooting skills were really unbearable. He missed the robber and exposed himself instead.

"Asshole, you almost hit me!"


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