Chapter 762, Queen and Angel

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

"Hahahahaha! Since there is no way to pick the lock, then we just need to destroy the door directly!"

The chainsaw made a horrifying sound, stimulating the eyes of the two men outside the door to become more and more fierce and manic, but for Mao Lilan and Fei Yingli, it was a sound that symbolized fear.

Both of them could not help but tremble, their brains uncontrollably conjuring up horrific images. The two women had no one to rely on in this situation.

The only hope was that... young man who had saved their mother and daughter several times, but if Bai Ge couldn't arrive in time, they knew they would be brutally treated tonight.

"Hahahaha! The guys inside must have woken up. Hey hey hey, just wait and see us go in and take you two together."


Fei Yingli hugged Xiaolan tightly. At this time, she was constantly praying in her heart that no matter what happened to her, it would be fine. This was the result of her own actions.

However, at least don't let Xiaolan be in danger! At least let Xiaolan be safe, she is his most important daughter!!! "Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"

"Hey, it's about to open."

The door to Fei Yingli's house was not made of any special material, but it soon became precarious. The electric saw had pierced the door, exposing holes.

Through the hole, the two of them saw the evil expression of the man outside the door, which made the mother and daughter unable to help but fear.

"Xiao, Xiaolan, before they come in, go and hide quickly."

Fei Yingli took a deep breath and said.

She had already made her decision. Although both she and Mao Lilan had some fighting skills, they were still too afraid of the opponent with a chainsaw in front of them, and the fear made them unable to move.

Here only you take the initiative to stand up.

"Hey, but mom, you"

"I'll stay here to hold them back! Don't worry, I won't let them in until Bai Ge comes over. I will never let these guys touch a finger of my daughter!"

Fei Yingli said seriously, and Mao Lilan trembled in her heart. The look in her mother's eyes was more determined than the look in her eyes standing in the court! For a moment, she almost forgot her fear, something called touching. Emotions spread throughout her body, as if to melt her fear, and Xiaolan's eyes couldn't help but shed tears of emotion.

She also forced her trembling body to calm down, and the angelic girl said firmly.

"No, I want to stay with you too!"

"Xiaolan! Not now"

"But! Mom, you are also the most important person to me!"

Fei Yingli trembled all over, then raised her arms to hug her son, with a satisfied expression on her face. The girl in front of her was her daughter, which was really great.

Even in this situation, she lived with joy and the same emotion.

"Thank you, Xiaolan, and I'm sorry that I am your mother, but I have never done anything for you."

"No such thing"

The sound of the chainsaw was still roaring, and the mother and daughter in the house hugged each other tightly, and then the two of them picked up the furniture around them as weapons.

Finally at this moment, the door could no longer bear the damage and collapsed. The two men looked at the mother and daughter in front of them with fierce expressions on their faces.

They couldn't help but be stunned.

The man couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what a beautiful pair of women they are. One is like a queen with eyes full of dignity, and the other is as strong as an angel.

Rather than mother and daughter, they were more like a pair of sisters. For a moment, the two men felt that they couldn't bear to do anything.

"When we met in court before, I thought you were very good-looking, lawyer concubine, but I didn't expect you to have such a beautiful daughter!"

But they are villains, and the more beautiful something is, the more they can't help but want to destroy it.

"Someone will be here soon. It's not too late for you to stop now."

"Hahaha! If the police dare to come such a long distance, it will take at least half an hour. Before then, we will take care of you."

"Even if I die, I will never let you touch a finger of Xiaolan!"

Fei Yingli said loudly, and the queen's aura suddenly opened up. The two men couldn't help being slightly stunned, thinking, isn't this woman afraid of the chainsaw in her hand? She is indeed the queen of the legal profession, but This is the best! "Okay, let's start with our lawyer, and see what kind of whine you will make later. We are looking forward to it!"


Seeing the two people approaching them with evil smiles, the man holding the chainsaw just now handed the chainsaw to the guy next to him. He threatened Fei Yingli with his eyes not to resist.

Mao Lilan: "Mom!"

Fei Yingli: "No need to do anything, Xiaolan!"

The man slowly raised his hand, and at this moment, just when he was about to touch this...queen's cheek and hair.

"You actually went to a girl's house in the middle of the night to do something like this. You are really two scum."

The young man's voice appeared behind him.

"Wha, who is it?"

"This voice is Bai Ge!!!"

Mao Lilan and Fei Yingli recognized the voice that had saved them several times, and hope and dependence finally appeared in their eyes.

The two men who were prisoners turned their heads in shock, only to see their long snow-white hair fluttering slightly, their eyes like blood gems shining continuously, and the pure white boy wearing an angelic dress.

It took a lot of time to change back to the original appearance, and then because I had no clothes, I had to wear a spiritual suit. Bai Ge used the "Angel of Extermination"

The short-distance teleportation ability came to the door.

This meeting can be regarded as just in time.

"Aunt Yingli, Xiaolan, there is no need to be afraid. I have already heard about the matter from Xue Ge, just leave it to me!"

"Well, please, please save us!"

"Be careful, the weapons they have are too dangerous!"

Appearing on the stage at the most dangerous moment, ending it at the last second of despair. In the eyes of Fei Yingli and Xiaolan, Bai Ge and von Einzbern at this moment are like heroes! "Then Now what kind of cruel method should I use to deal with you? I have committed such a heinous crime against my two important friends that makes them afraid of crying!"

Bai Ge looked at these two men with cold eyes, like a tyrannical king! He was about to issue torture! Let these two people live or die!

Chapter 763, Bai Ge and Xue Ge

"Thanks to you again this time, Bai Ge."

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