On the airship of Vraksilas, the commander of the twin-tailed girl stared at the big screen, looking at the gem on the white singer with unbelievable surprise.

"Kotori? Ling

What is crystallization! "

"Sister, if you can, try to recover that thing! That is the core of the elf!"

"Eh eh eh?!!"

Wuhe Shizhi exclaimed, obviously not expecting it to be such a terrible thing. At the same time, before she could try to recover it, Bai Ge had already rudely... eaten the spiritual crystal.

Bai Ge: "Ahem! My throat hurts!"

Mio: "Are you okay? There is black tea here!"

Kotori: "What are you doing! Didn't you miss this, you idiot!"

Shizhi: "My fault?!"

At this point, Bai Ge has become the second elf besides Mio to have multiple angels, and the danger level has also begun to rise, reaching level 160.

All aspects have been greatly improved. Two different angels assist each other in Bai Ge's body. Whether it is [Fighting Killer] or [Breaking Army Songstress], they can exert more than 50% of their original strength.

"Yeah~ It feels really good. I suddenly want to find someone to play with. I'll try it with [Pojun Singer] next time."

Mo Ge was a little eager to try it, as if he was a child who got a new toy.


Be careful not to get hurt. "

Mio showed a gentle smile, feeling that the boy had become stronger again because of her own strength, and she felt very happy.


Bai Ge still didn't plan to listen to the afternoon class. In fact, it was enough to give the teacher face by not skipping class but sitting in a daze.

There is no teacher in this school who can teach him, and he also has two genius idiots who need to be taught.

"Fumino, write down all the formulas for me tomorrow!"


"Rizhu, now

Silence all the ancient poems for me! "


The two beautiful girls were moaning in pain in his hands, unable to resist and obeying.

Asking for flowers, asking for tickets, and asking for rewards.


Chapter 97, Bai Ge’s teaching methods (please give me flowers)

Although Furuhashi Fumino and Ogata Rizhu usually have special feelings similar to admiration and gratitude for this guy, they only feel fear during tutoring.

"Tch! Can't you hold on to this extreme level of commitment? You only have thirty seconds to rest."

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for being so disappointing."

"At least, let me rest for at least sixty seconds..."

Every day is very "fulfilling", and the degree of fulfillment is measured in seconds.

Furuhashi Fumino and Ogata Lizu once expressed their incomprehension.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu photo

At this level, shouldn’t we all be able to get the target score? "

"That is to say, it is already enough, so why..."

However, Bai Ge hit the table with his teaching stick at the next moment. In order to perfectly bring into the role, this guy even bought a set of clothes of a demon instructor for cosplay.

"Huh? Enough? Where is enough!"

"My young master has personally participated in the tutoring. At least you will give me a hundred points in the exam. I will not accept anything other than one hundred percent!"

"And now we have to instill the contents of college into you two. When the time comes,

What will you do if your grades drop or I'm not in the same school as you? "

"Anyway, stop talking nonsense and write for me!"

Where did this hellish instructor come from? It turns out that we have been learning the content of mathematics? ! Instructor, you have already worked overtime. Can we apply for a vacation? !

Furuhashi Fumino and Ogata Rizhu said that they did not regret accepting Baige's education and guidance at all, but... Is it okay for Asahi to order? Lord Baige, can you please give me 1% of your daily Asasi?

"No, I can't concentrate anymore."

"Please, please let me rest..."

The second girl felt that her HP was almost at the bottom, her head was dizzy, liberal arts sentences and immediate formulas were spinning wildly in her brain, and her brain was about to freeze.

Bai Ge held his head and looked at them without mercy. His eyes seemed to say, "There's really nothing we can do about you two losers."

"Tch, I can't help but take a break like this."

"Wow, thank you very much, Mr. Bai Ge."

"Finally, finally liberated..."

"Hey, it's such a pity. I was thinking that if you guys

If you can get a score of 95 or above on the paper, I will go to the school with you during the school festival. It seems that there is no chance. "

Bai Ge showed a "sad" expression, raised his hands to cover his face, and his eyes... peeked at the expressions of the two women through his fingertips.

Furuhashi Fumino: "…………"

Ogata Rizhu: "…………"

Second Girl: “We’ll finish writing now!!!!”

The boy immediately clapped with satisfaction. The sadness just now was completely non-existent. He praised loudly: "Hmm, humans can do it as long as they want to. Come on, Gangba~"

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