Lin Ye was a little speechless, he was visiting for the first time, and Sayuri let herself into her daughter’s room like this, is it really good.

No matter what, you should also talk to Ying Lili, and then go in.

Sayuri Sawamura seemed to have other plans, and when she saw Lin Ye hesitating, she smiled and pushed him upstairs.

“This is Yinglili’s room, have fun, Lin Yejun!”

After speaking, Sayuri left Lin Ye alone to go downstairs.

Ying Lili, mom can only help you get here, come on!

Lin Ye stood in front of the door, always feeling that Sayuri was a little ill-intentioned, but it was not the time to entangle it too much.

“Ying Lili, I’m Lin Ye, can I come in.” Lin Ye knocked politely on the door.

However, there was no sound after the door for half a day, there was no way, Lin Ye had to go straight in, fortunately, the door was not locked.

However, even if there is a lock, Xiao Lily is estimated to give the key to Lin Ye in advance.

After opening the door, you can see the room dressed up cute by the girl, and exude a fragrance that belongs to the English pear.

Although there are drawings scattered in the room, it looks a little messy, but the whole is clean.

There were a few small paper balls on the table, well, don’t think about it, Lin Ye opened it and knew that it was a scrapped draft.

After scanning the room, he did not find Ying Lili’s figure, and finally Lin Ye focused his attention on the small hill bag with the bulging quilt on the bed.

Lin Ye smiled and shook his head, these house girls all like to stay up late so much, his sister Xiao buried is also, Ying Li Pear looks estimated to be staying up late liver painting.

Since it was a weekend, I was still sleeping.

Mrs. Sayuri, is it really good for you to put your unsuspecting daughter in your sleep in front of Lin Ye.

Could it be that this is a test of whether you are a decent gentleman?

Adhering to his image of Wei Guangzheng, Lin Ye decided to call Ying Lili up.

Gently pull open the corner of the quilt to reveal the sleeping girl underneath.

The blonde hair that is usually tied in a double ponytail is scattered on the bed like satin at this time, and the petite body is curled up in a ball.

Lin Ye looked sideways at the girl’s sleeping face, the girl’s cheeks were slightly pink, and her delicate little face showed a pleasant smile, as if she was dreaming a sweet dream.

“Ying Lili, get up, the sun is up to your ass.”

Lin Ye shouted softly, Ying Li Pear was probably not very awake, did not hear Lin Ye’s voice, turned over and muttered a few words and continued to sleep.

“Mom, I want to sleep again, I don’t want to get up yet.”

Looking at the Ying Pear Pear that was lying on the bed, Lin Ye played with his heart.

It is basically impossible to see the English pear in this state, and this opportunity cannot be missed.

Lin Ye stretched out his hand and couldn’t help but lightly rub the girl’s cheek with his fingertips.

Ying pear breath seems to be a little tighter, some itchy don’t go over the face.

Lin Ye also followed, and unconsciously he was already half lying on top of the Ying Pear pear.

Seeing that she had been funny for so long that Ying Lili had not yet woken up, Lin Ye lowered her head and whispered in the girl’s ear.

“If you don’t wake up, the book you drew will be seen.”

Ying Lili, who was still sleeping just now, instantly opened her eyes and saw Lin Ye, who was only a few feet away from herself, and the behavior of the whole person about to lie on herself.

Ying Lili was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously opened her mouth to shout.

Seeing this, Lin Ye hurriedly covered Ying Lili, if she really shouted out, she was heard by Sayuri downstairs, wouldn’t her own British name be ruined?

“Ying Lili, don’t get excited, this is a misunderstanding, I just want to wake you up.”

“Let go of you now, you promise me not to scream, in case your mother hears it, it will not be good.”

After Lin Ye finished explaining, he gently let go of Ying Lili.

I don’t know if I didn’t hear Lin Ye’s words clearly, Ying Lili was lying on the bed with a ruddy face at this time.

Lin Ye was a little speechless when he saw it, why did you suddenly look at the mercy of others, and you wouldn’t substitute yourself into the humiliating heroine you painted.

Lin Ye just wanted to continue to explain, but the door was opened again.

Sayuri walked in with a plate of snacks, and when she saw Lin Ye and Ying Lili’s appearance at this time, her eyes flickered in surprise.

“It seems that my mother has disturbed you, there are some snacks here, and you can replenish your physical strength when you are tired.”

Sayuri put down her snack with a smile, then walked out of the room and closed the door.

“Remember to take good measures, you are still high school students!”

The door reopened, and Sayuri added the sentence before actually leaving.

As Sayuri went downstairs, the room fell silent again.

Lin Ye silently got down from Ying Lili, this is not to blame him, but to blame this ambiguous environment and youthful hormones.

If a normal boy doesn’t do something in the face of an unsuspecting beautiful girl, I don’t believe there is such a person.

At this time, after waking up, the confused Ying Li Pear finally woke up and regained her sanity, remembering what had just happened, and her face became more and more red.

“I blame you, I was misunderstood by my mother, I will bite you to death!”

Ying Pear exposed his tiger teeth, and the whole person rushed out of the bed, pounced on Lin Ye’s body, and bit down on Lin Ye’s shoulder.

In order to prevent it from falling down, Lin Ye still firmly grasped the Ying Pear pear.

There was no special feeling coming from the shoulder, and the pear just vented a little, and did not exert any force.

After Yingli Pear finished venting and calmed down, Lin Ye gently put her back on the bed.

After just tossing, the English pear pajamas at this time were messy, and a blond hair was scattered, like a fried kitten.

Seeing this, Lin Ye couldn’t help but reach out and gently touch Ying Lili’s little head, and said gently.

“Don’t be angry, I was wrong just now, now get up and change your clothes.”


Lin Ye’s gentle offensive obviously worked, and Ying Lili nodded obediently.

“Then I’ll go out first, change your clothes and call me again.”

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he went out and left Ying Lili a personal space to change clothes.

Ying Lili looked at Lin Ye’s departing back, her face was slightly red, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Coming downstairs, Sayuri Sawamura was looking at a book she didn’t know anything below, and she looked a little surprised when she saw Lin Ye coming down.

“Lin Yejun, did it end so quickly?”

Lin Ye’s face was full of black lines, and sure enough, the Zecun family had a dirty head, but in order to maintain their innocence and dignity, it was still necessary to explain.

“Mrs. Sawamura, that was just a small misunderstanding, in order to get Eiri Pear to get up, now she wants to change her clothes, I came out to avoid it.”

Indeed, such a short time is not enough to change clothes, how can it be possible to do anything else.

“Well, that’s a pity!”

Seeing that things are not developing as she imagined, Sayuri Sawamura obviously looks a little regretful…


PS: Meng new author, ask for a wave of support!!

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