Chen Jian is going crazy, what's the matter!?

Could it be that Yuncheng is an international metropolis!? Isn’t it just a small third-tier city!? It’s still at the bottom of the list, but it’s only been so long, and so many things have happened!?

The two kidnappers were only caught here, and the police station in the next county over there received a report from a certain community, saying that a strange man had been found in front of the house. At that time, both police cars and ambulances came. .

Then I checked, and found out, good guy, this guy is a smuggled immigrant, and he has scored Q in a row. This is the dragon country that has strict regulations on hot dogs (a weapon that can shoot metal particles). How bad is this? The incident happened, and immediately alarmed the above.

What's even more amazing is that after this investigation, it was found that the strange man was actually one of the most wanted criminals in the world, an international mercenary of dragon descendants known as "Blue Dragon". People can also shoot, which can be described as notorious.

Unexpectedly, it entered the country.

Of course, this was not what made Chen Jian most angry, after all, it was not his business, but this guy entered Yuncheng, but there was no news on his side, and he even fought with others.

Hehe, if this is to attack Zhang Qing, is it possible that I only found out after Zhang Qing was killed!?

This is a slap in the face, and it is also a slap in the face of all the dark agents in Yuncheng.

All of a sudden, everyone's complexion is not very good.

However, both the police and Chen Jian are very fond of the four Xiang Ziqi who took the initiative to report the crime instead of taking the stranger home. The officials of Yuncheng also remembered the four of them. In some respects, Huazhang, who would have given the green light to the four of them, had made a huge contribution to the country if it wasn't for some difficult things.

Because that Xiao Nan can definitely be regarded as a super dangerous person who endangers national security, if he really sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom without anyone noticing, the consequences would be unimaginable.

How capable do you think a mere mercenary can be!? Hehe, they can let you smuggle into the country without realizing it, and obviously you can bring QZDY in. If you want to bring something extraordinary, it’s hard !?

Who knows if he has accepted missions from some forces and came to Dragon Country to do something!?

So Longguo took everyone back to be imprisoned and await interrogation.

Would you say this is a great achievement!?

It must be!

Chen Jian's anger, in fact, is mainly because of fear, so after the anger passed, he also realized that there were still loopholes in his defense, and he immediately ignored the anger, and immediately arranged manpower to fill up the loopholes that had not been discovered before. superior.

On the other hand, after Zhang Qing learned about this, what he thought was, how could there be a feeling of déjà vu?

Afraid!? Zhang Qing is not afraid!? Even if some cultivator comes out, it will be useless!?

If he really shot Zhang Qing, the one who died would definitely be the other party.

Therefore, in fact, Zhang Qing does not need the protection of Chen Jian and the others, but this cannot be explained, and the existence of Chen Jian and the others is also good for his family. .

Although Zhang Qing thought it was a bit interesting, he didn't pay too much attention to it. Since the state had noticed and arrested him, there was no need to be too entangled.

Now Zhang Qing only needs to focus on communicating with the lawyer, because (cada) the Leng family really wants to file a lawsuit with them, accuse them of abducting and trafficking women, deprive Zhang Shishi of her personal freedom, and fight for custody.

From the perspective of Leng's family, they are sure to win, after all, they have money.

As far as the situation of Zhang Qing's family is concerned, they may not be able to afford a lawyer. Even if they can, the big deal is to buy the lawyer hired by Zhang's family.

This can be seen from the fact that their family didn't come to establish a good relationship with Zhang Shishi in person, and even just met one time. It's probably because they are used to being superior, and they don't even know how to ask for help.

According to Zhang Qing, of course he wanted to settle this matter quickly. After all, he couldn't really take a long vacation. There were still many things waiting for him in the institute. Without him, he would almost lose his way.

Moreover, Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao's studies can't be delayed for too long, so we can't really let them stay at home all the time!? Students should still return to school.

So Zhang Qing negotiated with lawyers here, and used his contacts to find some business troubles for the Leng family, keeping them busy for at least three to five years and not having time to trouble Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao.

Where do you think Zhang Qing got his connections!? Oh, he has a lot of patent projects!? Take out some, and how many people are rushing to ask for them. Of course, they are all obsolete technologies. After all, advanced technologies cannot flow into the public so quickly. Yes, even if Zhang Qing is the owner of these technologies.

After Zhang Shishi and Zhang Shishi graduate from high school, they will become adults. At that time, it will be useless for the Leng family to do anything. One is that the university that Zhang Shishi enters is definitely not something that the Leng family can interfere with, and the other is that the guardianship is useless. The third is that at that time the Leng family didn't know if they were as rich as they are now!?

Zhang Qing has initially dealt with the troubles in his own world. Although he still doesn't know what kind of world his own world is, he is not in a hurry.

And when he entered the misty space again, the little broken ball was already crying there.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, why did I suffer so hard!?" Little Poqiu burst into tears as soon as he came.

"It's fine to travel through a ball, but it's still a tall ball. Why is it the world of "The Wandering Earth"!?"

When Xiao Poqiu thought of being led around the universe by those humans, he felt tired.

Didn’t He just pay attention to it for hundreds of years!? Why did he get so excited when he woke up!? But He couldn’t do anything about it. Something happened to the sun. He couldn’t possibly create a new sun out of thin air!? Not to mention that he doesn’t have the ability, Even if there is Him, I can't do it.

"Why don't you find a new sun by yourself!?" Special chef Zhang Qing didn't think there was any trouble. It would be fine if the other party was dressed as a human in "The Wandering Earth", but the other party is obviously the earth, so what? What!?

Even if the sun goes out, it has no effect on Him.

And as a ball with self-awareness, can't it run by itself!?

The little broken ball spun around, and then sighed, "Don't I know!? But how can I run!? If I move, all the humans on it will die. Interstellar travel is not so easy."

Although he has always said that he dislikes the human beings above, Xiao Poqiu still has never thought that he would really cause mass extinction by himself, otherwise it would have come as early as World War II

Human beings are too fragile. Before the little broken ball finds the new sun and settles down, they will probably all die.

Even if it is a short voyage of space jump, it will be a disaster for the human beings on the small broken ball.

"So do you have any ideas!?" Zhang Qing asked curiously. They couldn't empathize with a ball, so they couldn't think of any good way, so they had to save themselves by themselves. .

After hearing the words, Xiao Poqiu looked at Sirin, "This is what I think, if you have the ability of the Herrscher of Flame, the mere sun is actually not necessary..."

"Give up your mind, the plague gem is in Otto's hands, if you go to get it now, it will mess up my layout!"

"And with the power of Houkai, you are afraid that the human beings in your own world will live too easily!?"

Sirin poured cold water on her without even thinking about it. Haven't you seen that other people don't use the power of Herrscher very much!? Houkai can be omnipotent, but not everyone can use this power. Once other people are infected, they will It's just a big deal.

The little broken ball sighed, knew it would be like this

No one is more aware of the dangers of Honkai than Sirin who is a Herrscher. For the entire human civilization, it is definitely a disaster.

"Forget it, this kind of thing, let the human beings in my world think about it. I am at most the last backing, and it is enough to protect them!" Xiao Poqiu simply didn't think too much, because maybe this is the human being. It might be a test. If it is really impossible to overcome the crisis in the end, then He will save the fire and find a new home to start over.

Thinking about it, other alien species should not give him such a little face for the little broken ball.

Come on! He slaps you to death!

Sirin crossed her arms and said, "That's how it should be. We're not their parents, so why should we care so much!?"

Little Poqiu is embarrassed, he is indeed the parents of human beings in a sense.

"Let's not talk about my side, Sirin, when will Kiyana on your side enter St. Freya Academy!?"

Sirin rolled her eyes, "It's not a comic, you really pass by in the blink of an eye!? It's been a long time!?"

It's meaningless to kill Otto. Although Sirin and the others have been clamoring that Otto must die, but in the Honkai world, the crisis of Otto's death still exists. We must rely on Qiyana and the others.

As for the other herrscher cores, she will naturally take them back. This is her path, and it is also the path that suits her best, so it is naturally impossible to give up.

Other Zhang Qing's abilities are at most just icing on the cake, and Xilin still has to follow the Herrscher route in essence.

Although her Herrscher is a bit out of specification, isn't this one not yet born!?

On the other hand, Zhang Qing from the Goblin Drama World patted Xiao Poqiu's body and said, "Ball, why don't you just give me a share of the science and technology in your world, so I can save some time, won't you!?"

"Get out!" Xiao Poqiu became angry when he saw this guy, and wanted to copy homework, don't even think about it!?

You are living so well in your own world, you can’t help with things on His side, and you still want to deal with the government!? Go as far as you can!

Xiao Poqiu didn't forget that this guy was fighting for favor with him before.


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