Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

197 Tsunade: Is It Too Late For Me To Quit Now! ?

As expected, after Konoha received Zhang Qing's letter, there was an uproar. No one thought that this kind of problem would happen. Everyone expected many situations, but they really didn't expect it to happen. This kind of absurdity is vaguely and slightly subtle.

Is it difficult to persuade Tsunade!? Difficult, very difficult.

Before the Chunin exam, it was already very difficult, because Tsunade has been deliberately hiding her whereabouts, every time there is news of her, it is when the big fat sheep haunts, but Tsunade, who is so addicted to gambling, does not go to the casino every day Yes, as long as you have no money on you.

When you go to other countries, you can still hold your hands, and you won’t gamble with red eyes, so that foreign people will discover her existence. You must know that Asuma Sarutobi can be rewarded with a reward of 35 million taels. Not to mention the noble Tsunade, a lot of desperadoes will choose to attack her.

So in general, Tsunade's whereabouts are elusive and very difficult to find. This is the first difficulty of the persuasion mission-.

The second one is that when Tsunade left Konoha back then, he was very unhappy. He lost his career, love and family affection. In these years, he has never returned to Konoha once. He hardly cares about it, so you can see his attitude. Because there are signs of old age and death.

Not to mention that Konoha is still a place that brings back sad memories for Tsunade.

The third difficulty is blood phobia. Whether you are a shadow-level powerhouse or a medical ninja, if you suffer from this disease, it is undoubtedly equivalent to ending your ninja career. A mature adult, she couldn't even promise to come back, because she was a useless person.

However, it is not so easy to treat a person's mental illness, unless he takes action on the memory, but can Tsunade allow it!? If he really does this, he will be a deadly enemy.

So in general, the difficulty of the persuasion task is five stars from the beginning, and this is the situation before the Chunin exam.

God knows what will happen to Tsunade after hearing those slanderous words after the Chunin exam!?

It is impossible for Tsunade not to hear the wind at all, unless she really lives in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests, so the difficulty rises straight to the point that basically anyone who is Konoha appears in front of her, is prepared to lie in a hospital bed for the rest of his life The preparation, the difficulty is ten stars.

The difficulty has basically reached the peak, but Konoha is the only one who can turn the tide and stabilize Konoha's heart, and no one else can do it. It is said that the Senju Clan ended the Warring States Period, and the current situation of one village and one country was created by the Senju Clan. Commoners and ninjas also believe that Tsunade, who is the descendant of Senju, can continue the glory of the ancestors.

Especially now that Hiruzaru Sarutobi has created the title and identity of Hokage into an existence like a great demon king, whoever dares to contaminate him will be the next great demon king that everyone shouts and beats. Only Tsunade is qualified, and he will not Be hostile and suspicious.

Because of this, even though in Zhang Qing's letter, Tsunade's conditions are very strange, and it will even make Konoha's reputation in the international ninja world, but the people on Konoha's side still gritted their teeth and agreed. Leaf is not called Konoha, anyway, it was created by your ancestors. As for Hokage, the Uchiha clan is gone, so it can naturally be discarded.

You say lose face!? It was already lost when Orochimaru’s Konoha collapsed plan, and now it’s delayed because of such a trivial matter, I’m afraid other ninja villages will have to make arrangements

The fourth ninja war has begun.

Who made the four Sarutobi Hiruzen so coquettish, constantly weakening themselves, and exposing these inside stories in public, now who doesn't know that Konoha is the weakest time in history!?

Originally, other ninja villages rested and recuperated because they were afraid of Konoha's hidden strength, especially whether there would be hidden geniuses of the Senshou clan or the Uchiha clan. Village believes that Konoha's Uchiha clan was really wiped out.

Because it’s unrealistic, not to mention that he was only 13 years old, no matter how talented he is, he doesn’t have enough physical strength to exterminate the clan. Sharingan is awesome, but he is not the only one who has it. If he kills it by himself, even those Uchi If Bo's people didn't fight back, they couldn't finish killing them for three days and three nights.

Moreover, it was within Konoha, and if such a big incident happened, are all the people in Konoha blind or deaf!? So many people suspect that Konoha is luring others to plan to cheat, maybe It is to hide the Uchiha clan, and what are they secretly doing to endanger other ninja villages!

The result is good, Konoha F4 put all this on the bright side, now that Konoha is green and yellow, he is a sick cat, no one is tempted, isn't it!?

So Konoha couldn't afford to wait, and sent Ninja Express to deliver the letter almost the same day she received Zhang Qing's letter.

Promise, they will promise everything now, even if Tsunade said they want the moon in the sky.

After Zhang Qing received the reply, after reading it, he handed it to Tsunade, who seemed not in a hurry or caring, a little funny, "It seems that there are still many people who understand!?"

If the letter arrives later, it proves that there are idiots on Konoha's side who can't see the situation clearly and are arguing. Naturally, it is absolutely impossible for Tsunade to go back. This is a kind of temptation, otherwise go back and continue arguing with those idiots! ? Tsunade is kind enough not to kill them.

After Tsunade received the letter, he didn't read it, and threw it aside, "I really hope that someone is dissatisfied and jumps over there!"

After finishing speaking, Tsunade showed a sneer. If someone really sang the wrong tune, she would naturally remember him. This kind of person must be a moth like Sarutobi Hiruza, and it must be right to clean him up.

"To be honest, does Konoha still have the strength to resist other ninja villages......"

Tsunade rubbed his brows, and looked at the Tiantian four who were exercising in the woods. These little ghosts are all talented, but unfortunately they were born at the wrong time. Although Tsunade has been outside, it seems that Konoha has never been out before. What a genius ninja.

Zhang Qing calmly looked at the sky outside, and said, "For the time being, the great war will not come yet, and other ninja villages will still try to test it out first. After all, those words were spoken by Hiruza Sarutobi, which can make people How much you believe depends on the person.”

Hearing the words, Tsunade thumped the big tree next to her, and cut it down in an instant. She ignored the fallen tree, and said viciously, "Jealousy and jealousy, anyone who can threaten his Hokage status will be designed." Damn, why did Second Grandpa accept so few apprentices? I said that Uchiha Kagami, who was more famous back then, sold it off and then disappeared!?"

Seeing Zhang Qing's puzzlement, Tsunade explained, "It is rumored that the second grandfather has always disliked the Uchiha clan, but as Hokage, he is tolerant, and he is trying his best to deal with Konoha's situation, so he accepts a Uchiha The wave clan is a disciple, in order to let the Uchiha clan fully integrate into Konoha, the second grandfather probably has already prepared to train a Uchiha clan Hokage, it’s a pity”

0 for flowers...

Senshou Tomona is a very smart person. He can see the root of many things. The Uchiha clan is naturally crazy after opening their eyes, but if they open their eyes because of love rather than hatred, they will naturally focus on Konoha. Personally, Between the family and the village, there is no doubt that the village will be chosen. Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui are the best proofs. Unfortunately, people are not as good as God. Uchiha Kagami died in battle, and he died very strangely. No one knows the truth.

Not to mention that when Senshou Tomona was in danger, he said that Hiruza Sarutobi would be Hokage in the future, or that Hiruza Sarutobi would temporarily replace Hokage and wait for Uchiha Kagami to come to his senses before allowing him to succeed him. Konoha F4 knows the real truth.

And judging from the way Konoha F4 has been suppressing the Uchiha clan since then, it is obvious that there is a high probability that it is the second situation.

Because Konoha needs a Uchiha Hokage, this is a compromise to stabilize Konoha's interior, and it is also to fulfill the agreement when the two clans jointly created Konoha.

It's a pity that it was destroyed by careerists, otherwise Konoha would definitely have become stronger.


Without Hokage's obsession, the Uchiha clan also has a high probability of choosing to merge into Konoha like the Senju clan, confusing bloodlines, and not distinguishing each other in the future.

It is too late to say these things now.

Tsunade sighed, some people want peace, but some people keep obstructing it, this is how this world is.

"Does Konoha still have a strong man who can do it now!? Don't talk about Kakashi Hatake, that kid is far worse than his father. I said it a long time ago. Those eyes are a drag, but that kid He is very stubborn, and even gave up sword skills, copying ninjas, what a great prestige......"

Looking at Tsunade's sarcasm, Zhang Qing shrugged his shoulders. If it is true according to the original situation, it is true, but this world has him hanging on the wall, and no matter Yuhihong, Mitarai Anko or Uzuki Yuyan, Zhang Qing Qing has also been trained well, and her strength is definitely among the top of the Jonin, but it's a pity that she has not yet reached the Kage level.

Yes, Anko’s strength is definitely at the Kage level. As for why he has not been able to become a Jonin, it is because of the drag of Orochimaru and the suppression of Sarutobi Hiruzen and others. It is ridiculous to say that a rebellious ninja teacher can If the successor continues to be Hokage, one of his apprentices will be repeatedly censored and suppressed, what is this really!?

"And Maitkai, if he dares to open eight doors, Uchiha Madara can be kicked to death by him!" Zhang said with a smile.

Tsunade held his forehead, "Bamen Dunjia is very strong, but in that case, Kai would have to die too, this doesn't count..."

So why do you want to destroy the Uchiha clan, don’t you know that is the card of Konoha!?

This is like the theory of the threat of nuclear weapons, and then destroying the nuclear weapons of one's own country is stupid and ignorant.

"I'm a bit regretful, how about changing someone!?"

Tsunade's ambition disappeared in a blink of an eye, this is really a mess, she will suffer when she goes back, she can see it clearly.

"Don't worry, Tsunade-sama, I'll tell you in secret, I've already reached the kage class, you can rest assured!" Zhang Qing was also afraid that Tsunade would retreat in the face of difficulties, so he revealed a little bit to let Tsunade know that Konoha is still have enough strength to deal with the crisis.

"You! Mountain?".

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