Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

199 Tsunade: I Want My Old Lady To Go Back To Be A Bachelor Commander, What A Beautiful Idea!

Zhang Qing and Tsunade are not in a hurry to go back. This is a matter of attitude. The one who cares often falls into the disadvantaged, whether it is emotional or other matters.

Now Tsunade is not a shadow, if she is too eager, she may be looked down upon, thinking that she still cares about Konoha very much in her heart, and maybe she will make a fuss because of this.

Now the people from Konoha are begging Tsunade to go back. If Tsunade really shows that it is too easy to agree, then no matter how he made those people compromise before, it will only become a joke

So even though Tsunade set off, she walked slowly all the way, just to let the people in Konoha see her "reluctance". Only in this way can she get the greatest benefit. After arriving at Konoha, she will also get a A stage where Tsunade can play to the greatest extent, instead of doing everything that needs to be nodded by that person.

In the original work, Tsunade promised too simply, so he fell behind. Perhaps some Tsunade underestimated the stupidity and greed of the two consultants, Koharu and Shimura Danzo. In short, many times, Tsunade is Under the control of these three people, the other families are also ignorant, and Ikacho, who is obviously the Hokage faction, has not surrendered directly after being subdued by Tsunade. Obviously, he has not gone all out like when he was dealing with Hiruzaru Sarutobi. Press the family on top.

It is because I saw that Tsunade is a paper tiger.

And at that time, Konoha and Tsunade were really not the only candidates who could be Hokage, especially Hiruzaru Sarutobi had a good reputation, even if he left the stage, he looked like a twilight hero. You can imagine how embarrassing it was.

Everyone thinks that she is a woman, that her thinking is naive, that she is wrong in this way and in that way, and some of her government orders will be reversed and not approved.

In fact, there has never been a single village of women in history. After Terumi Mei and Tsunade, they are all men, so it is very reasonable that this situation will appear in 20.

And if Obito Uchiha hadn't controlled the fourth generation of Mizukage and made the chickens and dogs of Kirigakure village restless, the sun and the moon were dark, Terumi Mei might not be able to become Mizukage! Even if he did, he would definitely not be as good as Tsunade. Many thanks to Obito Uchiha!

Otherwise, it is not a good thing to have an excellent predecessor.

Now, the situation in Konoha is very different. Hiruzaru Sarutobi’s reputation has long since swept the streets, and the family of Konoha F4 is eager to change their appearance, and they all keep a low profile. Haughty looking down on the female Hokage Tsunade!?

After other families experienced the tyranny of Hiruzaru Sarutobi, they wished for a softer female Hokage! During Hiruzaru Sarutobi's tenure, almost every family suffered heavy losses, and the loss of talents was the largest. There are still many contradictions. After all, the ninja sent to the root is basically equivalent to an abandoned child. Who would like their children to be treated like this!?

Many people only think that only Hinata has family conflicts, because they have the main family and the branch family, and they have created an extremely inhuman "caged bird" seal, but are other families very united and have no differences at all!? impossible.

Now that there is no Konoha Elderly Group F4, and Konoha Village is almost completely destroyed, when everyone panics, Tsunade knows what to do as long as he is not an idiot

In the original book, it may be that Naruto's mouth was confused, or too many things came up together, which made her lose her sense of proportion. After all, Orochimaru was found, and it was the temptation of reincarnated lovers and younger brothers, and also a teacher. When the news of the death came, then Jilai also came, Balabala said a lot of sensational words, and Naruto, the MLM brainwashing head.

In the end, he was confused and was dragged back to become Hokage in a hurry.

Become a mascot Hokage who is constantly shackled by the dead Sarutobi Hiruzen, and can only do things with his hands tied. It is likely that Tsunade at that time has regretted it, but it is useless, it is too late.

Now that there is no Jiangzhi, the shrewd side of this woman is naturally revealed.

Seeing that Zhang Qing didn't have any opinions along the way, Tsunade was a little surprised, but he was relieved when he thought that the other party had been able to endure and hide his clumsiness for so many years.

This is a smart person who sees clearly, much better than many self-righteous guys.

"Stinky boy, are you interested in being an assistant to my old lady when you go back!? I think you are very suitable, and I am very optimistic about you."

Zhang Qing quickly shook his head, "No, you should find someone else! I'm just a waste."

Joke, being an assistant to Tsunade, isn't that the same as doing everything for her!? You must know that although those people are eager to let Tsunade come back to take on the big responsibility, there are not many people who are completely on Tsunade's side , plus Tsunade will definitely not continue to employ Anbe from the Sarutobi Hiruzen period, and the root members of Shimura Danzo, then the manpower around Tsunade will be very insufficient in the early stage, so much work, with Tsunade's temper, absolutely It is impossible to really wrong yourself.

At that time, Zhang Qing will be miserable.

"Hey! Brat, what do you mean!?" Seeing Zhang Qing's refusal in such a hurry, Tsunade was furious.

"Master Tsunade..." Shizune suddenly blushed and whispered.

Tsunade covered her mouth with her hand, "I even spoke my mind!?"

Zhang Qing rolled his eyes, "You still said you won't pay me!" This black-hearted capitalist!

"I don't care. After I go back, I have to do everything myself. If you don't agree, I will turn around and go back now." Tsunade instantly became unreasonable.

The Senshou Clan is gone long ago, and the Inokacho Clan is not so much loyal to the Hokage Clan, as they have been affiliated with the Sarutobi Clan since the Warring States Period, and they are loyal to the Sarutobi Ten Clan.

After Konoha F4's various coquettish operations for so many years, after Tsunade goes back, what useful people will he have!?

not a single one!

Tsunade, who wanted to understand this, became uneasy for a moment, and she really wanted to regret it.

After going back, I will be the bachelor commander, but it’s okay!?

Zhang Qing was taken aback, quickly pulled him back, gritted his teeth, and said, "I'll just help you, but you can't leave everything to me and Jing Yin, and then run to drink and gamble alone. If you don't agree, I will Nor agree!"

It was only a few steps away to Konoha, if the old woman was allowed to run away, God knows what Zhang Qing would face.

"But, just one of you plus Mute is two, and this manpower is too small." Tsunade said dissatisfiedly with his arms folded.

Hearing this, Zhang Qing regretted that he was not in a hurry to bring him back. If he brought him back earlier, there would be no such troublesome things.

"Kakashi, you can be trusted, and so is Kai. If it's not enough, my fiancée Kuroyuki, as well as Mitarai Anko and Uzuki Yugao can be trusted. You won't be without people, don't worry... ..”

Zhang Qing gritted his teeth a little, this woman just wait for him to express his opinion! It must be like this, this woman has been thinking about her own people early in the morning, the same evil.

"Don't put on a stinky face, brat, I'm your half-teacher anyway, you don't plan to help me with all your strength, are you embarrassed!?" Tsunade also sneered, and if you don't force it, this kid is dishonest .

If it weren't for the fact that he had set his mind on Zhang Qing early in the morning, Tsunade would have agreed to come back and take over such a mess, asking for no one, no money, what a good thing!?

Besides, she hasn't been in Konoha for so many years, if she didn't have the help of Zhang Qing, who is her own person, how would she know that those people can be trusted, and those people are really capable of being underappreciated!?

Is it true that she has big hands and no brains!?

"Boy, my age is not for nothing."

Throw it away if you want to use it up!? Bah, it’s really stupid to treat my old lady!?

Zhang Qing was speechless, did he really underestimate the other party!?

These days, this woman has been acting as if she has been persuaded by herself to be hot-headed. I really don't know that it is all a disguise. Sure enough, women are born actors.

Zhang Wuji's mother was right, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is.

I endured it for so many days, and it was almost at Konoha's time that I had an attack, just to make myself unable to refuse at all, what a scheming plan!

This ordinary life of ninja is gone. The whole family, young and old, plus friends have to clock in for this woman to go to work. They shouldn't have accepted this task in the first place.

"Don't act like you're wronged and unwilling. If you become my man, I won't let you suffer. Haven't you been greedy for my unique skill that can keep you young!? I promise to pass it on to you Ladies, are you okay!?"

Tsunade put away his smug smile, hugged Zhang Qing's shoulder and whispered.

As for why Shizune has not only failed to learn the Yin seal for so many years, but also has no strange power, but in the original book Haruno Sakura has learned all these, of course it is not Tsunade's partiality.

As long as he is outside, Jingyin doesn't have so much energy to study other things. He has to take care of Tsunade and his pet Tofu, and often has no fixed place to live, and has to avoid debt collectors. How can he have so much time to study other things! ?

After Tsunade becomes Hokage, as I said before, Tsunade is short of manpower, so Shizune, as the first disciple, is naturally very busy. Tsunade can still take time to teach Haruno Sakura. At night, if you don’t die from overwork, it’s not bad, so how can you still have the energy to study!?

Moreover, the Yin seal has a fatal flaw. The Yin seal is to accumulate chakra on the forehead at ordinary times, and at the same time, it will form a diamond-shaped imprint on the forehead. When needed, unseal the seal and release a large amount of chakra through the unseal ninjutsu "Yin Seal · Unseal".

However, in the process of cultivation, apart from the members of the Thousand Hands Clan and the Uzumaki Clan, how can anyone else have such a huge Chakra!? It’s not enough every day, how can there be any extra!? And even when there is no need to fight, it is not allowed Doing this, who knows that once I consume so much chakra, will encounter unexpected situations during the period of weakness, so apart from Haruno Sakura, who was still a genin at the time, how could Shizune, who was a jinnin, dare to be so promiscuous!?

One is that there is no time and energy, and the other is that the cultivation conditions are harsh.

There is no 657 to learn about natural mute.

It's different now, Tsunade has Zhang Qing as his own person, and a bunch of trustworthy people, so naturally the situation in the original book will not happen.

Tsunade also doesn't want to see Shizune grow old. If she is still young at that time, but her disciple becomes a middle-aged woman, I'm afraid it will be very embarrassing.

Zhang Qing thought about it and thought it was good, so he agreed. He didn't know if he would grow old, but he didn't want Hong and the others to grow old. At that time, Zhang Qing had naturally found other ways.

"You've already decided not to use the Zhuludie clan!?" Zhang Qing asked with a frown.

Tsunade let go of Zhang Qing, shrugged and said, "It depends on what they do. If you show your attitude to me, of course I will not refuse, but if you are still waiting and watching, I can only say that they are too aggressive." If you underestimate me, naturally I will treat them with a different attitude.”

This is very realistic, but it is such a truth.

Tsunade is not a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl anymore, why should others wait and see to see if she is suitable!? Isn't she not qualified, not good enough!? Still thinking

How can she prove it!?

She hates self-righteous smart people, and she doesn't bother to take her time with these people.

Since she didn't trust her at the beginning, she naturally wouldn't completely treat her as her own, and it wasn't her fault.

"Not only Zhuludie, but also other families."

Tsunade added.

Seeing this, Zhang Qing said tentatively, "Then how about focusing on civilian ninjas!? If we change the existing teaching system in ninja schools, there are actually many civilians who endure

Those who don't will not be too bad, they just lack the opportunity. "

Tsunade took a deep look at Zhang Qing, "Indeed, both you and Namikaze Minato are good enough, and the second grandfather also wanted to get rid of the backward shackles of the family.


"After you go back, please write me a plan. I also want to see how you plan to reform the ninja school."

Naturally, Tsunade would not directly veto Zhang Qing's proposal. One is that Zhang Qing is indeed her person, in every sense, and there have been many examples among civilian ninjas.

The point is that this is the same as the medical ninja reform she proposed back then.

Tsunade is also very happy, someone can see the inappropriateness of the backward old system like her!

But of course she would not express her emotions directly on her face.

Instead, he pretended to be advanced. .

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