Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

350 Tony: I Shouldn't Have Counted On These Sand Sculptures!

Seeing Tony's words, the black cat expressed that he didn't understand it very much. Although he didn't like him very much, the black cat still had a good look at the plot of the other party's world.

So I immediately asked:

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: Hey! Megalomaniac, shouldn’t you be making Mark 1 iron can armor at this time!? How could you die tomorrow!?】

[Strike while the iron is hot: Oh, sure enough, you can keep monitoring me! Don’t pretend, those terrorists have already decided to kill me tomorrow, don’t you know!? You only need to give me three more days, no, only two more One day is enough, damn it...]

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: Wait! Are you saying that you haven’t made any armor yet!? It’s still at least two days away!? @System, what’s going on, can the plot be changed, Jane moved ahead!?】

Although they also changed the plot, it was done under their own consciousness. After all, they had read the script in advance, so naturally it was impossible to completely follow the original plot. The plot is reversed, but some unsatisfactory aspects will also be avoided.

But what about Tony Stark!?

The chat group shows that the other party has not downloaded the group files at all, let alone checked the plot, so why there is such a big change, is there really a time traveler interfering!?

But what kind of traveler would want to kill the big shit!? What's the benefit!?

The black cat's mind was a little confused, and he couldn't figure out what happened.

【Group System: ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯】

Of course the system knows why. Others may not know about Tony's situation, but it is the customer service system of this chat group. It is naturally different from other group members. After all, Tony is also a member of the group, so it is impossible for the chat group not to know. specific circumstances of the other party.

But how to explain it!?

It's just a newborn baby, what happened before has anything to do with it!?

Looking at the situation, it seems that he wants to blame it.

The system wanted to pretend to be dead, but these tricksters didn't intend to let it go, and kept QQing it.

[Group system: A little accident happened here, probably, I mean probably, this is caused by you, dear, do you believe it!?]

【Falling Heaven Saint Black Cat: Fuck, the traversal function of this chat group is only enabled, we haven’t had time to see the specific situation, how could it be caused by us!?】

The black cat slapped the table on the spot, indicating that the system was crashing.

She is barely considered a cultivator now, or just getting started, but she was always an ordinary person before, how can she have such a great ability, this system has to give a better reason for wronging people!?

Do you know what an ordinary person is!?

Can those who can affect other worlds be called "ordinary people"!?

The black cat was furious on the spot.

Others also said that they did not accept the system's statement at all, and agreed that the system was talking nonsense.

[Group system: QAQ...]

【Group system: But what this system says is true......】

It's too difficult, if there is an afterlife, please don't let it be this broken system again!? Mom, please plug this system back, thank you!

[Strike while the iron is hot: No matter what you want to use me to do, now "please" hurry up and rescue me, otherwise all you will get is the body of your Tony father, you know!?]

Tony, a little speechless, did these people figure out the situation? What a mess!?

Isn't the most important thing now is to find a way to rescue him!?

Is a dead Tony Stark worth more!?

Tony is a little confused, what is this suspicious organization planning to do!?

[Reincarnated Spider: Even if you say that, there is nothing we can do. I just looked at it and it takes 500 points to travel, but I have signed in for so long, and the total is less than 100 points. I don't need to use points at all. Owned under the circumstances, other people...】

Spider took advantage of the fact that everyone was paying attention to other aspects before, and he still had a good understanding of the upgraded functions of the chat group. At that time, it was like a scolding. There is a time limit, and if you exceed the time, you have to pay an additional fee. If you don't have points, you will be forced to return to your original world, which is too embarrassing.

Hehe, combined with what the system said before, if they are allowed to go to the world where Shamate is located to become stronger, it is simply off the charts, what can they do in one day, and they don't have so many points in their hands!

[Ganwumei: Really, the system, this is too dark, isn't this the opportunity you said to make us stronger!?]

Xiao Bu also turned black, he really didn't regard them as his own.

【Group system: sorryyoucallsnumberisbusynow! pleasewaitamoment!】

【Reincarnated as a slime:......】

Shamate and the others were also speechless. This system is going to play dead completely, and it is really unreliable.

【Sakura is the cutest: What should I do now!? Uncle Tony, it seems that the situation is really not good. 】

【Strike while the iron is hot: Hey! Am I very old!? No matter what, I won’t be called an uncle!】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: What else can we do? Let's gather together to see if we can get 500 points. I exchanged some things, and now I only have 40 points left. How about you!? 1

Now there are eleven members in the group, excluding the big shit who probably didn't sign in at all, and the system that doesn't count group members, there are also nine people, just 500 points, should, maybe, probably, maybe... ……… Can you make up enough!?

The black cat suddenly felt a little unconfident.

[Uncle Jiu: I just joined the group for a few days, and I don’t have many points, only 10 points.

As long as there is food in the game world provided by Asuna, is it possible to play the Tooth Festival? Otherwise, in the era of war and chaos where Uncle Nine lives, I am afraid that the 10 points will be spent and exchanged for some supplies.

Of course, Asuna can't provide it continuously. After all, she needs to use the currency in the game to buy it in the game. It has to be obtained by running errands. The wild ones don't need money, but the collection is also more expensive. Time and effort, Asuna can't waste time doing this, so there are not many red envelopes for other group members.

But others say it's enough.

[Ganwumei: I also exchanged some things, and the points are about the same as those of Black Cat Sauce. 】

Of course, Xiaobu and Heimao exchanged some cash from their own world, and it needs to be legalized, so it’s not cheap, but it didn’t hurt their heart. Naturally, they didn’t have any psychological burden to spend it before, but who knew the time travel service It takes as much as 500 points, and it may take a long time to use it just by signing in [It's just a scam.

How many points do you think you can get by signing in!? Hehe, one point a day, this chat group is too stingy, isn’t it!?

【Master Sen: My words, ahem, are about the same as Uncle Jiu......】

Senxia was a little embarrassed, because she didn't believe in the real existence of the chat group before, so she didn't sign in at all, so naturally she had almost the same points as Uncle Jiu who just joined, and of course she had the same consumption as Xiaobu Part of the points' sake.

In this way, after everyone reported their current points one by one, they found that the total was only 250 points, and they were a little speechless.

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: It's hopeless, wait for death!】

The black cat looked at the total points and gave Tony a critical illness notice.

[Strike while the iron is hot: No! Didn’t you guys use that red envelope function before!? Can’t you give me something that can solve my current crisis!?]

Tony was completely speechless. He felt that he must be crazy, and his death was imminent. He still had the patience to watch these guys collect money. What was even more speechless was that these guys went around and couldn't collect enough money to open the door. What are these guys? Kind of thing!?

play him!?

Come on, he is really dying, okay!? No kidding!

[Fallen Saint Black Cat: Red indeed a method, I didn't expect you to know this, don't you believe it!? But this is useless, we are ordinary people, we can't give you anything at all Something that can solve your current predicament. 】

The black cat spreads her hands. She has a kitchen knife for cooking at home. Even if she doesn't feel bad, the black cat doesn't think that giving the knife can make the big shit get through the predicament safely. Instead, it can be used to wipe the neck. Suicide before you die yourself is also a solution to the problem.

But the black cat felt that Tony would definitely not agree.

[Strike while the iron is hot: No, you keep talking about cultivating immortals, are you just ordinary people!? And there are some of you who claim to be in the game world, give me artifacts, and monsters from other worlds, give me I have a special product from another world!]

These people are too unreliable, although I really don't believe the ridiculous things these people said before, but at this time, don't tell him, you are ordinary people, just in COS, big brother!

You're bragging, let's round it up!

[Ben Zina: That..... I also want an artifact, but this is a garbage game. Even if I give you a weapon, it’s useless. You don’t have game skills, so the weapon is just an ordinary weapon. At least it is better than ordinary weapons, I don’t know much about this, the cold weapons in the game should be better than modern technology!?]

[Reincarnated Spider: On my side, there are only monsters. I can send them to you, but I am afraid that after you accept them, you will die faster. These monsters are somewhat aggressive to humans. 1

[Reincarnated as a slime: I only have slimes here. Maybe you want to use them to block bullets. I haven't tried it. After all, there are no hot weapons in other worlds. I can't guarantee that I can resist them. If the hornet's nest is okay, I can give it to you, don't worry, slime is a weak monster that even a child can defeat, and it is harmless. 】

[Uncle Nine: I know how to deal with zombies, ghosts, etc. I can't help you, and in my era, even if you were given a musket, you probably wouldn't be able to deal with those terrorists. 】

Not to mention Zhishi and Naye, they are just two little brats, if you count on them, you will be out of your mind.

【Strike while the iron is hot: So, you just want to tell me, let me just wait for death!?】

Tony is completely speechless. Could it be that he is a poor man!? Will he have to die in the Mood for Love!?

It's rare to plan to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and believe the nonsense of these guys, and the result is like this!?

Tony felt that he had counted on these sand sculptures before, and it really was him.

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: Although I don't really want to admit it (Wang Dehao), I have to say that you have summed it up very well, that's what it means. 】

【Sister Ganwu: Speaking of Uncle, what is going on with you? Why did the plot suddenly change so much!?】

【Strike while the iron is hot: What plot!? You guys don’t want to lie to me at this point!? It’s not necessary!?】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: Speechless, Emotional

Do you still think that we are lying, do we have such free time!? Really think you are a sweet potato, can you be loved by everyone!?]

What are they trying to cheat!? Even if the other party is the richest man in the world in their own world!? In a different world, those wealth are useless to them at all, it is useless

It's just paper.

Not to mention, if they really want money, they can use their points to exchange it in the group mall. There are also legal ways to solve the problem of money sources.

Money! Ken?

As for Tony's inventiveness, hehe, although the armor is indeed cool, what's the use!?

Even if you want Tony to help them manufacture weapons and equipment, you have to let Shi Dake get through the Thanos crisis first, otherwise everything will be empty talk. After watching the plot, it is estimated that Tony will not have

Leisurely making equipment for the group members.

As for those arms and weapons, forget it, they will only bring you huge troubles after you get them in your own world. How can modern society tolerate you carrying these!?

Isn't Liberty the Beautiful Land shot every day!?

[White Tyrant: I think Uncle Tony, you should take a good look at your own plot, it may help your current situation. 】

【Strike while the iron is hot: Well, well, I'll watch it, really, I hope I won't be disappointed].

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