Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

694 Paimon: As Long As You Like Slime Cooking, We Are Good Sisters!

Another half month or so passed.

Two very eye-catching people, one big and one small, came to Liyue territory. One of them has short blond hair, bright gold pupils, and is wearing blue and white exotic clothes, with rabbit ear knots, white sleeves and platinum Color-matched wooden boots, skirts and other places are decorated with multiple golden diamond-shaped accessories, a white bifurcated scarf is tied around the neck, and two streamers hang down to the legs.

The other one is flying in mid-air, and many people speculate that it might be a flying Qiuqiu man.

Along the main road, they marveled all the way to Liyue Port, the center of Liyue.

It's just that they didn't know that there was a white-haired girl behind them with a smile behind her back, standing a step away from them, but unfortunately, neither of them seemed to realize this.

In fact, the reason why many pedestrians on the road turn their eyes to them from time to time is also because of this.

Seeing someone staring at them again, Paimon couldn't help pouted, "Are we dressed strangely!? Why does it feel like everyone here is staring at us with strange eyes!?"

Ying also touched her face, then looked at Paimeng and nodded, "I think it's because Paimeng looks too strange, maybe it's because everyone saw the emergency food that can fly, so you are like this of.

"No, how could it be that Paimon is too weird!? There must be other reasons. By the way, we should do as the Romans do, just like the people of Liyue. It is better to use the name [Yan Wangdijun] more often!"

"For example!?"

"For example, we should say something like 'cough cough, my rock king Dijun, I can have a big meal again today, thank you Dijun!

"...I always feel weird, and I haven't heard anyone else say that, so it can't be made up by you Paimeng!?"

Ying looked suspiciously at Paimeng next to him. In fact, this little tour guide was completely unqualified in his professional ability.

"Traveler, how can you doubt your best partner Paimon!?" Paimon looked away with some guilt.

Then I saw Wanmintang in the market, pointed there and said, "That should be Xiangling's store, she invited us to go to her place after we arrived in Liyue, let's go there first, when the time comes Let the natives teach us how to do as the Romans do."

"So you really were talking nonsense just now, right?" Ying said while looking at the little thing.

But smelling the aroma of the food, Ying did not refuse to walk over to Wanmin Hall.

"Welcome... Hey, it's Little Paimeng, you traveler, and sister Zhang Qing, are you together!?" Xiangling was carrying a plate in the lobby when she heard the sound of someone entering the door, with a look on her face. He greeted new guests with a smile, but when he saw someone he knew, he was surprised and delighted.

"I thought you guys would miss this year's Invitation Ceremony!?"

Ying and Paimeng didn't immediately respond to Xiangling's words, they asked in confusion, "Who is Sister Zhang Qing!?"

"There are only two of us!?"

As they spoke, the two looked back and found that there were no other guests, and their faces became even more puzzled. If it wasn't for broad daylight, both of them thought they had encountered a ghost again.

Xiangling glanced at Zaiying and the others looking back, and Zhang Qing, who moved just in the blind spot of his perspective and smiled and waved to him, also twitched the corners of his mouth.

Should it be said that the other party's predictive ability is great, or should it be said that they are not doing their job properly!?

"Sit down and order whatever you want. Of course, you can also try my new dishes, but it will take a while. The store is a bit busy now."

Ying and Paimeng naturally had no objections, and they were not blind, with so many customers sitting in the store, they naturally wouldn't drag Chun Ya to ask her to chat with him.

"Hmm... this, this and this..." Paimon put his head next to Ying's and pointed at the menu.

Ying: "Can you finish it? This is too much."

Paimon patted his stomach and said proudly, "There is no problem at all."


"I want this, and this."

"Okay." Ying nodded, indicating that she had written it down, then she was taken aback, looked at the white-haired girl sitting on the other side, and asked, "Who are you!?"

Paimon was also surprised, "When did you sit here!?"

Zhang Qing pointed to the three cups of tea on the table and said, "I've been here all the time, it seems that I came first.

Ying and Paimeng looked at the tea that Xiangling put down on the table before, then looked at each other and asked, "Did Xiangling put two cups of tea before!?"

Paimon scratched his head, "Yes."

Ying nodded, "So we are indeed later!?"

"Probably, maybe, it's... like this." Paimon also doubted his own memory.

Ying asked with some embarrassment, "Is it okay for us to sit here!?"

Zhang Qing waved his hand, "No problem, it's just a table together, it's a trivial matter."

After hearing Zhang Qing's words, both of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiangling also came back at this time, holding a notebook to record the dishes ordered by the guests, but she had no intention of exposing Zhang Qing, "Please report the dishes you ordered.

Instead of Xiangling, Guoba brought out the prepared dishes from the kitchen and put them on the guests' tables.

Zhang Qing held his chin and said, "Xiangling, your family should hire more people, or take in a few more apprentices. I feel that you are completely overwhelmed."

Xiangling scratched her head and said with a smile, "I will talk to Dad, but there is a high probability that I will not agree, we are originally a small business, and there are not always so many people.

"Okay, I'll make it for you now. By the way, do you want to try my newly developed slime liquid cooking!? I have improved it, and used a lot of cooking skills from Mond."

"...No, thank you." Ying refused directly.

Before meeting Paimon, she had already tried it when she was very hungry, and the taste is still fresh in her memory.

Zhang Qing didn't care, "Then let's have a slime jelly, just add sunset fruit.

Paimon nodded, "That's right, add some mint (caee), the taste will be even better."

After finishing speaking, Paimon looked at Zhang Qing, "This stranger, you understand very well, I think we can become very good friends!"

Zhang Qing smiled and said, "I think so too."

Ying, on the other hand, looked at the two white hairs speechlessly and almost got married on the spot. She wanted to persuade Paimeng not to disturb other people, but seeing that Zhang Qing didn't mind, she gave up.

Soon Ying's eyes were attracted by the seven eyes of God hanging on Zhang Qing's waist, "This is...!?"

"It's the eyes of gods, there are many eyes of gods!" Paimon exclaimed.

Ying looked at the little tour guide suspiciously, and asked, "Paimon, can one person have so many God's Eyes!?"

Paimon also scratched his head and scratched his head, "I don't know, at least I haven't seen it before. By the way, this like-minded friend, can you explain it to us!?"

Zhang Qing clasped his hands together, "No problem, dear friend! This is an easy answer, because as long as it is not true, there is no problem. How is it very simple!?"


Paimon:  …

"Don't be like this, it's dangerous for me to go out as a weak woman. If I have the eyes of gods, the bad guys wouldn't dare to pay attention to me. Don't you think so!?" .

The corners of Xiangling's mouth twitched in the kitchen, she had seen the other party hammer the Qiuqiu thug into the soil with one punch, if this was a weak woman, she might not be a normal woman.

Zhang Qing seemed to think that this was not ordinary enough, so he took off the pair of dragon horns on his head, "And this, on Liyue's side, is the characteristic of a legendary immortal. If you wear this when you go out, no one will dare to wear it." Those who are disrespectful to you can even get a lot of discounts sometimes."

"Pick, pick...she took it off..." Ying and Paimon stared at each other dumbfounded.

It seems that something is broken, is it three views or integrity!? Maybe both!

"Is there no truth in you!?" Paimon asked.

Ying also nodded, saying that if the whole body is really fake, it would be too much, and suddenly she was a little curious about what this woman does, does she specialize in selling fakes!?

"Ah!? This, of course. For example, I never tell lies, does that count? You see, we just met, and I told you all about my style, so I am a very honest person. " Zhang Qing said with a smile.

Ying and Paimeng looked at each other, "I always think this is a bit weird, but it seems to be true.

Of course, if you don’t understand anything, you can come and ask me. I believe that you outsiders are very curious about many things about Liyue, but there is no one to explain it to you. At this time, you need someone very much. Tour guides don’t lie anymore, right!?”

Ying didn't return, but squinted at Paimon, "Pimeng, you are unemployed."

"Huh!?" Paimon was taken aback, and then pretended to be stupid, "Traveler, what are you talking about, Paimon can't understand!"

Zhang Qing watched the interaction between the two with great interest, and then asked, "How is it, you two!? I can serve you, and it only costs 1,000 moras."

"Wait, isn't it free!?" Paimon hurriedly stopped after hearing this.

Zhang Qing spread his hands, "There's no way, then even the most honest people have to live, but it's definitely worth the money, with my leadership, there will be no place that Liyue can't go to.

"Don't be in a hurry, we are here to meet Emperor Yanwang, is this okay!?" Ying hesitated and asked in a low voice.

Although I don't know if what the other party said is true or not, but if the other party is really so powerful that he can go anywhere as she said, Ying's heart will be moved.

"Well... you will be able to see it when you go to the Yujing Terrace to watch the ceremony, but if you want to go further and talk to the emperor, there are basically only two ways. One is to obtain the consent of the Liyue Seven Stars, and let them Help guide. One is to obtain the Bai Wu Taboo Talisman. As the ancestor of all the immortals, the emperor is also one of the immortals, so he can naturally ask to see him, but there are not many Bai Wu Taboo Talismans left so far, and few people know where it will be. Maybe you Maybe you can find it by chance.”

【The author has something to say: It's too noisy, I can't sleep well! I have to buy earplugs!】.

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