In fact, Harry and Ron have already arrived, and at this moment, they are wearing the invisibility cloak and leaning against Buckbeak's ear, constantly urging it to leave, the best way to escape is to escape into the Forbidden Forest, when the time comes The executioners absolutely dare not go deep, because the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts is very dangerous.

They even secretly loosened the rope that tied Buckbeak.

Hagrid looked at Harry with some concern. Although he couldn't see anything at the moment, he knew that his two children were there.

"Hagrid, don't stay here, or you will be suspected when Buckbeak escapes." Ron said in a low voice.

"You..." Hagrid glanced at the three of Fudge over there, sighed, turned around and went back to the cabin, brought out a bottle of wine under the gaze of the three of Fudge, and then sat at the door and gulped. Fill your mouth.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and both breathed a sigh of relief, really afraid that Hagrid would argue with them at this time.

"Okay, Buckbeak, fly to the Forbidden Forest, remember not to come back until we call you." Harry whispered, gently stroking the eagle-like head with his hands.

Buckbeak rubbed Harry's invisible hand, glanced at the two of them half-comprehendingly, and then neighed like a horse, it began to struggle vigorously, and then spread its wings and flew "950" Get up, under the stunned eyes of the three of Fudge, go directly to the depths of the forbidden forest.

But at this time, the executioner and the elders of the committee had just pulled out their magic wands, and the change was too fast and sudden.

Fudge looked at Hagrid suspiciously, "Do you know what you did!?"

"Hi~~~~What!? I didn't do anything..." Hagrid drunkenly looked up at the three people who came rushing in angrily, looked at them with a look of confusion, and hiccupped .

Fudge pinched his nose, and pointed at Hagrid with the other hand. He never thought that this half-blood giant with not very smart brains would be so cunning, and he would choose this critical moment to let the beast go. Responsibility is taken out.

Because if Hagrid had planned to shoot Buckbeak, he would have hidden him long ago. Now that he was run away by the other party before the execution, it was entirely the fault of the three of Fudge.


Fudge, who thought he was a chess player, did not expect to be tricked by this simple and honest big man.

Harry and Dumbledore haven't come yet, it's like losing his wife and losing his army.

Harry and Ron looked at the impotent and furious Fudge, and couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling.

After Fudge led the people away angrily, Harry and Ron put away the invisibility cloak and looked at Hagrid, who also smiled.

However, not long after Hagrid invited the two into the room, Hagrid lost his smile. He stared at Harry with wide eyes, "What are you talking about, do you know what you are talking about!? Who told you about Black of!?"

Hagrid scratched his hair, and looked at Harry with some irritability, "You are going to die, do you know how terrible Black is!? We didn't even dare to let you leave the castle, but you were lucky and wanted to kill him yourself !?"

A young third-year wizard who wanted to kill an adult wizard, and a vicious Death Eater, Hagrid, wondered whether Harry's head was broken.

"But he killed my parents, I heard it, I kept hearing my mother's voice before the moment, when the dementor was approaching..." Harry stared at Hagrid with red eyes, " He is also looking for me now. Last time he found the wrong person and took Ron as me. I know that he must want to avenge his master, so as long as he knows that I have left the castle, he will definitely appear. "

"Shut up! I'll tell Dumbledore, he won't..."

"Hagrid! Please, we're friends aren't we!?" Harry begged.

Hagrid kept pacing in the room. He also hated that traitor Black to the core, but Hagrid was very aware of the strength of the opponent. Even his half-giant body was no match for the opponent. Black showed his talent when he was a student. up.

"No, I can't help you, it will kill you." In the end Hagrid still didn't agree.

Harry was a little disappointed, "Why!? This is obviously the best opportunity and the only way, and you haven't been able to seize it for so long..."

"Harry, calm down! I think Hagrid is right." Ron pulled Harry, signaling him not to be impulsive.

"I'm calm, now." Harry retorted.

"..." The corner of Ron's mouth twitched, you didn't look calm at all.

"I couldn't stay in school before, but now I can't go back to that home. Why!?" Harry looked at Hagrid very puzzled.

Hagrid sat down again, whispering, "Anyway, Professor Dumbledore can't let you leave the circle of protection if Black hasn't been caught for a day, be obedient, Harry, I know you are very angry, but you can't Put yourself in danger, don't you know!?"

"Then Black was not caught for a day, do I have to stay in the castle all my life!?" Harry obviously didn't accept this statement.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Harry, Hagrid had no choice but to drive the two of them back to the castle, "It's useless for you to tell me, but I won't help with this matter, Harry, I don't want to attend your funeral.

After Harry and Ron left, Hagrid closed the door annoyed, intending to drink away his worries, but turned around and saw Dumbledore, "Professor, you...

Dumbledore shook his head, "I wanted to help Buckbeak escape, but..."

Hagrid also understood what Dumbledore meant. He came early in the morning, but he planned to use some method to trick Fudge and let Buckbeak survive, but Harry and Ron beat him one step ahead.

"So, Professor, did you hear the previous...that's what Harry said!?"

Dumbledore nodded, sighed, pointed to the chair beside him, and said, "Sit down, I have to tell you something!"

Hagrid was a little puzzled, but he sat down obediently, "Please tell me."


After Hagrid listened to Dumbledore's words, he opened his mouth, "So the real traitor is Peter, and he didn't die, but turned into a mouse and hid in Ron's house!? This ...It's not that I don't believe you, Professor, but it's amazing, but why didn't Blake tell the story!?"

Dumbledore rubbed the space between his brows, "He probably thinks he's guilty too, after all, he took the initiative to ask for Peter to be replaced, and he blamed himself very much."

Hagrid was speechless, and the other party's fuss during this period of time was due to the mouse that was chasing and killing Ron.

"Professor, what do you mean......!?"

"Promise Harry, I will protect him secretly." Dumbledore said to Hagrid.

Hagrid was stunned, "But since Black didn't come to kill Harry, doesn't that mean Harry will be fine!? Do we still need to be so nervous!?"

"No, Hagrid, it's never Black that's dangerous, but those guys who haven't given up and are hiding. They don't necessarily know that Black is not..." Dumbledore shook his head and said.

Just like Snape, he was considered Voldemort's confidant at that time, but he didn't know who actually betrayed the Potters. Most Death Eaters probably didn't know whether that person belonged to Peter or Black.

"I'll let Ron and Harry be together, Arthur and the others agree, only then will Black show up, we have to find him, or he'll be a fugitive for life."

"Arthur Weasley!?" Hagrid exclaimed, "They already knew that too!?"

Dumbledore showed an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, Hagrid, I didn't tell you before, it's just because you have such a good relationship with Harry, I was afraid that Harry would do impulsive things if he found out, you know, he always Wanting a relative, a godfather who loves him, absolutely can't make him calm down, but now there is a little problem, we didn't expect Fudge to say those words to Harry..."

There was some anger in Dumbledore's eyes, obviously Fudge's actions made him very dissatisfied.

In fact, if you give him a little more time, it is not impossible for Dumbledore to find Black, but the Ministry of Magic has been holding back, first it is about the dementors, and now it is about Buckbeak. Reliable" information to Harry, why not say that Black is not guilty!?

Dumbledore was very worried that Harry really killed Black. If that was the case, Harry would definitely be haunted for the rest of his life, especially after learning the truth, he might follow in Voldemort's footsteps, because that was probably his last A relative left him, and he killed it with his own hands. Extreme remorse will make people collapse and go to extremes.

This was unacceptable to Dumbledore.

"Professor, why didn't you just tell Harry the truth, the kid you know also decided that Black was the murderer who killed Lily and the others." Hagrid was puzzled.

Dumbledore sighed, "Of course I will tell him, but 3.1 is not now, Black is still a prisoner, if Harry slips his tongue or declares which side he stands with Black at this time, others will not understand, Even alienate him..."

How Dumbledore wished that Harry had a think tank like Hermione by his side at this moment. In that case, he would not have to worry about many things, but he did not become a friend.

"I see, I will tell Harry tomorrow." Hagrid also sighed.

And Hermione, who was reading a book in the common room, saw Harry and Ron coming back from the outside while arguing, and couldn't help but look at them more. It was really rare for these two guys to actually quarrel.

But judging from the looks of the two of them, Hagrid's hippogriff was probably fine, and Hermione was also relieved. Although Qing Zhang said that Dumbledore would be fine, Hermione was still worried.

Seeing that the two of Harry didn't come back crying, she felt relieved and went back to sleep.

Well, I will let everyone know the good news by the way tomorrow.

[The author has something to say: I'm sick and dizzy, and there are about one or two chapters left, so I have to think about what to write in the next unit. 】.

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