Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Episode 787 AyanokōJi-San Wants To Become A Great Demon King!


I finally found out the location, took the tram to the vicinity, and then turned over and over the mountains to search for half a day. When it was getting dark, I finally found a bungalow. If there is no other place for people to live in, this place should be This is the residence of Ms. Lukurazia Zola.

In fact, the appearance of the other party later confirmed this point, Kusanagi Godou was as lucky as ever, and did not make a mistake.

But what Kusanagi Godou never imagined was that this lady named Lukurazia Zola was not only not the kind of grey-haired grandmother he imagined, but also young and beautiful like a girl who had just graduated from college. Eldest sister, that temperament like a ripe peach is even more provocative to the puberty male blush, even if the other party does not make provocative movements.

But compared to age, there is also how the other party met his grandfather, whether his grandfather is an old cow eating young grass, and at this age he is still young and hiding in a golden house outside to take care of his little sister, which makes Kusanagi Godou even more astonished Unfortunately, Luculazia told him to leave as soon as he came up, and it was best to leave Sardinia immediately.

That serious attitude made Kusanagi Godou, who had already received a lot of stimulation or shock today, very nervous for no reason.

But no matter how she asked, Lukurazia didn't intend to tell him the reason, but just urged him to leave quickly, saying that if he had any questions, he could just ask his grandfather Kusanagi Ichiro when he returned to the East Japan Kingdom, and at the same time warned Kusanagi Godou not to He easily believed what his grandfather said, and said that Ichiro Kusanagi would kill him or something.

Under Lukuraya Zola's tough attitude, Kusanagi Godou could only walk down the mountain with exhaustion and hunger, and sighed a little helplessly when he saw the sky completely dark.

Kusanagi Godou was walking on the deserted road, and when he looked back, he could vaguely see the lights of Lukurazia Zola's house, wondering whether the other party was already enjoying a delicious dinner at this moment.

"Grandpa, is this really your good friend..."

Kusanagi Godou wondered if it was because of the incident with grandpa, the other party tormented him because of love and hatred, Kusanagi Godou was ready to sleep on the street tonight, even if he wanted to find a hotel now, there was no way to get there. Impossible.

Maybe I should have rejected Grandpa's unreasonable request as my sister Jinghua said.

What's worse is that the phone is turned off because there is no way to charge it all day, otherwise, my sister Shizuka Kusanagi would have called long ago, and it is said that the battery will be exhausted because of her sister Shizuka calling many times , otherwise it will be fine for at least a day or two if you keep it in standby mode.

After pressing the power button a few times and finding that it really couldn't be turned on, Kusanagi Godou also gave up the plan to ask Grandpa to explain the situation here. As for the stone slab, the owner said that he gave it to him, so it means that there is no need to return it and take it back, and he has completed the task assigned by his grandfather, right?

Kusanagi Godou walked down while thinking about things, but he didn't realize that there was a black cat following behind him, watching him leave from a distance.

Luculazia was relieved to see that Kusanagi Godou really left through the eyes of the black cat, at least this trouble did not stay with her, although it was a little unexpected that the Prometheus Secret Book was already boarded by [White Horse] at this moment, but For Luculazia, it was no longer the time to be curious, but the slate over there had changed from a gun with no bullets to a mushroom bomb that would explode at any time, which scared her so much that she almost scolded her.

With this kind of thing, whether it is the military god Veleslana or the incompetent king of Italy, they will come to the door. There is simply no greater trouble than this, and they are not even interested in asking Kusanagi Godou how to do it, Lukula Zia insisted that the other party leave early.

As for taking this thing back to the East Japan Congress and being hunted down by Welleslana who will be chasing it, that is something that Kusanagi Ichiro and some guys from the East Japan Kingdom behind him need to consider.

If the king of Italy is still the king of swords in the original book, Luculazia doesn't mind selling out the favor of the East Japan Kingdom, and maybe she will give her a helping hand, so that Kusanagi Godou has a chance to become the seventh godslayer, after all The other party is also considered the grandson of the old lover, in a sense, he is also half of his grandson, isn't he!?

But now Italy belongs to the incompetent king. Although he is a foreign king, he is not the king of swords who is really indifferent to everything except fighting. Luculazia doesn't think her small body can resist The wrath of a god-slaying demon king.

Not killing Kusanagi Godou is due to her current good intentions, that is to say, Kusanagi Godou knows nothing about it, otherwise Kurazia would not even say words of advice.

To be able to do this, Lukurazia has done his best. As for Kusanagi Godou's ability to escape from this deadly vortex in time, it depends on his own fate.

To be honest, there is really not much time. Unless there is a miracle, it is almost impossible to leave Italy and Sardinia before tomorrow.

Looking at the figure of Kusanagi Godou going further and further away, the black cat sighed, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, then flicked its tail, and walked back.

"Boy, have a good trip..."

"Can you please hand over the slate to me, Kusanagi-san!?"

Just as Kusanagi Godou was walking overnight towards the nearest city with his back on his back, suddenly a weak figure blocked his way, the girl's face under the moonlight was cold and mysterious.

Seeing the person's face clearly, Kusanagi Godou was also a little surprised, "You are... Ayanokōji-san!? Why did you appear here!?"

Kusanagi Godou knew this girl who suddenly appeared in front of her and asked her for a slate. As one of the few popular girls in her class, Norika Ayanokoji was very popular among the boys, and was known as the "cold flower". I haven't heard of any intimate relationship with that boy yet.

Of course, the other party seems to be a shrine maiden, which also gave her a lot of points, and became the school girl of the private Chengnan Academy.

But Kusanagi Godou doesn't have much interaction with the other party. Ayanokouji Norika is not cold to some people, she is cold to everyone, she is a difficult person to get along with, and she doesn't play well with girls of the same age, so in girls The popularity inside is not forced.

"The secret book of Prometheus should be in your hands!?" Ayanokouji Norika did not answer Kusanagi Godou's question, she stared at Kusanagi Godou's eyes without a trace of warmth. Something for "determination".

In fact, Ayanokōji Norika didn't have this name originally, she was a time traveler, but these are not important, she had to live a new life, she made up her mind that this life would no longer be mediocre, she wanted to become a master, So she has been working hard since she was very young, studying desperately, and absorbing all the knowledge she can get her hands on. She firmly believes that knowledge can change one's destiny. She can't do it at all.

Even if you want to copy songs, you have to learn to compose music scores and learn how to sing, and you have to see if you are talented, otherwise you can't live by memorizing a few songs for a lifetime, and then you will return to your original shape, so in the end she found that she You can only work hard to make yourself an excellent person and lay a solid foundation.

So while others are playing, she is learning. While others are chatting, she is studying. When others are sleeping, she still takes more time to study.

Just when she thought she was going to be like this until she graduated from college, she met someone, or found someone.

Yes! It was Kusanagi Godou. The name reminded her of a certain possibility. After finding out that the other party did have a younger sister named Shizuka and a grandfather named Ichiro, Ayanokōji Norika almost collapsed. I never thought that I would be reborn in the world of "Campione".

Do I always think that studying hard is really meaningful!? I have always been an ant, and my life can be manipulated at will in the eyes of those people.

Ayanokouji Norika was really going crazy at that time. But fortunately, she was found out quite early at that time, she was only a 13-year-old junior high school student, and the male protagonist, Kusanagi Godou, would be three years away from becoming Godslayer C.

However, as an ordinary person, Ayanokouji Jixiang found that she was too idealized. Even if she realized the truth of the world, it was difficult for an ordinary person to enter the inner world and become a part of it.

Even if she tried her best to become a priestess in a nearby shrine, she would not be able to touch the magic world. Not everyone can enter the door on the mysterious side. If no one guides you, even if you know that it actually exists, it is useless. The door will not open for you.

Three years passed by in a hurry, and Ayanokouji Yuka racked her brains but failed to achieve her wish. She is still an ordinary person, even though she is already a "witch" in the outside world, but this witch is not that witch, she is just a look .

It even distracted her energy, and she didn't devote herself to her studies as before, but she didn't regret it, because compared with becoming an extraordinary person, no matter how high an ordinary person can climb (De Nuo Zhao), she can climb at any time. Just crushed ants.

However, there is another chance, that is, during the spring break of the third year of junior high school, as long as she operates properly, she may also be able to ascend to the sky and become the seventh godslayer, so when she found out that Kusanagi Godou left the East Japan Kingdom for Italy, she also bought it. I got the plane ticket and followed.

In the East Japan Kingdom, she had no way to attack him. Thinking about Kusanagi Godou's performance in the plot, he knew that his background was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface. Only when he left the East Japan Kingdom would he have a chance to attack him, and At that time, no matter whether she succeeds or not, she no longer needs to worry. If she succeeds, she will be the Seventh Demon King. Naturally, no one dares to say anything. If it fails, it will naturally disappear, let alone worry about it.

It's just that as an ordinary person, Ayanokōji Norika couldn't buy the same passenger plane as Kusanagi Godou, so when she arrived in Sardinia, she was half a day late. Of course, she also wanted to come here a few days earlier, but she was not familiar with life, and her family was not rich, so she couldn't do it at all.

However, compared to Kusanagi Godou, she has a more accurate range of where Lukurazia lives, so she found it very quickly. She originally wanted to plan slowly, but she did not expect Kusanagi Godou to be alone. When someone appeared in front of her, Ayanokouji Norika did not intend to let go of such a good opportunity, so she came out directly.

Otherwise, if Erica Brauntree appears, she will never be able to succeed. .

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