Shinigong Yan'an didn't know how he spent this time.

But he only knew that after watching the scene of the curse playing, he was so shocked that his mind went blank and he couldn't think.

He only knew that Xia Chuan was the strongest magician, but as an ordinary person, he naturally didn't know much about the concept of being the strongest.

It wasn't until he saw the battle on the screen that he knew what weight the strongest represented.

Destroy the country.


It is even said that with Xia Chuan's strength, it may not be a problem for one person to dominate the world.

Sigong Yan'an looked at Xia Chuan, shocked and respectful and speechless.

Seeing Shinomiya Yanan's expression before his eyes, even a conjurer would be horrified to face this battle, let alone ordinary people who have no power to restrain a chicken in the age of curses.

"I have already injected my magic power into it, and then you only need to guide the picture out like the steps just now."

Listening to Xia Chuan's narration, Sigong Yan'an nodded and took note.

"Then this matter is left to you."

After leaving the matter to the Shinomiya family, Xia Chuan stopped sitting any longer.

After all, he had nothing to talk about with an old man. But when he left, he thought of something and turned to Shinomiya Yan'an and said:

"I still admire your daughter Kaguya very much, but as the eldest lady, she seems to have to be restricted by her family everywhere?."

I didn't expect that Natsukawa would suddenly mention Kaguya, but soon Shinomiya Yanan's eyes lit up and he said quickly:

"That's not the case, it's just that I feel sorry for my daughter, especially as the eldest daughter of the Fourth Palace, she will be approached by many interested people, so I have to do this."

"But if it were you, I don't think that would happen."

Xia Chuan smiled. This old man was thinking very fast in this regard.

With one sentence, he helped Kaguya relax the Shinomiya family's control over her, and Xia Chuan left.

After personally escorting 783 to the car, Si Chuan Gong Yan'an was just thinking about everything that had just happened.

He could already predict that the next society would be shaken by seismic turmoil.

But fortunately, their Sigong family approached Xia Chuan.

It was even beyond his expectation. , Kaguya aroused Natsukawa's interest.

Then it would have unimaginable benefits for both the family and Kaguya.

After being in a bad mood for several days, Shinomiya Yanan showed a rare smile.

Arrangements were made for the Shinomiya family The task was quickly implemented.

Under the continuous fermentation of the strongest discussion, the Shinomiya family quickly released such a picture.

It was a picture of people loyal to the king in the old days.

But what is more interesting is.

The people are marked with the family emblem of the Shinomiya family, but the king is specially marked with the strongest.

After this picture was issued by the name of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu, all the companies under the Shinomiya family followed....Even all news media except the official ones forwarded this news.

Although it is not official, the impact is no less than official

"How could a picture cause such a high degree of popularity?"

"Open your eyes and take a look! The person who posted this picture is the Shinomiya Zaibatsu! With total assets of more than trillions, it is one of the top chaebols today!"

"The Shinomiya Zaibatsu has many subsidiaries, and my parents are the managers of one of the subsidiaries."

After some people popularized science knowledge about the Shinomiya Zaibatsu, most of the ignorant people also knew what kind of behemoth this was.

At the same time, as they realized the energy of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu, they also understood the meaning of this picture. It has attracted more attention.

No matter how you look at the picture, it means that the Shinomiya Zaibatsu shows its allegiance to the unknown strongest (ahdj).

Rather than telling it in words, it is expressed in a simple, violent and vivid picture.

It is also true Because after knowing the status of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu, no one denied the authenticity of the picture or over-analyzed its meaning. Everyone focused on making the Shinomiya Zaibatsu as a supporting role, the one marked"the strongest" information

"So the Shinomiya Zaibatsu is loyal to the strongest one? Am I living through the medieval era?"

"This is roughly what it means. To be able to make the Fourth House Zaibatsu do this, in today's special society, only the strongest among the magicians can do it."

"So the strongest magician is now protecting the Shinomiya Zaibatsu? Can a conjurer still take orders alone?!"

"I don’t know, but I know that the Shinomiya Zaibatsu knows the strongest information!"

As the answer was analyzed, countless people began to make requests to the officials of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu.

Even on the picture showing their allegiance, countless people showed various expressions of pious worship, setting off a controversy. It was like a ceremony about the strongest believer.

Under this, the Shinomiya Zaibatsu sent out the second message.

In the blink of an eye, it had been viewed by millions.

It was a notice, and the time was marked at eight o'clock in the evening.

And the most intriguing The news that attracts attention is still the content in the trailer

【The strongest who easily defeated Gojo Satoru! 】

A simple sentence, but full of explosive points.

Gojo Satoru's strength has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his name is almost unknown to everyone in today's society.

And using such words as a preview is enough to make everyone have more thoughts about the strongest one above Gojo Satoru.

Especially when Gojo Satoru had previously admitted that there were people outside the group, not many people questioned this statement.

News caused by the Shinomiya Zaibatsu began to spread widely.

Especially since there was no official interference in the trailer, people are even more convinced of its authenticity and are full of expectations.

At the same time, as the Shinomiya Zaibatsu released pictures of allegiance.

In addition to ordinary people, the guests who attended Shinomiya Kaguya's dinner party more than a month ago suddenly thought of something.

The young man who was specially entertained by the head of the family, Sigong Yanan, at that time.....Isn't he the strongest magician?!

Perhaps more clear than these conjectures is the Yukinoshita family.

Also staying at home now is Mrs. Yukinoshita and the two sisters Harano and Yukino who have returned to their home.

As a sister-controller, even though it was due to special circumstances, Yukinoshita Yono felt very happy just to have her favorite sister by her side.

But at this moment, I looked at the news on my phone that was making a lot of noise because of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu.

Yukinoshita Yono also thought of something, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth in surprise at this guess.

No way?!

Will Xia Chuan be the strongest?!

Also guessing was Mrs. Yukinoshita. She came out of the bedroom and looked at Yukinoshita Harano.

She hasn't said anything yet, but Yangno already knows what she means.

"I'd better wait for the result at eight o'clock, and whether it is or not, it's difficult for me to contact him now that I can't get out.......Mother."

Mrs. Yukinoshita didn't want to hear this and said calmly:"That's why I want you to seize the opportunity and hurry up!"

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was reading silently on the table, glanced at her sister and mother, but thought it was a family matter, and then turned her eyes back to the book without interest.

What's interesting is that this book The content is called"How to Remove Spirits and Avoid Disasters".

Apparently the era of curses made this girl who originally didn't believe in ghosts change her mind.

At the same time, after hearing the so-called announcement of the strongest spellcaster at eight o'clock, her heart subconsciously rose. Some interest was aroused.

The time when the Shinomiya family issued the notice was at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Four hours was enough to push the public's expectations to a new high, which was not lower than the explosive point caused by the official promotion of Gojo Goto's debut. In the Shinomiya family's promotion, even at this moment, they are still sending pictures of worship.

At the same time, they also know that Natsukawa's methods are behind the Shinomiya family, and even the usual live broadcasts that may be used to exorcise the curse spirits have stopped.

Eight o'clock this time.

It's really like a big movie that the whole society is watching.

Even the Shinomiya Zaibatsu, which is the heart of the country, did not expect that just following Natsukawa's mission, he would directly lead the Shinomiya Zaibatsu. It has received unprecedented popularity and attention.

After answering the LINE messages from Meiming, Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika on his mobile phone, Natsukawa sat in front of the TV and waited with the girls gathered at home again. Get up.

Soon, eight o'clock comes.

It's the same broadcast on all channels as when Gojo Satoru exorcised the cursed spirit.

No matter which channel you turn to, the mobile phone or the TV are all showing the video released by the Shinomiya Zaibatsu. (It's so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon, the beginning is an explanation of Gojo Satoru’s strength specially edited by Mingming Knowledge.

The predecessor was the strongest, Gojo Satoru.

The highest point in the magic world, explosion!

When issued At the first sound of birth, all the magicians were willing to bow down to the super magician who could subvert the entire country with his own power! The absolutely inviolable and unlimited spell cannot be touched without his permission. The hair is said to have the ability to reject the principles of the world!

Infinite contraction and expansion are superimposed and released. The superposition of the two can exceed a certain level of energy. It is an energy wave flow that is enough to crush everything!

Following the introduction of the text, five processes are going on at the same time. Various scenes of Satoru using his moves.

This is a more comprehensive and shocking knowledge scene than the stage of exorcising the cursed spirit. At this moment, all the people watching this scene knew.

They were still too young for Gojo Satoru Look!

The almost invincible spell with no lower limit, coupled with the two extremes of the concept of contraction and expansion.

It is truly powerful enough to subvert the entire country with one person.

But at this moment, what the Shinomiya family really wants to launch is today's The strongest.

Naturally, the more powerful Gojo Satoru is beyond everyone’s belief, the more it reflects how strong the being who defeated Gojo Satoru is.

Then it seems to be entering a turning point.[]

The screen went black, and then white subtitles lit up.

Underneath this was a two-game victory over Gojo Satoru.

Undoubtedly the most powerful magician in the world.

The white screen turned into smoke and disappeared, and the black background slowly lit up.

The scene came to the memory battlefield given by Xia Chuan.

In front of him was Gojo Satoru, who looked serious, and in front of him, Natsukawa looked casual.

Seeing the strongest person finally exposed to the field of vision.

The emotions of countless people seemed to have reached their peak and boiled over instantly.

At the same time, there were also teachers, students and friends under Gao Zongwu. Compared with the surprise, they were completely unexpected and shocked.

The strongest magician is actually Xia Chuan?!.

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