It was nearly nine o'clock in the morning.

Sunlight shines through the windows to signal the arrival of a new day.

Because there was a special wake-up service for Mai Sakurajima a few days ago, Xia Chuan also woke up leisurely at this time.

He then admired Shi Yu who seemed to be still asleep next to him.

When she is asleep, Kasumigaoka Shiwa will be very quiet, like a dignified lady.

Only at this time will she restrain the arrogance and charm she shows on weekdays, and quietly look like a simple child who has never been in the world.

As if sensing Xia Chuan's gaze, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's closed eyes moved, and then he couldn't help but smile.

Capturing this information, Xia Chuan spoke:

"When did you wake up?"

"Didn't wake up. "

Kasumigaoka Shiba replied mischievously.

She rested on Natsukawa's chest at the junction of her arms, one hand resting on his chest and the other on his waist.

She particularly likes this pose, second only to hugging behind her back.

If she hugs Xia Chuan in this position, she will feel indescribable happiness and warmth. "Seventy-Nine-Three"

Just like the sun, a steady stream of light and heat can slowly soften her whole body and mind.

Especially in the winter.

"You're not going to get up, and you're going to let me lie in bed with you?"

"Can't you. "

Only then did Shi Yu open his eyes: "Lying in bed is also a kind of enjoyment, and the two of them are double the happiness!"

Xia Chuan then teased: "Your happiness is really simple. "

These days are contrasted.

are also beautiful black straight girls with excellent figures.。

Mai Sakurajima and Shiha Kasumigaoka are really very different personalities.

Mai Sakurajima would kindly wake up early and kindly get him up for breakfast.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu doesn't care about this, and will only think of ways to enjoy it until it is satisfied.

"That's true, yes. "

In response to Xia Chuan's words, Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a smile:

"After all, with Xia Jun, happiness will become very simple. "

"And if you can be with Xia Jun, how many people can't ask for it now. "

After yesterday's comprehensive announcement, as the strongest Xia Chuan, it must have attracted the attention of the whole people.

Not only is it the concept that represents the strongest among the sorcerers, but it is also that he stepped on Gojo Satoru to reach the top with a crushing momentum.

You must know that as a public hero specially nominated by the government, Gojo Satoru enjoys almost the popularity of the entire society.

Naturally, as long as Gojo Satoru is mentioned now, it is impossible for the public to forget Natsukawa above him.

It is because this "strongest" is by his side that Kasumigaoka Shiyu teased:

"Yesterday, Machida asked me to help her. "

"Help? She's in trouble?"

"Nope. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help but smile when she thought of the other party's situation: "She just wanted to ask me if you have anything to prevent curses." "

Xia Chuan nodded.

After exposing the strongest strength, the people around you can't help but ask for help.

Under the curse of not being able to protect one's own safety, this is human nature.

It's like yesterday night.

There were many people who were surprised and congratulated, but more often than not, there were some people who asked for help.

Xia Chuan never thinks that he is a good person with a good heart, and it is the same as conspiring with Xia Youjie, and the same is true of stepping on the strongest behavior.

Therefore, he has no good intentions and everyone will help.

Except for some people he is interested in and have a good relationship with.

So after simply replying to a few specific people last night, Xia Chuan simply set up no disturbance.

Now hearing Kasumigaoka Shiyu say this, Xia Chuan smiled slightly, hugged her waist tightly and said:

"Then you have to see if the other party is willing to spend money. "

"How about a million yen amulet. "

Although Machida Yuanzi does take good care of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, it is impossible to be free for free, and the opportunity to let the other party pay is even for Shiyu's face.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who obviously knew this, smiled slightly.

"She is too scared to go out now, even if she wants to add another zero. "

"I didn't think your editor was quite rich. "

Xia Chuan was a little surprised, and then said: "But it doesn't matter if the money is not money, I just said the value casually." "

Making an amulet is simple.

All you need to do is find a symbolic vehicle and infuse it with the magic power of his blessings.

If you can, it doesn't even cost a few hundred yen.

The one million yen he said earlier was just a subconscious thought that when he first came to this world, he only had one million yen in his whole body.

"That's a pity, even if it's 10 million yen Machida's foundation, you can take it out. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu pretended to have a regretful expression, but just to give Xia Chuan an explanation because of her, she was actually very happy in her heart.

"If Machida were here, I might be angry with you. "

Natsukawa smiled, 10 million yen is not a small amount.

If he gets this money, he will be able to laugh happily regardless of his appearance.

"Who made me a heavy color and light friend~"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said it very sensibly and vigorously.

Xia Chuan looked at the girl who was smiling like a flower, and she was really sleeping and waking up completely.

But because of Kasumigaoka's words, it reminded him.

I haven't taken care of it since I set my phone to not disturb last night.

Xia Chuan looked at the table, and then used his magic to activate the spell and took the phone.

First after canceling Do Not Disturb.

Then I started to look at the news after last night's Do Not Disturb...

Seeing this, Shi Yu pulled his pajamas and leaned over.

She knew that Xia Chuan's interpersonal relationship at school was very good.

Naturally, after becoming famous now, whether you recognize it or not, you will take the initiative to come and say hello.

And she also wants to see what others say after her boyfriend becomes the strongest. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But first, she saw the LINE interface that she paid special attention to.

Except for the family group and other girls.

There are other strange girls.

For example, at this moment, Xia Chuan opened a chat message named Kaguya.

Xia Chuan didn't hide his thoughts, so Kasumigaoka Shiyu could clearly read the message sent by the girl that was obviously of dating significance.

Xia Chuan raised his eyebrows, asking Shinomiya Kaguya to send out an invitation for a date, but it was particularly rare.

Even if it may be from the hand of Ai Hayasaka, it must be approved by the owner Kaguya.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Xia Chuan's smug appearance, so he leaned on his shoulder and said pitifully:

"I can't restrain your heart anymore, I just ask you not to abandon me in the future. "

"Men have always wanted freshness, and once the novelty has passed, they will get tired. "

"It's just that even if you're tired of me, you have to keep playing. "

Facing the demon of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Xia Chuan Ru climbed the peak and said: "Don't worry, I can still play here for ten years." "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu then straightened up, and said with some dissatisfaction: "It's only ten years, it's too short!"

She lifted her long legs slightly.

"What about here?"

"Add another ten years. "

Although it was a joke, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt a little angry.

Saving the other party from coming up with other places to explain, Xia Chuan didn't continue to tease, and put his hand on her heart.

"But in the heart of 5.1, it is a lifetime. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu immediately became tender.

After saying the love words that the other party particularly likes to hear.

Xia Chuan said while typing: "Her name is Shinomiya Kaguya, and she is the eldest lady of the Sigong chaebol. "

Of course, she knew that the four palace chaebols were loyal to her boyfriend after all.

So is it selling women for glory?!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu pursed his lips, and according to the other party's message, Kasumigaoka Shiyu picked up his mobile phone and inquired.

As a chaebol at the level of the heart of the country.

As the daughter of the head of the Sinomiya family, Kaguya of the Sinomiya sometimes symbolizes appearance.

Naturally, there is news about her on the Internet.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu doesn't pay too much attention to it, only cares about the other party's appearance.

And the moment she saw the other party's delicate appearance, she smacked her lips.

Immediately after sweeping his gaze down to the place where he was relatively flat, Shi Yu was relieved in an instant.


It's a level that is even more pitiful than Miko!

No threat to her!.

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