Issues such as heirs are now only a matter for later.

For the time being, it was from the time Erina became Natsukawa's personal chef, representing the clarion call for the family to begin to expand.

It's because of Nagi Kiri Senzaemon's language enlightenment, after Erina came to Natsukawa's side, she had to think more about it because of the private chef's private nature.

This doesn't even require Xia Chuan to take the initiative.

Sometimes a girl's fantasy can create a simple self-strategy.

Of course.

In addition to self-strategy, because of the special significance of Xia Chuan, there are many people who can take the initiative.

It's different from these people.

Kaguya House.

Ai Hayasaka is worried about taking the initiative to approach Natsukawa.

Her initiative, perhaps partly because she was interested in that Natsukawa-sama.

But the bigger factor is Kaguya-sama.

Since the question of the so-called Raiders Xia Chuan suddenly set off two days ago.

Between the master and servant in a harmonious atmosphere, it has been two days of tension.

On the one hand, because of the importance of Hayasaka's love for "five or six zero", Kaguya wanted to apologize, but she was always arrogant and a little difficult to say about it.

On the other hand, that is, she thinks she has done well enough, Ai Hayasaka is the so-called rhetoric of kung fu, and it must be inferior to herself if you really compare it to herself!

So, after two days of observation.

Kaguya was convinced that the other party was just talking loudly, and seeing that the other party was worried about how to act, he couldn't help but speak:

"So I said, try it and you'll know how hard I worked!"

"I won't care about it this time, but of course I can understand the weakness, and you will be less talkative after Hayasaka. "

It is necessary to stand in the perspective of victory, and at the same time to show that there is a lot of general forgiveness from the earth.

This kind of behavior naturally became a high-spirited provocation in the eyes of Luo Zaoai.

"I've said before that if Kaguya-sama lets me go, then I'll go. "

For Ai Hayasaka's non-cooperation, Kaguya Shinomiya snorted lightly and decisively grabbed the other party's loophole.

"It's been two days since you spoke! I haven't seen any action from you, and it's not that I'm afraid to open my mouth with a sad face. "

Ai Hayasaka said lightly: "I won't hesitate to invite like the eldest lady." "

"I'm just worried that if I snatch Lord Xia Chuan first, the eldest lady will cry to death. "

At this moment, between the tensions, the air was suddenly filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"If you can do that—"

Carried away by anger, Shinomiya Kaguya gritted his teeth and said, "Then go and try it!"

Ai Hayasaka looks at the Shinomiya Kaguya at this moment.

Looking at each other, there seemed to be a dragon and a tiger roaring behind them.

And so—

Ai Hayasaka took out her phone from her pocket and dialed a number that was specially noted in the call log.

On the other side, Xia Chuan was looking at the warm picture of the women and Erina communicating enthusiastically.

He also held a miko who was feeding him in his hand, not to mention how comfortable he was at the moment.

The sudden shock forced him to let go of one of the hands holding Miko and then take out his phone.

It's an unfamiliar number.

After thinking about it, Xia Chuan still picked it up.

After all, his phone number is quite special now, and the strange number that can be accurately called in should be implicated with the people around him.

"Moses Moses~~ Is it Lord Natsukawa?"

On the other side of the phone, Hayasaka's pretended sweet and lovely voice.

Xia Chuan didn't hear it for a while, and couldn't help asking, "It's me, who are you?"

Maybe it's a bad taste, or maybe it's just for a little revenge on the eldest lady, Ai Hayasaka turned on the speakerphone of her phone.

Natsukawa's voice naturally played outside Kaguya's room.

Hearing that Xia Chuan's voice did come from the phone, it made Shinomiya Kaguya's heart a little restless, and his eyes instantly grasped Hayasaka and the mobile phone on the phone at this moment.

"My name is Ai Hayasaka, and I'm the maid of Miss Kaguya, the one you praised for being cute in the previous photo. "

At the same time, seeing Hayasaka talking to Natsukawa on the phone so decisively, Kaguya Shinomiya was really confused, and her brain instantly went blank.

Even she didn't take the initiative to call the other party, looking at Ai Hayasaka, who has a cute voice at the moment and a very ordinary expression.

Inexplicably, I feel that Hayasaka seems to have such a set.

Kaguya couldn't help but feel a little panicked......


Why did she contact me suddenly, could it be that Kaguya had something wrong and was embarrassed to speak in person?

Thinking so, Xia Chuan simply spoke: "It's you." Suddenly contacted me, could it be that Kaguya has something to do?"

Hearing Xia Chuan take the initiative to mention himself, Kaguya didn't think about it so much, and snorted at Hayasaka with a smug smile.

Ai Hayasaka decisively ignored Kaguya's expression.

"No~ It has nothing to do with the eldest lady, it's my personal request. "

"I have something very important to meet with you, so please ask if you can have time to come out recently. "

Ai Hayasaka simply said her request bluntly, making Kaguya Shu's mouth open slightly, and her face was full of disbelief.

Unexpectedly, I actually asked Xia Chuan to meet directly!

Hayasaka, haven't you also passed the double behavior test of a lady and a maid?!(Read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I'm not envious at all!!

This is a lie.

The more he said this in his heart, the current Shinomiya Kaguya was already envious in his heart.

She didn't even dare to make a phone call, she just felt that this direct invitation was an operation that she couldn't learn........

"Get out?"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan, who was suddenly invited, subconsciously asked.

"Yes, there are some things that I would like to talk to you about with Lord Natsukawa. "

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have time in the near future. "

Hearing the word "not available", Shinomiya Kaguya looked back again.

Prayers were prayed in both the mouth and in the heart.

Not available! Not available! Not available!

This appearance made Ai Hayasaka a little embarrassed.

Of course, she was also a little nervous about taking the initiative to invite.

After all, this is the first time I have invited the opposite sex to go out to play, and it is still with an impure purpose.

If you refuse, it's a trivial matter to be ridiculed by Kaguya-sama. []

The black history that turns into shame and death is the big deal!

The thoughts of the master and servant, but Xia Chuan, who was just looking at his mobile phone, naturally couldn't know.

But Hayasaka's love invitation is a bit new.

Although I don't know what the other party is paying attention to, firstly, he is really fine, and secondly, he is also a little interested in this perfect maid.

Xia Chuan then replied: "I haven't had anything to do in the last few days, I can come out." "

In addition to Hayasaka, Kaguya Shinomiya also heard his answer clearly.


Ai Hayasaka breathed a sigh of relief, while Kaguya gritted her teeth and kept roaring in her heart.

Xia Chuan!

How can you agree to her so easily, you have been deceived by this bad woman!

She has something to talk about, she just wants to seduce you!

Ai Hayasaka was in a happy mood at this time, and her cute and sweet voice remained unchanged:

"Then I'll invite you after I set the time and address~"

"By the way, please use my LINE later. "

0.9Ai Hayasaka, who played with the charm of words, hung up the phone after chatting for a while.

Then she glanced at Kaguya Shinomiya.

"With just a simple call, I got Natsukawa-sama's LINE and invitation opportunities. "

"Miss. "

"Do you think I'd better go to the playground or go to the movies?"

"Or just check out the must-see attractions and facilities that have developed into lovers!"

Kaguya suddenly became unhappy: "Now the shutdown has not fully recovered!

"Society hasn't recovered yet, but with the help of Lord Xia Chuan, most of the facilities under the command of the four palaces are not already in operation, and it is still easy to choose from them. "

"Having said that, I just suddenly thought of a question, if I attack Lord Natsukawa first, then Miss Kaguya may call me sister in the future. "

Although it was a joke, after saying it, Ai Hayasaka suddenly felt very happy.

"Hayasaka !!".

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