Listening to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's shocking words, Xia Chuan almost took a breath of air and was speechless for a moment.

This reaction was naturally under the gaze of Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

So, she lowered her head.

Black hair sloping down like a waterfall

"Don't say anything, Mr. Xia~" Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the other person and said:"It seems that the harem is more in line with your wishes."

"After all, I am a normal man."


"Tsk...Conjurers are really troublesome."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't know the twists and turns in this. She could only feel a little unhappy and subconsciously shook her legs.

"Now~ Xia Jun, how many goals do you have in this school? Or how many people do you want?"

Of course, the more, the better."

Xia Chuan thought to himself, but naturally it was impossible to say this directly.

So he coughed lightly:"I haven't thought that far yet."

After listening to Xia Chuan's words, although Kasumigaoka Shiyu is still a little uncomfortable, her mood is still better.

Especially when she thinks that she has made no less than a public declaration this morning, which must be some hindrance to Xia Chuan's behavior of opening a harem, not to mention Not everyone can accept this.

Furthermore, she is in the lead.

No matter what happens in the future, she will have absolute position and advantage.

After thinking about this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also sees a lot.

Looking at Xia Chuan, Kasumigaoka Shiyu grabbed the opponent's arm, opened her mouth and bit out a mark on it

"This is your punishment! The bigger punishment will be reserved for the weekend and I will teach you a lesson! After saying that

, Kasumigaoka Shiyu stood up and left the rooftop.

Looking at the figure disappearing on the stairs, Xia Chuan touched his nose and said to himself:"Punishment?" How does it feel like it’s still a reward?"

But taking the magician and the family as the premise, this trick is really tried and true!

It can even be used to open a harem.

Natsukawa once again thanked him in his heart for all the time travel.

And swore in his heart, since he used Uchiha's Experience, then he will definitely let the Sharingan take root and flourish in this world!...

It was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the teacher heard the sound and left, and then the classroom erupted into a noisy sound after school.

Sure enough, the atmosphere in the hall is good without being too busy.

With a sigh, Xia Chuan stretched as if he had just woken up.

Then he took out his phone and looked at the communication, and sent a questioning emoticon to Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

"Xia Chuan! Do you want to go to the Hayama Club together?"

Hearing the invitation from the household department and others in front of the classroom, Xia Chuan waved his hand and replied:"I am a loyal member of the household department."

"See you tomorrow then."

After saying hello, several people also left the classroom.

Soon the phone vibrated, and Xia Chuan's attention returned to the message on it.

"I am already home!"

There were also pictures of anger and knives at the back.

Xia Chuan scratched his head when he saw this. It seemed that the senior sister still had some emotions.

At this moment, a cold voice came from the side.

"School is over. Do you want to go and sing karaoke? After hearing this

, Natsukawa looked at Miura Yuiko:"I thought you weren't going to talk to me, Yumiko?""

Miura Yuko knew what the other party meant.

After all, she didn't take the initiative to talk to Xia Chuan after returning from lunch break until the break of school.

"You suddenly gave me so much capacity today, of course I need time to slow down."

She didn't peek deliberately before, she just happened to see Xia Chuan sending a message to someone.

As for who it is, do we need to say it?!

That second-year Kasumigaoka Shiu!

Obviously, whether she likes him or not, She was the first to have a secret love!

Now she is lagging behind, just like Kasumigaoka Shiyu is the first to look at everything, which makes her a humble mistress!

Her pride is somewhat stimulated.

Her heart is even more Annoyed by this, Miura Yuiko held the ornately decorated mobile phone and spoke again:

"so what? To go or not to go?

Xia Chuan then said:"Of course I will not refuse Yumiko's invitation.""

"Then let's go."

Miura Yoshiko stood up from the stool and walked towards the door. She said to her two friends who were still in the classroom:"Hina, Yui, I'm going back first."

"Eh? Yumiko, won’t you go out to play? Yuigahama

Yui was a little surprised. After all, due to club activities, school ends early.

And those of them who have not joined clubs usually go out to play in groups after school.

"Let’s just forget I’m a little tired today, maybe next time."

Miura Yoshiko waved to the two of them and left.

Natsukawa also left, also waving friendly hands to the two of them.

Seeing this, both of them seemed to understand something.

After leaving the classroom, Natsukawa walked to Miura Yoshiko Next to me:"Why don't you invite them to the karaoke bar?"

"It’s not really about singing"

"Where is that going?"

"Go to my house"


Xia Chuan couldn't help being shocked when he heard the other party's words.

Why did he suddenly want to go to her house?

As if feeling Xia Chuan's surprise, Miura Yuko couldn't help turning her head.

After a while, she took care of the golden hair on her shoulders. Curly Hair, pretending to be calm, said:"Aren't you a magician? It just so happens that I want you to come to my house and have a look"

"I see. Xia Chuan suddenly understood and nodded:"Then let's go there. I haven't been to Yumiko's house yet.""

"How can a boy go to a girl's house so easily?"

Miura Yuiko turned her head after hearing Natsukawa's agreement and said:"You are the first person of the opposite sex to come to my house."

After saying that, as if she had just realized the meaning of this sentence, Miura Yuko hurriedly walked forward, with some shy words coming from the front.

"Let’s go!"

Seeing this, Xia Chuan smiled and followed forward.

"Wait, Natsukawa-san!"

Shortly after the two walked out of the campus, an anxious voice came from behind.

Xia Chuan looked back and couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the other person's figure.

The person who came was not unfamiliar to him. It would be better to say that it made him change his daily thoughts. The instigator of the incident.

Yotsuya Miko from Class E, first grade.

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