Chapter 5 Horrible Intuition

And obviously, Akeno Himejima deliberately increased the volume when she spoke, so that everyone around her could hear what she said.

“Damn it, this guy…”

“Bastard, why can’t it be me…”

Facing Himejima Akeno’s words, all the people around stopped for a while, both men and women, all looked at Su Hai with very resentful eyes.

If vision could kill, Su Hai might have been smashed to pieces.

“Shino-san, if I remember correctly, I didn’t do anything to you and Rias-san, did I?”

Facing Himejima Akeno’s intentional words, Su Hai felt the murderous gazes around him and said with a wry smile:

At the same time, I once again felt the horror that came from squinting.

“Damn it, you actually called the name directly, and the elder sister didn’t refute it, they were really stumped…”


But unfortunately, due to the different habits of China and Japan, Su Hai’s name for Himejima Akeno and Rias has made the people around them more convinced that the relationship between the three is not ordinary.

“Hey, Su Hai-kun did something like that to me and Rias yesterday, did you forget it today?”

In the face of such a situation, Himejima Akina didn’t think it was a big deal. She wiped the tears that didn’t exist in the corner of her eyes with her hand, pretended to be a little sad, sobbed twice, and slowly opened her mouth. said:

However, in a place that no one could see, the corner of Himejima Akeno’s mouth rose slightly. Apparently “reporting the negative” In class yesterday, Su Hai touched her hair and got something.

“Human scum! Beasts!…”

Looking at Himejima Akeno, who seemed to be abandoned at the beginning and end, all the people around him exploded. All of them looked at Su Hai fiercely.

“That’s going to class, I’ll go first…”

Looking at this situation, Su Hai knew that if he stayed any longer, he might become a sinner through the ages.

So he decisively said a word to Himejima Akeno and Rias, then turned around and fled the scene.

But when he was leaving, Su Hai glanced at the Tacheng kitten with his own eyes, to be precise, at the two-star golden egg on the Tacheng kitten.

“Zunai, you seem to care about him very much.”

Seeing Su Hai fleeing, Rias looked at Himejima Akeno who was beside her with a little surprise and said slowly:

Among his family members, Akeno Himejima can be said to be the first to follow Rias, so Rias can be said to have a very good understanding of Akeno Himejima.

Although Akeno Himejima likes to do some “pranks”, it is only for people she identifies with or is familiar with.

“Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from Rias?”

“It’s not that I care, but I think Su Hai-kun seems to be different.”

“And last night, wasn’t the place where the fallen demon died, exactly where Su Hai-kun was heading home?”

“Calculate the time, it’s really late that he left our mysterious research department, isn’t he?”

Facing Rias’ words, Akeno Himejima looked at Su Hai’s back in the distance, and said slowly:

If Su Hai was still here and heard what Akeno Himejima said, his jaw would have dropped. I deeply feel the power of a woman’s intuition.

“You mean, he was the one who killed that fallen demon last night?”

“But he was tested when he entered school. He is just an ordinary human being. It is impossible for an ordinary human to defeat the fallen demon!”

“Do you mean to say that he is the owner of an artifact among humans, and he has awakened!”

As for Himejima Akino’s words, Rias who knew Himejima Akino immediately guessed what Himejima Akeno wanted to express.

For a while, he was also slightly surprised. Seeing that he had disappeared to the end, Su Hai, who entered the teaching building, said slowly:

“Minister Rias, is he the owner of the artifact? Let’s try it and find out!”

Facing Rias’ uncertain words, Tacheng Kitten, who had been silent next to him, spoke slowly.

Facing the Tacheng kitten, Rias also brightened up. Apparently, this approach is very feasible.

Even when it comes time to discover that Su Hai is just an ordinary person, he can use magic to erase Su Hai’s memory. Will not have the slightest impact.

Just like that, Rias, who made the decision, already had an idea in her mind, and walked towards the teaching building with a smile on her face. ?

As for Himejima Akeno and Tacheng Kitten, they quickly followed.

When Akeno Himejima and Rias came to the classroom, they glanced meaningfully at Su Hai, who was sitting in the seat.

This made Su Hai’s heart inexplicably have a bad premonition.

But soon, as the bell rang for the class, the teacher arrived. Su Hai put this strange feeling behind him.

The morning class was a tormenting process for Su Hai. Su Hai was eager to improve his strength, so he could not wait to find the golden egg immediately and start it.

But obviously, the current Su Hai is not strong enough to break all the rules, so he still has to take courses in order not to expose himself.

It was so hard to make it to the lunch break, Su Hai quickly got up from his seat and got ready for today’s business.

“Su Hai-kun, we have something to ask, can I talk to you alone?”

But at this moment, Rias also stood up from her position and took a step forward, just in front of Su Hai. Said with a smile:

As for Himejima Akeno, he was also staring at Su Hai closely, obviously not ready to give Su Hai a chance to refuse.

“Do I have the right to refuse?”

Faced with the reaction of the two, although Su Hai did not know exactly what Rias and Akeno Himejima were looking for, he also understood that in terms of the reactions of the two, he had no right to refuse.

So with a bit of a wry smile, he said:

After getting the answer they wanted, Rias and Himejima Akeno smiled slightly and took the lead to walk outside the classroom.

At the same time, he did not forget to use his eyes to signal Su Hai to follow.

Looking at the two who turned and left, although Su Hai felt a little helpless, he temporarily let go of his eagerness to find the golden egg. Slowly followed the two out.

In this way, under the leadership of Rias and Himejima Akina, the group of three quickly came to the relatively remote occult research department, which is the clearing in the woods where Su Hai confessed to Rias yesterday.

After arriving at this quiet space, Rias and Akeno Himejima stopped and turned to look at Su Hai. *

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