Under Xia Yan's urging, Klein ran to each room to wake everyone up.

In the early days of SAO, players didn't have any delicacies that could satisfy their appetites, so they used the simplest dry bread for breakfast to eliminate the hunger in their stomachs.

In fact, in SAO, even if you don't eat food, the player's character will not lose blood or bring debuffs.

Just because SAO is a game that simulates reality.

In reality, normal human beings need to eat every day to replenish energy.

Therefore, SAO also designed a similar simulation function.

Although players skipping meals will not cause the characters themselves to suffer debuffs, but fasting will torture the players' spirits, making them feel hungry all the time, making them unable to seriously focus on the game.

In the same way, as another unavoidable desire of human beings—sleep, it is also an inescapable link in the game.

If the player does not replenish energy through sleep, he will also not have a debuff state, but will be tortured by sleepiness.

These two are things that players must solve if they want to play the game normally.

Fortunately, these two basic desires are not troublesome to solve in SAO.

Not long after, everyone got up and gathered on the first floor of the hotel, ate some simple dry bread on the way, and then went to the scheduled leveling location.

After brushing monsters at the leveling point for a while, everyone quickly entered the state and mastered the rhythm of spawning monsters.

"Although the efficiency of spawning monsters in a multi-person team is much faster than that of a single person, the experience points are divided equally, which is barely enough."

Looking at the slowly increasing experience points, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head.

When he was doing the task of "Sword of Tenacity" last night, he was upgraded to another level.

Therefore, for other people, monsters with rich experience points are not very attractive to him.

Seeing that Klein and others skillfully brush monsters and master the rhythm of monster spawning,

After teaming up for a while, Xia Yan and Kirito greeted Klein and the others, and went to the map of high-level monsters to spawn monsters.

After taking care of Klein and his group for almost a day, Xia Yan felt that he had done enough.

Just like Kirito's original idea, SAO has become a game of resource grabbing.

Ordinary leveling monsters will be constantly refreshed, but some special monsters and treasure chests will not be refreshed.

These things are recorded in the internal test materials purchased by Suzuki's family, and Xia Yan naturally cannot easily miss them.

The most important thing is that large-scale formation of monsters has little effect on Xia Yan's kendo improvement, because teammates will try to fill in the loopholes in various aspects, unable to find their own shortcomings as soon as possible, and can only swing swords mechanically.

As for Xia Yan, it has passed the stage of relying on mechanical swinging swords to improve the level of kendo.

If one wants to improve the level of swordsmanship purely by swinging the sword mechanically, generally speaking, the chances are very slim unless there is a sudden epiphany or something like that.

Relying on one's own swordsmanship to face monsters alone, wandering among many monsters, wielding swords, and making up for one's own shortcomings, can one improve one's understanding of swordsmanship faster.

One of the motivations for Xia Yan to play SAO is to improve his kendo level by relying on this game.

The two first went to a new town to strengthen the weapon "Sword of Tenacity" they obtained yesterday.

Then they came to an area where high-level monsters gathered. Kirito and Xia Yan separated tacitly, and each chose an area to start upgrading.

In the evening, Xia Yan felt exhausted, so he stopped killing monsters and leveling.

Although killing monsters alone has more experience and can better practice sword skills, it also has disadvantages, that is, it is easy to be boring.

After meeting with Kirito, the two quickly returned to the main force and joined Klein and others.

After a day of leveling, the level of this group of people has all exceeded level five.

"First go back to [Horuka] for a refresher, and then you have accepted the task of 'Sword of Toughness', your current level can already accept this task."

Hearing Xia Yan's words, everyone lifted their spirits.

Although I was very tired after brushing the monsters for a day, thinking that I would be able to get a new weapon next time, my fatigue was reduced by half.

A group of people first went back to the village [Horuka] for some repairs, and then went to the task forest of the "Sword of Toughness" together.

'Sword of Fortitude' is a solo quest, there is no way to form a team to complete it, the only option is to disband the team and start collecting quest items.

However, the strength of Klein and others is completely inferior to Xia Yan and Kirito.

Although the level is enough, it is impossible to complete the task alone. After all, this task is a real-time task.

Even Asuna's growth rate is much better than that of Klein and others, but it is still not as good as Xia Yan and Kirito.

Therefore, if these people want to complete the task within the time limit, they need to help one person complete it first, and then take turns to complete it alternately.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was spawning monsters in the forest, Xia Yan wandered around the forest and found the Moon Shadow Gale Wind Mink from yesterday.

This mob was lying on a moonlit clearing with its eyes closed and resting.

Having learned the lesson from last night, Xia Yan did not approach this time, but turned back and found Klein.

"Klein, your initial skill is stealth, right?"

Xia Yan asked.


Klein nodded.

"give me a hand."

After obtaining Klein's consent, Xia Yan took Klein quickly to the resting area of ​​Moon Shadow Gale Sable.

"Special monster?"

Seeing the little white mink lying on the grass basking in the moonlight, Klein's eyes lit up. This kind of monster with a different appearance must be extraordinary.

"I also discovered it by accident. Kirito said that it might be a special monster that can be kept as a pet, but I can't even get close to it."

Xia Yan told the truth without hiding anything.

Knowing the plot, Klein is believable.

"The damn winner in life, how can he even have such good luck in playing games."

Klein immediately complained jealously: "What should I do?"

"Use your stealth skills to get close to it and see if you can get close."

Xia Yan explained.

"no problem."

After Carat agreed, she immediately used the stealth skill, and her figure disappeared.

The so-called concealment is actually an invisibility skill, but it has a time limit, and it will be activated immediately after three seconds.

Carat stepped on the grass and walked towards the Moon Shadow Galewind Mink.

However, to Xia Yan's disappointment, as before, after approaching within three meters of the Moon Shadow Galewind Mink, the other party immediately stood up vigilantly, and then fled quickly.

"Don't run!"

Klein immediately wanted to chase after him.

"Stop chasing, you can't catch up."

Xia Yan stopped Klein.

"Yan, this monster is also running a little too fast."

Klein complained, the little white mink ran out of sight of the two of them in a blink of an eye and disappeared.

"Yeah, the speed is too fast, and the player's speed can't catch up with it."

Xia Yan shrugged helplessly.

"Don't let it go like this. Even if this special monster can't be kept as a pet, it can definitely drop rare items."

Klein was also a little unwilling.

"Let's see what information there is about it later."

Xia Yan said, and then returned to the place where everyone spawned monsters with Klein.


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