"Father, what should we do? Those blood-sucking monsters have entered the city. General Jin can't hold on any longer. It won't be long before those blood-sucking monsters can kill their way to the palace!?"

Princess Yu Shu grabbed her mother's hand and looked at her father and said.

"Alas, what can I do? Logically, our Tuan country is sandwiched between the Song Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty. As long as the borders of the two countries are not lost, those monsters shouldn't come to our Tuan country."

King Tuan paced back and forth in the palace, sighing with a sad face.

You have to know that his Tuan is a small country with a total population of only 700,000 or 800,000 and a total military force of only 100,000. There are no powerful masters, and the strongest General Jin is only at the initial stage of the Grandmaster. How can he resist the attack of thousands of monsters?

Those monsters appeared this morning. In just a few hours, her Tuan country's 100,000 troops have lost more than half, and now there are only more than 40,000 people left to support. It will not be long before these 40,000 people will be wiped out.

But what King Tuan didn't know was that when night came, those soldiers who were bitten to death would be controlled by corpse poison and turned into blood-sucking monsters. By then, there would not be a few thousand blood-sucking monsters, but tens of thousands of zombies.

"Yu Shu, Queen, I am the king of Tuan. I cannot abandon my people. I must stay with my people."

"You are different. You are just two women. Staying here will only lead to your death. So I hope you can leave. This is your only chance to leave before those monsters completely break through the royal city."

King Tuan said.

"Your Majesty, you are the king of Tuan. You cannot abandon the people of Tuan. As the queen of Tuan, how can I abandon the people of Tuan? Please let me stay with you to face those monsters together. Even if I die, I will die with you."

After speaking, the queen looked at Yu Shu and spoke again.

"Yu Shu, your mother can't leave with you. Don't hate your mother. She can't help it. After all, there is no queen who abandons her people. You will be left alone in the future. You must protect yourself and live well."

Queen Tuan said with reluctance in her eyes.

At the same time, there was an unresolvable worry in his eyes. After all, Yu Shu is still a few months away from adulthood. A girl who loses their protection in such a dangerous world, no one knows what will happen in the future.

"Father, mother, Yu Shu will not leave. Yu Shu wants to be with you."

Yu Shu said as tears fell like pearls in her eyes.

"Nonsense, father and mother can't leave. What are you doing here? Are you staying here to die!?"

King Tuan scolded.

"No, I won't leave. I want to be with father and mother. I won't leave even if I die."

Princess Yu Shu said stubbornly.

"Humph, this is not up to you, General Jin."

King Tuan snorted, then shouted.

"Your Majesty."

Hearing King Tuan's shout, General Jin led dozens of people into the palace.

"General Jin, the princess is in your hands. Take her away quickly. It's too late to leave."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will take the princess away now. Please take care of yourselves, Your Majesty and the Queen."

"Well, go ahead and protect the princess."

King Tuan nodded and said.

"Yu Shu, remember your mother's words, protect yourself and live well."

Queen Tuan took a last look at Princess Yu Shu, and then spoke.

"Come on, take the princess and let's go."

General Jin ordered.

"Yes, General."

Soon, two guards, one holding Princess Yu Shu, walked out.

"No, father and mother, please, Yu Shu will not leave you."

Princess Yu Shu shouted as she was carried out.

At the same time, Princess Yu Shu was still struggling desperately, because she knew that this farewell was a farewell forever, and he would never see his father and mother again.

"Princess, don't struggle. The king and queen are doing this for your own good, so that you can live. Do you really want to live up to their kindness?" General Jin persuaded. "No, I don't care. General Jin, tell them to let me go. I want to go back to be with my father, the king, and my mother." "Princess, this won't work. The king and queen ordered me to take you away, so I won't let you go. Please be quiet, princess, so as not to attract those monsters." General Jin said. After that, he was ready to take Princess Yu Shu out of the royal city by force. But at this moment, a huge shadow enveloped the entire palace. Looking up, General Jin and his party were startled. They saw a huge ship,Suspended above the palace.

That's right, that ship was Lin Fan's luxury cruise ship.

The next moment, several thick beams of light shot out from the cruise ship, and the beams of light shot directly hit the thousands of zombies that were attacking the city. The luxury cruise ship turned its direction, and the beams swept across, and thousands of zombies were instantly burned to ashes. Only a few relatively strong ones, and some zombies that had invaded Tuan King City escaped.

And because the beam was too powerful and the temperature was too high, the ground where the beam passed instantly sank nearly 100 meters, forming a semicircular pit. The soil at the bottom of the pit was directly burned into crystals, like a large mirror.

"We survived, we survived."

The remaining soldiers of Tuan Kingdom who saw this scene all raised their weapons and cheered, and then rushed desperately towards the remaining hundreds of zombies.

"Fengxian, go down and kill that second-generation zombie and several third-generation zombies. Those Tuan Kingdom soldiers are no match for them."

Lin Fan ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will go right away."

The next moment, Lü Bu turned into a shadow, rushed out of the luxury cruise ship, and headed straight for the second-generation zombie. Before the second-generation zombie could react, he chopped off his head with a halberd.

Then Lü Bu found the third-generation zombies and beheaded them in the same way. As for the remaining nearly 100 fifth-generation zombies, Lü Bu ignored them, as they were too rubbish to be worth his effort.

"God bless me Tuan, God bless me Tuan."

King Tuan shouted excitedly.

After shouting, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Fan's luxury cruise ship and Lü Bu, treating Lü Bu as a god who came down to earth to save her Tuan country.

"Father, mother."

The crisis was resolved, and Yu Shu, who ran back, shouted.

"Quick, Yu Shu, come and kowtow with your father, thank the gods for their protection, it was the gods who saved our Tuan country."

King Tuan said.

"Okay, father."

After agreeing, Princess Yu Shu prepared to kowtow to Lu Bu along with King Tuan.


But Princess Yu Shu's action frightened Lu Bu so much that he even cursed.

Others didn't know why Lin Fan took action, but how could he not know! ? Princess Yu Shu would definitely become his imperial concubine in the future. If he really let the future imperial concubine kowtow to him, how could he, Lu Bu, survive in the future in Da Xia! ? .

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