Hearing his father’s words, Zhu Xi frowned and said carefully,

“Instead, it is beyond the realm of the Grand Master!”

“After all, if it is really a fairy god, it is too thoughtful …”

In the legend, Xian Shen really exists at the highest high, with the power of moving the mountains and the sea, and the magical magic is unpredictable!

However, based on the only some information, the so -called ‘fairy god’ is obviously not so scary …

In addition, the Tiandao Gold List also divides it into a realm!

This made Zhu Xi think more!


After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded in silence for a moment, nodded, and said in a sinking voice.

“I just don’t know, how much is such a great master than the master of the master?”

The master and the master, one of which is the same, is almost different!

And now, how terrible this so -called “half -step fairy god”? Intersection



“Sir, this immortal state …”

Li Shimin was silent for a moment, his eyes fell on Yuan Tianzheng, and he couldn’t help asking.

“Can’t divide …”

After hearing the words, Yuan Tianyi shook his head with a bitter smile and said,

“How much can the ministers look at the situation of the great master!”

“However, the realm above is impossible!”


For such a long time, Yuan Tianzhang has not stepped in the place, and he can divide some things!

Even the reason why the Xiaoyaozi could not achieve the ‘Liexian’!

However, if you really delve into it, it is impossible!


Hearing this, Li Shimin sighed slightly, and looked at the gold list again …


At this moment, many dynasties in Kyushu looked up.

Waiting quietly.



With the sight of Kyushu’s eyes, the picture of the Golden List of the Dao that day became clear, and it became clear …

It can be seen that it was a small courtyard, surrounded by the fence!

In the distance, the mountains and mountains.

Near, Maolin repair bamboo.

This is similar to a mountain, a place of seclusion.

At this moment, in the courtyard, a teenager was holding a wooden sword, and he continued to wave …

The teenager face is perseverance. Although he is only twelve or three years old, it gives a sense of calmness and no mountain!

One sword, two swords …

The teenager is very serious, without the slightest slackness, even if it is repeated, it is not tired at all.

Instead, there is a feeling of the general trend of the world.

In addition, as he waved his sword, there was a faint sword air flowing, and it seemed to cut the void!



Zhangtai Palace.

“This is?”

Looking at the picture, the action of the teenager blinked, and it was incredible.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Gai Nie, Xun Zheng frowned, a little confused.

This is just a teenager practicing sword, and he has been repeating a move. How can Gai Nie, who is a master of Kendo? Intersection

He is just a teenager now!

“Human sword combined …”

After hearing the words, Gai Nie stunned, slowly came from the daze, smiled bitterly, and said slowly,

“It turned out to be in a Kendo, a person’s sword unified!”

Gai Nie is a little numb!

At the beginning, he made a breakthrough in the battle, reaching the realm of the human sword, and killed the master!

At that time, he had the meaning of the master of Kendo!

Therefore, it was only included in the peerless list in a first -class realm!

Otherwise, there are so many masters in Kyushu. How can he be on the list? Intersection

Originally, Gai Nie felt that with his own understanding of ‘sword’, not to mention Kyushu, there should be a place!

But now, when you see a teenager, between the swords, there is a trace of people’s rhyme …

Gai Nie is really dumbfounded!

Although, the seven or eight -year -old master of Xiaoyaozi was enough to hit people!

However, Gai Nie is a master of Kendo, even if he is shocked by Xiaoyaozi’s horror, it will not be unstable …

Because they are not a way!

Those Taoists who want to commit suicide really want to collapse …

But now, Gai Nie understands the thoughts of those ‘Taoists’.

I suddenly felt that I have lived on the dog for so many years!


Chapter 116 Sword Training Half! This trip, go to kill

“People swords together?”

When I heard this, Zheng Zheng stunned, and a hint of horror appeared on his face, and he said subconsciously.

“This is not the realm that can only have a Master of Kendo?!”

“Could it be that this young man is a master of Kendo?!”

Earlier, Gai Nie Yijian cut off the two masters, and he also talked with Zheng Zheng what he was the master of Kendo!

Therefore, Xunzheng knows how much.

Different from ordinary masters, one of the main signs of this kendo master.

It is a person with a sword!

Only when it comes to that state, can we be considered as the realm of Kendo Master!

Otherwise, you can only be considered a master of Kendo!

Thinking of this, Xun Zheng couldn’t help looking up, looked at the picture, repeated the teenager of swords, and looked a little …

If Gai Nie’s opening, who can know such a teenager is so terrifying? Intersection

“No … don’t know …”

After hearing the words, Gai Nie laughed. The boy just wielded his sword and did not have the slightest.

This is really elusive!

However, the long sword echoed, and the ‘potential’ per filled, Gai Nie would never read it wrong!

This is the realm of the human sword!

Countless kendo masters, pursuing their lives throughout their lives, but it is difficult to see the slightest realm!

Even Gai Nie himself enlightened in life and death, and then he waved the sword!

Now, such a teenager is just a normal sword, there is such a state.

It really made Gai Nie a little numb!


However, Gai Nie can see that the teenager is different, and other people in Kyushu are not necessarily!

After all, among these Kyushu, there are still a few people who practice swords!

And it can be seen that there are very few realms of ‘human sword union’!

Therefore, looking at the teenager who kept repeating the sword, many people frowned, and felt that it was … a little flat!

Although they have to admit that the actions of this teenager’s sword are very special, it is difficult to make people feel too tired!

Can’t hold it, keep swords!

I saw that the picture of the Dao Gold Bang flashed that day, and in the blink of an eye, several months have passed …

But the teenager, just waving a sword every day!

This really makes many people in Kyushu be speechless!



“This is alone to defeat, isn’t this life that has not been born in this life, and it is undefeated in life?”

Seeing the picture of the Tiandao Gold Bang, Liu Bang frowned and could not help but speak.

Although he thinks this is not much likely!

However, these months have passed, except for the teenager, they have never seen other people.

And this teenager has been waving a sword!

When I first saw it, it was amazing!

But after watching it for so long, it is really upset!


Hearing this, Zhang Liang and Xiao He looked at each other, I don’t know how to answer it!

If they talk about strategy, they are superb!

But for this ‘Kendo’, they knew it.

Therefore, for the past few months, the sword has been waving, and it is also full of puzzlement …

However, they feel that this teenager may have some special features!

But I still can’t see it!


Ming dynasty.

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