Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1119: Human dishes, poor character

Mo Lilan, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko quickly followed Conan, while Haibara Ai and Genta stayed behind, followed Chi Feichi to the mortuary, found the crew to open the freezer for the morgue, and sent the unconscious Suzuki Sonoko to the infirmary.

Suzuki Sonoko woke up before she got to the infirmary, and was put on the bed by the infirmary doctor, wrapped in a quilt, and after drinking some warm water, he breathed a sigh of relief with energy, "Ho-he's alive!"

"Don't worry," the doctor reassured the others who came to the infirmary. "Just keep your body warm and rest for a while before you can move."

"Thank you so much," Maurilan said in a trembling voice, looking at Sonoko Suzuki, "It's really nice, Sonoko."

Suzuki Sonoko grinned heartlessly at Maurilan, "Relax, I know that Fei Chi is absolutely fine, and I'm not intimidated at all!"

Chi Feichi asked in a flat tone, "So it's not you who called like a pig at the detective badge?"

The corners of the others' mouths twitched, and the heavy atmosphere eased.

Hai Yuanai made a silent comparison, and had to admit that Fei Chi's words hurt more than her.

Suzuki Sonoko smiled embarrassedly and replied, "Please, Brother Feichi, what does it mean to kill a pig... It's rude of you to describe a girl like that! I woke up and found that I was locked in a dark and cold place, of course. I will be afraid!"

The mortuary administrator frowned, "Who the **** is this prank?"

"Prank?" Mouri Kogoro, who was alerted, was a little angry, and said with a stern expression, "This is not a prank, it is an unquestionable attempted murder! Please contact the police immediately!"

"Ming, I understand!" The administrator nodded quickly and went out to contact the police.

Mori Kogoro asked Suzuki Sonoko what happened.

According to Suzuki Sonoko, she was looking for Maurilan, who was hiding in hide-and-seek, and found the underground dock. As a result, she was suddenly hit by a stick on the side of the shoulder and passed out. When she woke up, she was in the freezer. As for the prisoner She seemed to have seen it, but couldn't remember it.

Mouri Kogoro and Conan decided to go to the underground dock to have a look.

Chi Fei went out late, did not follow, turned around in the aisle outside the infirmary, turned his back on the wind, and lit a cigarette.

According to the development of the plot, the father and daughter of the eighth generation should be dead by now, the body of Yashiro Yentaro should be found at sea, and some of the things on his body are estimated to have been washed away by the sea, but the most crucial key is still left in the room... …

"Aren't you going to take a look at the underground dock?"

Haibara Ai's voice came from behind.

Chi Feichi turned his head and found that Hai Yuanai was standing at the door, and the three real children were also looking at him behind the door, "It's enough for Mr. Mouri and Conan to go there."

Haiyuan Ai thought for a while, guessing that Chi Feichi might be worried that Suzuki Sonoko would be attacked again, and walked forward, "I really can't think of anyone on this ship who would attack Sister Sonoko, if it came to her, then she would have It may be attacked again, but it is also possible that she inadvertently broke in and destroyed some people, then it means that there are other secrets hidden on this ship..."

"How could Big Sister Sonoko be hated?" Mitsuhiko said firmly, "Of course not!"

"But her luck isn't very good." Hai Yuan groaned.

Half an hour later, Mouri Kogoro and Conan hurried back.

Dr. A Li and Mao Lilan heard the movement and went to the door to ask about the situation.

"We found the iron fan of Yashiro Yentaro in the underground dock, but we didn't find Yashiro's president. Instead, we found that Yashiro Guijiang was killed in her room. Officer Mumu and the others are coming soon. I'll go first. Wait for the police on the top deck!"

After Mori Kogoro finished speaking, he hurried to the stairs.

"Conan! Really..." Seeing Conan following, Mao Lilan was a little helpless, and said to Dr. A Li and Chi Feichi, "Doctor, brother Feichi, please take the children to lunch first, there are some in the garden. I can keep it."

"Alright," Dr. A Li looked at Chi Feichi, the more chaotic things were, the more they would worry about taking the children well, "So it seems that the other party is not targeting Yuanzi, and Yuanzi is fine here, then we will Take the kids to fill your stomach first."

The others did not insist, went to the restaurant for lunch, and brought food to Suzuki Sonoko and Maurilan to the infirmary before returning to the room.

Chi Fei was late to see the three real children and Hai Yuanai yawning, so he let the four little ghosts go to take a nap.

"Going to take a nap?" Mitsuhiko couldn't help but said, "However, when this happened, how could we still be able to sleep?"

"Yes," said Yuan Tai, "there is a murderer hiding on the boat!"

"We also want to catch the murderer." Ayumi said.

Chi Feichi's voice cooled a little, "After resting, you will have the energy to catch the murderer."


Mitsuhiko was stared at, sweating, and scratched his head with a reluctant smile, "Say, that's right."

"Ahaha..." Yuan Tai laughed more stiffly, got up and said, "Then let's take a nap."

Haibara Ai yawned and glanced at a guy who was authoritarian and threatened children, but he had to help persuade him, "Have a rest, maybe just in time to catch the murderer, then Edo Chuan and the others are tired, but we can help."

The three real children were persuaded, and because they stayed up late last night and were really sleepy, they fell asleep shortly after arriving in the room.

Dr. Li gathered the children in his room, made sure everyone was asleep, and then went to the living room. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly to Chi Feichi, "Fortunately, calm down, there are murderers on board now, if you let them run around , may be in danger."

"Did they sleep late last night?" Haiyuan Ai followed out of the room at some point, "It's time for a rest."

Dr. Li was surprised, "Xiao, Xiao Ai?"

"Don't be so surprised," Hai Yuanai leaned against the door frame, "I also plan to sleep for a while, but I want to ask Brother Feichi, do you plan to go to Uncle Maori and the others? If you want to go, don't forget the dinner tonight. It is a formal dress to attend. Although this happened, it seems out of time for me to mention this again, but there are many people who are staring at the Chi family and evaluating the situation of the Chi family? Especially this time, many of the guests invited by the Yatsushiro family are considered theirs. Allies, if the banquet is not cancelled, you'd better not forget to prepare your evening gown, if you are too busy, I can help you prepare."

"No, I didn't plan to go to the teacher," Chi Feichi got up and said to Dr. Li, "Doctor, I'll go back to the room to clean up first, and take a break by the way, see you in the banquet hall."

"Ah, okay..."

Dr. Li nodded and watched Chi Feichi go out. He turned his head and found that Haiyuan Ai had also returned to the room, and raised his hand to touch the top of his head.

Listening to such a calm communication between the two, even he was not worried or anxious...

Forget it, he also took a nap.


Mouri Kogoro and Conan followed the police around for the case.

Chi Feichi returned to the room, and asked Xiaomei to take plasticine to imprint the key that Yashiro Yentaro put in the room, and took a shower by herself.

With Xiaomei's carefulness in finding stains when doing housework, plus his reminders, it shouldn't leave too obvious traces.

And even if Xiaomei left traces, the worst result would be that someone in the Yadai Consortium found out that the key had been copied, transferred some documents as soon as possible, or changed the plan, Xiaomei would not leave fingerprints, and he had never touched the room at all. , no one else could suspect him...

In the evening, Yatsushiro Yentaro's body was found by helicopters searched by the police at sea.

Although such a big incident happened, only a few people knew the news, and no one notified the banquet of the cancellation. Everyone changed into more formal evening dresses than the previous day's banquet and went to the banquet hall.

The banquet was held as usual. The men were all in black evening dresses, and the women were all wearing formal dresses. The atmosphere was harmonious as if nothing had happened.

However, the harmony only lasted until the second half of the banquet. After the host took the stage and introduced the cruise ship designer Akiyoshi Minami and the ship's staff, when the captain Kaito Tou was introduced, someone finally couldn't help asking whether Yashiro Entaro was killed.

Soon, others flocked to Mu Mu Shisan and the others who came to the banquet together, asking questions, complaining, and making a mess.

Mouri Kogoro immediately took the stage and testified that Akiyoshi Minami was the murderer, but was questioned because he could not produce evidence.

Conan used the voice changer, and with the cooperation of Dr. A Li, he deduced that Hisha Kansari was the murderer, and also pointed out that when he committed the crime, he splashed his hair on his hair, causing black hair between the dyed red hair.

After inspection by Takagi Shibu, the fingerprints left by Yashiro Entaro were also found on the neck of Hikari Kuancheng.

"Mr. Rixia," Mu Mu Shisan stepped forward and looked at Rixia Kancheng with a serious look, "Let's go to another room and have a good talk!"

"Wait a minute, I still have this trump card on me!" Rixia Kuancheng took out what looked like a black handle and shouted, "Don't move! Or I'll detonate the bomb! I don't want the ship to sink. If so, just listen to me!"

The surrounding crowd became commotion, and many people retreated in panic.

Chi Feichi watched the development silently, and it was not surprising to see Ri Xia's behavior. He held up his cup, lowered his eyes and took a sip of wine.

The events that know all the development are the most boring, they always make him dance, and he feels that it has nothing to do with him.

In fact, it seems that it really has nothing to do with him. Ri Xia Kuancheng just intends to blow up the ship, and they have time to evacuate...

"It's him!" Suzuki Sonoko pointed at Kansei Higaka, "It's him who attacked me!"

Rixia Kuancheng sneered, "You finally remembered?"

Chi Feichi glanced at Ri Xia Kuancheng, and then looked back.

Human dishes, poor character.

"Okay, calm down first," Mu Mu Shisan was sweating, and he didn't dare to go forward to stimulate Ri Xia Kuancheng, "Why on earth did you do this?"

"Avenge my father! Fifteen years ago, the crew member who died in the eight-generation consortium freighter accident is my father..." Niigata Kancheng began to talk about his motive for the murder.

Conan stared at the remote control button that Rixia Kancheng was holding with his fingers, feeling a little tricky, and subconsciously looked at Chi Feichi who was beside was busy solving the case before, he didn't notice, this time Chi Feichi Fei Chi was really not involved at all, not only did he not follow them to the scene, but when such a thing happened, he also looked indifferent as if it had nothing to do with him.

What's wrong with this guy?

I also know that the ship is really going to be bombed, and Chi Feichi may also be in danger. No matter how cold people are, they can't be so cold.

This is not the first time, it has happened one after another before. Sometimes Chi Feichi seems to be in good spirits, and he has a high level of ability to solve cases.

He suspected that Chi Feichi couldn't control his 'illness' at all, and he developed symptoms from time to time without symptoms. The symptom was a loss of interest in everything, including his own life. Now he is sick, and there may be other symptoms lurking.

For example, the manifestation of depression is a loss of interest in external things, so it may be accompanied by symptoms such as depression, but the friends are used to covering up their emotions with a cold face, and they can't see it.

If things are really what he guessed, then the problem is quite serious, and he has to observe and observe...

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