Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1181: Snake Essence is really alive

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After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he was also silent.

Originally, I wanted to enlighten Haibara Ai, but when I said it, it became a life discussion... I feel that the topic is crooked.

Haibara Ai continued to be silent.

Originally, I wanted to enlighten Brother Fei Chi, but the current topic is too serious, involving the world, people, and life, and the atmosphere is too calm, and there is an illusion of academic exchange. She feels that it is not good to talk about the godmother. Small, it is difficult to cut into it, and it will become a discussion nature when cut into it.

How did it become like this...

In the imagination, shouldn't it be the two brothers and sisters who talk about their personal feelings emotionally, comfort each other and be comforted by each other, hug each other for warmth, and grow up together...

Cold Field 4.0 version is open.

When the car arrived at the door of Dr. A Li's house, the sky was completely dark.

After Dr. Li received the call, he opened the door ahead of time and waited at the door with a smile, watching the car slowly stop.

Hai Yuanai opened the door and got out of the car, turned around and asked, "Brother Fei Chi, do you want to stay for dinner?"

"Ah, I've already cut the beef," Dr. Li raised his right hand with a smile and raised his index finger, a little proud, "Let's try my craft tonight!"

"That's very rare," Haiyuan Ai said to Dr. A Li, then looked at Chi Feichi, and suggested with a calm face, "If it's too late after dinner, you can stay here for one night."

"That's not bad," said Dr. Li with a smile. "After dinner, sit and watch TV programs together, and then look at my research progress in the past two days. There is no better arrangement than this!"

Chi Feichi hesitated, "It's okay to eat, but..."

Before Chi Feichi said the words of rejection, Hai Yuanai lowered her eyes and lowered her head, pretending to be lost, "Can't you..."

Chi Feichi considered that Hui Yuanai was really in a strange mood today, so he agreed, "Understood, I'll park the car in the yard."

The corners of Hai Yuanai's mouth twitched quickly, then she raised her head and regained her composure before closing the car door, "Okay."

She felt that she couldn't let Brother Fei Chi go back and face the empty home alone.

Thinking of how happy the family was two days ago, Fei Chi will definitely not be in a good mood. It is better to spend a night here with the doctor to have a buffer.

Chi Feichi drove the car into the yard and parked it, got out of the car and entered with Dr. Li.

Dr. A Li picked up the bowl on the cooking table and showed the two of his cooking results—

A bowl of chopped beef, large and small, with uneven cuts…

Chi Feichi looked down at the bowl that Dr. A Li handed in front of him, observed it, and felt that he was really not sure what Dr. A Li was cutting.

Some can be called 'beef cubes', some can be called 'beef cubes', and some can be called 'beef slices'.

The most amazing thing is, why the Doctor can cut the saw-like edge?

Haiyuan Ai sat on the high chair, leaned over to look at the beef in the bowl, and was silent for a while, "What is the Doctor... what are you going to do?"

Chi Feichi looked up at Dr. A Li.

He also wanted to ask this question, to cut such a bowl of raw beef, does Dr. A Li intend to cook, fry, or...?

"Of course it's beef stew with potatoes," Dr. Li looked down at the beef in the bowl and smiled awkwardly, "Although there is a little problem with the cutting..."

"Isn't this a little bit of a problem?" Haibara said weakly, "If it is used for stewing, if it is used for a long time, the beef slices that are cut too small will be stewed, but if the time is not long enough, the large pieces of beef will be simmered again. not cooked."

"Cough, okay, this is a relatively unsuccessful one," Dr. Li put down the bowl and walked to the rice cooker, "But I also cooked pumpkin rice!"

With that said, Dr. A Li opened the lid of the rice cooker, and a sweet smell escaped.

Hai Yuanai leaned over and looked, a little surprised, "It looks pretty good."

Chi Feichi glanced at it, "It's good, but it's best not to open the pot until it's fully cooked."

Dr. A Li hurriedly closed the lid, regained his confidence, and said with a smile, "It would be nice to have pumpkin rice!"

Haiyuan Ai said that he had nothing to say, and once again looked at the bowl of beef of different sizes and shapes, "I don't know if it can be repaired?"

"it should be OK…"

Chi Feichi didn't have much confidence, mainly because the shapes cut out by Dr. Li were too strange.

It took ten minutes for Chi Feichi to re-process the beef. No matter the large or small pieces, they were all cut into slices.

Although the process is a bit more laborious, you have to cut beef the size of diced beef, but at least the meat slices are uniform, and there will be no half undercooked and half boiled, and you can make a boiled beef slice.

But before I was ready to cook, something went wrong - the soy sauce was gone...

"It was probably used up two days ago. I ordered bento online these two days, so I didn't pay attention," Dr. Li smiled awkwardly. "But there is a 24-hour convenience store nearby..."

"I'll go buy some cigarettes." Chi Feichi washed his hands calmly and prepared to go out. "Cut up the radishes, cut them into cubes, and boil them in water."

Dr. A Li told Chi Feichi about the location of the convenience store, and Haiyuan Ai picked up the white radish and took over the cooking task.

After Chi Fei went out late, he walked along the night road with the street lights on, and replied to the email received on his mobile phone.

Unfortunately, the convenience store that Dr. Agasa mentioned was closed.

Fortunately, Chi Feichi remembered where there were convenience stores nearby.

Just go around a bit further...

After leaving the convenience store, Chi Feichi noticed the vibration of the phone, and while carrying the bag on the way back to Dr. A Li's house, he replied to the newly received email.

Moments later, a call came in.

"Luck, the good boy's life is over?"

Jin Jiu's first sentence was full of sarcasm, making Chi Feichi feel that Snake Essence is really alive, and at the same time, the urge to buy a carload of oranges for Jin Jiu is getting stronger and stronger.

"Don't talk nonsense, Daddy loves you."

Gin: "…"

"▼ dish▼"

Wanted to 'snap' an about-to-explode bomb into Lack's face!

A taxi passed Chi Feichi and turned into the alley ahead.

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to pay attention to the red light from the taillights of the taxi turning into the alley, making sure that the taxi was not parked at the alley, and changed the subject before Jin Jiu sarcastically, "How do you say? That thing."

"Kiele is ready, because I wasn't sure if you could participate, Belmod has already rushed over," Gin's voice became a lot colder, implying that he was very upset that he couldn't fight back, "but you also know that Right? Now that you know the action, it's best to get involved."

Chi Feichi tacitly agreed with Jin Jiu's words, and asked again, "Where's Sliverwa?"

They were talking about the assassination of Domon Kanghui.

Originally, if Chi Kana didn't leave, he probably didn't need his participation in the action, but now that Chi Kana has left, he needs to confirm whether he wants to participate.

It stands to reason that when Belmod comes back, he will not need his assistance, but he is the insider of the assassination operation. If there is no special reason, it is best to participate.

After he knows the specific action time, before the end of the action, he will be monitored with others to prevent the action plan from leaking.

Originally, he should have told Amuro Toru. Although he disclosed this, once Tumen Kanghui was strictly protected, as an insider of the operation, he might be suspected by the organization, but Tumen Kanghui is a candidate for the House of Representatives after all, and he has a lot of weight. , he should have said something, and it is unlikely that the people from the Ministry of Public Security will put him in danger in order to protect Tumen Kanghui. Coincidentally, something stumbles and the organization's assassination plan fails.

It's a pity that Amuro Toru left Tokyo not long after besieging Akai Shuichi. I don't know where to go to investigate what, and I haven't come back to this day.

The crow who delivered the letter had been wandering around for several days, and the crow would not hand over the note unless Amuro came back.

If Amuro is not at home, it is not safe to put it in the house or other places...

"There are enough people to act," said Jin Jiu, "let him continue to stare at Handie Club..."


After Chi Feichi turned around the alley, the taxi driving some distance ahead suddenly stopped.

On the other side of the phone, Jin Jiu heard the brake sound and didn't say any more.

Chi Feichi also stopped, staring at the car on the road ahead.

A little boy in a white baseball cap circled the car and ran to the side alley behind the car.

In the taxi, the middle-aged man opened the door and got out of the car, turned his head in surprise, "Hey, little brother..."

The little boy turned into the alley on the right and ignored the others at all.

Chi Feichi saw this, put down the phone next to his ear, and walked forward with the bag.

The driver got out of the car generously, it should not be someone with ulterior motives.

When the driver saw Chi Feichi walking forward, he didn't care too much except that he felt that the young man in front of him was too quiet. He turned to look in front of the car, "Strange..."

"What's wrong?" Chi Fei asked aloud after arriving late.

The driver retracted his gaze, and when someone asked, he said his doubts inexplicably, "There was a man standing in front of the little brother just now, and the little brother fell to the ground, I felt strange, so I was about to stop. Look, I didn't expect that little brother to run away by himself, and then look back, the man who was standing in front is gone..."

Chi Feichi looked at the road in front of the car. There was a family building nearby, and there were roads between the houses. If there were people, they could go anywhere.

"Forget it, who knows what's going on..." The driver muttered, got in the car and drove away, "Little brother, then I'll go first, be careful on the road and pay attention to safety!"


After Chi Feichi waited for the taxi to leave, he also walked forward and picked up the mobile phone that was still on the call.

Over there, Gin asked, "Are you outside?"

"In Mihua Town, my mother fell in love with a little girl whose parents died and was adopted by relatives. She intends to be her godmother. The ceremony has not yet been performed," Chi Feichi said calmly and calmly, "I have dealt with this before. I told that person by e-mail that I will send that girl back tonight to eat at her place, and just went out to buy soy sauce."

"Oh? How does it feel to have a sister suddenly?"

"People are quite sensible, UU reading is not clingy, and I don't need to take care of them."

"With a cold face all day, the little girl probably thinks it's hard for you to get close... Anyway, I'll meet you in your laboratory tomorrow morning, and I'll be there at noon."

"Can't you cook by yourself?"

"Hmph... You still pray that there will be no trouble in the follow-up just now, and don't get involved in any murders again!"


Chi Fei saw that the phone was hung up late, put away his mobile phone, and continued to go to Dr. A Li's house.

Ceng Chi is not allowed to say anything, so he hangs up in anger and anger. Jinjiu has the worst attitude among Ceng Chi staff.

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