Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1207: The future has a long way to go

In the laboratory, incandescent lamps illuminate the white tabletops.

Chi Feichi sat in front of the computer, closed his eyes, and blocked the blue icon that appeared in his left eye when opening and linking Ark. After opening his eyes again, he stared at the computer screen and used the mouse to quickly scroll the data.

He intends to use the function of glasses to quickly read the data and perform super-computing at the same time. According to the current research data and experimental data, he calculates the pharmaceutical plan of the 'Red Yeast Distillers Grains Version AHTX-1031 Temporary Antidote'.

This kind of supercomputing is also very terrifying in terms of energy consumption.

95, 90, 85, 80, 75...

The existing energy value is dropping, and half of the energy in one grid is quickly lost, and it is still approaching the end step by step.

Just now, the excitement of the central nervous system failed to make Chi Feichi excited, but this time, looking at the rapidly consumed energy, a trace of abnormal excitement rose in his heart.

Sure enough, it is far more difficult to break defenses from external objects than from internal defenses.

Nearly a minute later, the energy display reached 0, and then continued to decline.

-5, -10...

At '-12', Chi Feichi stopped, lowered his head and closed his eyes slowly.

Perhaps because the energy consumption was too fast, his heart beat faster than before. The excitement just now was probably also caused by the accelerated heartbeat.


Feichi was lying on the table, worried about seeing Chi Feichi.

At the moment of its heat, the temperature of its owner's heart and head is increasing, but the neck and other places have not changed. If the owner shows it the map of human body heat and emotions, this means... surprise? sad? shy?

It's a little different from each picture, and I can't match them all, but the temperature of the neck is not high, that's more likely to be sad, and the owner's current appearance is not right...

The bright light of the incandescent lamp made Chi Feichi lower his head and the shadow cast by his bangs on the upper half of his face was even deeper.

The next second, the corners of Chi Feichi's mouth suddenly curved into a smile, and that smile was slowly expanding.

Fei Chi: "..."

Worried that the owner is broken.

Chi Feichi raised his head, the corners of his mouth were still raised, and his two little fangs popped up restlessly, "I'm fine."

Fei Chi: "..."

Doubt the owner is really broken.

Chi Feichi felt tired in his mind, slowly withdrew the smile on his face, closed the computer data page, opened a new document page, typed the previous calculation results by typing on the keyboard.

He understands how cool it is to have artificial intelligence-assisted research.

Ark can organize research materials and data in a short period of time, and then use the information that has been mastered internally and can be obtained from the Internet to carry out various combinations and calculations. In addition, the research ideas of many researchers have been collected before. From those research ideas, new research ideas can be opened up and calculations can be made.

More than half of the research proposals calculated by Ark are much stronger than the current research progress.

And from this attempt, although the upper limit of his blue bar is only 100 points, he can't die even if he swipes empty, and he can also overdraw.

In this way, when he needs to use the function with more than 100 energy points, he will not be helpless.

While the overdraft rules are unclear, it's generally a good thing.

After Chi Feichi recorded the three highest plans, he was sleepy and read the three plans again.

He wanted to put it into Hetu Luoshu to do the math.

He mentioned this algorithm to Sawada Hiroki before, but Fang Zhou said that "the logic is unreasonable, the algorithm is unreasonable", and Sawada Hiroki also said that this should be an algorithm that does not exist in the world, and there is not enough data to study the operation. Rules, he and Ark may not be able to figure it out.

And Sawada Hiroki and Ark couldn't feel the feeling of 'integration'.

In the eyes of Sawada Hiroki and Fang Zhou, data is data, chemical composition is chemical composition, and any combination is a plan with a success rate and estimated effect, so I can't understand why Chi Feichi thinks that A is successful. Component C can dissolve unnecessary things and complement each other, rather than component B or other components, and it is impossible to understand a pharmaceutical solution that has no problems in scientific calculations. Why does Chi Feichi feel that some of them have distorted violations feel.

Chi Feichi couldn't explain why, but what was certain was that for some pharmaceutical plans, he would have a smooth, flexible and harmonious feeling in his calculations.

Just like the elegant Chinese characters written by a calligraphy master, although the characters are different, each stroke is mysterious and incisive, and the more you taste, the more rhyme you have.

If some schemes are calculated, just like the characters with straight strokes, suddenly a stroke is crooked or jumps into other styles and fonts, it is a very strange and abrupt feeling.

The worst feeling is that because of a problem with the cohesive stroke, the subsequent strokes are messed up, and the whole word is distorted.

In short, among the three best plans calculated by Ark, the third plan was the one he felt the most comfortable.

After the calculation, Chi Feichi passed all three plans to the organization platform, but he couldn't hold it any longer. He didn't start researching it, so he took Feichi back to the lounge on the basement to sleep.

When he woke up again, the first thing Chi Feichi did was to pick up the phone next to the pillow to check the time, and then look at the energy display in his left eye.

In the afternoon, he fell asleep and slept for about 8 hours and 57 minutes in total. The number of seconds was uncertain, but his energy recovered to a full grid of 100 points.

And this time, he slept too deeply, and felt that Feichi seemed to have gone out in the middle, but he couldn't wake up at all.

This also verifies two points:

1. The energy can be overdrawn, but it will be replenished in the next sleep according to the rule of '8 hours per grid'.

2. If the energy is overdrawn and he does not sleep until 1 bar is filled, he will not be able to wake up.

If he overdraws 200 points, 500 points or even more energy, he may fall asleep for several days at a time, and he may feel a little bit of changes around him in the middle, but he cannot wake up.

If someone stabbed himself with a knife, I wonder if he could be forced to wake up?

Putting the problem at ease for the time being, Chi Feichi went out with Fei Chi Yi Rong, bought food at a nearby izakaya and went back to No. 119 to finish eating. He headed into the laboratory and began to extract the required drug ingredients. He was busy until more than six in the morning. Only then turned on the computer and began to check other pharmaceutical materials.

Now that the glasses are in hand, his project of stealing research materials can also begin.

Turn on the video and directly turn the scrolling speed to the fastest.

The data scrolled on the screen, so fast that even the lines composed of words could not be seen clearly, and the energy dropped rapidly again.

Since this time there is no need for calculations, he only needs to receive a large amount of information and transmit it to the ark. The duration has reached more than three minutes, and probably because there is not a lot of calculations, he does not feel that his heart is accelerating this time.

A drug research document was accompanied by a large amount of experimental data. Chi Feichi overdrafted it to -24, and was unable to steal all the drug information.

According to this calculation, if he uses up 100 energy points each time, it will take at least 500 times to steal the information he can currently see, and there are some research materials that he currently does not have permission to see but may see in the future. ...

There are so many good things to organize, and there is a long way to go in the future.

Before going to bed this time, Chi Feichi stopped Feichi, who was burrowing into the bed.

"Fei Chi, I want to ask you something..."

Eight hours later, Feichi climbed out of the bed, ran to the small living room outside the bedroom, rolled a fruit knife from the table with his tail, returned to the bedroom and jumped into bed, aiming the tip of the knife at Chi Feichi.

Its owner is really crazy, to let it stab itself with a knife.

Although it was said to be an experiment, it still felt strange, and unconsciously remembered the brilliant but strange smile of the master before.

And it's a little bit incapable of putting its hands down...ahem, it can't put its tail down.

Feichi held the knife with his tail, and just planned to stab Chi Feichi's arm, after thinking about it, he felt that there was a lot of flesh on his leg, and moved the tip of the knife to Chi Feichi's leg.

When Chi Feichi was asleep, he faintly sensed a sense of crisis, but the situation that could wake him up in the past, but this time he couldn't wake up. A sense of crisis loomed over him.

Feichi thought about it for a while, and felt that it was not right to poke his legs, so he moved the tip of the knife over Chi Feichi's arm again.

It's definitely not okay to **** your fingers. If the owner wants to do magic or fly cards in the future, he needs to have flexible fingers. What should I do if they are not flexible after injury.

If you tie your arm, it worries about tying a vein or artery.

Shoulder tie? It doesn't seem to work either. If I knew it earlier, I should have followed the owner to look at the human body structure diagram in the medical book...

Chi Feichi: "..."

The crisis that has been shrouded in it should be non-red... so sleepy.

What is Feichi doing... so sleepy.

Or don't tie it up... so sleepy.

Or hurry up... so sleepy.

After thinking about it, Feichi decided not to pierce it, and turned the knife across, preparing to make a cut on Chi Feichi's arm.

A scratch should be better than a knife, but the owner said that it would hurt a little bit, so how heavy should the tail be?

Chi Feichi: "..."

I want to wake up, I want to ask Feichi to be happy.

There is always a sense of threat that makes him uncomfortable, and he can't wake up again, so uncomfortable and difficult...

Feichi rolled the knife with his tail and gestured with the blade on Chi Feichi's arm for a long time. He felt that he should not draw the right arm that his master was used to, so he dragged the knife to the left and gestured towards Chi Feichi's left arm for a long time. , finally came down.

With a single swipe, the skin was broken.

Feichi looked at Chi Feichi.

The master didn't wake up, did he stroke too lightly?

Then it's slashed again.

With one stroke, blood came out, but it still didn't seem to be deep enough, and it definitely couldn't meet the owner's Take a look at it, pick a place and do it again...

After five o'clock in the afternoon, when Chi Feichi woke up, he smelled blood, opened his eyes, raised his hand and turned on the light to take a look.

In 9 hours and 55 minutes, the energy is replenished to 100 points.

It seems that his speculation is correct. After falling asleep after overdraft, he will sleep until his energy recovers to 100 points, and neither the sense of crisis nor the pain can wake him up.

One knife, two knives, three knives, four knives, five knives, six knives.

Chi Feichi raised his left arm and observed it. There were six cuts in total, all of which were on his left forearm. Although the wounds were long, short, and interlaced, it could be seen that the depths of the wounds were different. It seemed that the cuts were from shallow to deep. It came out, the shallowest just broke.

He was originally called Fei Chi, but Fei Chi didn't expect that Fei Chi would also consider the results of testing different pain levels for him.

The deepest one is still a little distance from the bone, but it's still deep, so if he hasn't woken up yet, in the process of overdrawing and recharging, he may be killed and he won't be able to wake up.

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