Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1270: The 1st place: just get used to it

Chi Feichi didn't avoid Belmode's gaze, and after thinking about it, his expression remained calm, "Or take advantage of the excitement at the end of the work and devote yourself to the next job?"

A few days ago, they only broke up at 1 or 2 in the morning, and they ended work at 9 o'clock tonight, and they didn't have to worry about manpower scheduling and logistics after that. When it was so relaxing and gratifying, Belmod didn't think they should do something. what?

For example, if they drive to the neighborhood of the programmer's residence now, they will check the information on the way, sneak into the other party's house to install bugs, and then wait for the other party to go home from dinner, they can throw a brick downstairs, Contact the other party again, carry out 'death threats' or something, then let the other party do something illegal, and trap people step by step...

That way, for up to three days, they can get people to start designing programs for the organization.

Although after that, they still have to check each other's situation, monitor to prevent the other party from calling the police, and maybe even intimidate once or twice, but those things can be done according to their mood, just like a teacher randomly checking the completion of homework, they are in a good mood or If it's not good, go and investigate. If people have problems, they will reveal their flaws sooner or later.

Tonight is such a good time to brush the task, you can take advantage of the energy to brush the task, Belmod actually wants to go back and lie down?

Belmod felt that Chi Feichi seemed to be serious, and chose to turn around and leave, "Anyway, you can email me the information first, and I will deal with it after I have a rest."

Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone and sent the packaged data package to Belmod's mailbox.

"Ding dong!"

Ahead, Belmode paused, took out the flip of the phone, looked down and saw that the mailing address was from a certain Lack, did not enter the password to open the mail, closed the phone with a snap, and sped away.

In fact, she wanted to tell that person, or leave Luck over to the gin. Both of them are the kind of people who can never rest on a whim. Their rhythm is different from hers, but she doesn't want to. Giving up this 'partnering' opportunity to monitor whether Lack has discovered Conan's identity at any time can only be forgotten.

But don't try to kidnap her with work!

Chi Feichi passed information to Belmod, and continued to send emails to that person.

[Squatting for an action task. ——Raki]

Waited a minute, no reply.

Chi Feichi copied the email again and sent it to Gin and Rum. Without waiting for a reply, he sent another email to Yanan Takato and Vodka, asking if there was any action that needed support.

[No action for the past two days, wait until the situation is confirmed. ——Gin]

[You take a break, I will contact you again if necessary. ——Rum]

【Luck? We have no action tonight. ——Vodka]

[I am drinking at the clubhouse of the Handie Club, do you want to come and sit for a while? ——Slivova]

Chi Feichi turned around and walked into the next alley, and continued typing and sending emails.

Harassment? No, he just felt that it was so early and the night was long that everyone should come out and have a good time.

If nothing else, Rum must have intelligence.

It was not until he changed his face, changed his car, and changed his place that Chi Feichi received a reply from that person.

【go to bed early. 】

[If not, I will pay the bounty myself. ——Raki]

that one:"……"

As far as there is one... Forget it, after all, there are such a group of willful and neurotic people under the hands, just get used to it.

After Chi Feichi finished replying, he didn't read the all-in-one email "I want to lie down tonight", logged out of the mailbox, and logged into July's mailbox account.

He's been out of tune with everyone lately, but that's okay, he can play by himself.

Just after logging in to the account, unread emails filled the mailbox, and the phone vibrated for more than a minute, and then...the screen went black.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Feichi dozed off in a daze, and suddenly felt a cold murderous aura, 'whoosh' from his collar, looked up at the source of the murderous aura, his gloomy master, "Master, what happened? "

"It's okay, it's just time to change the phone." Chi Feichi put away the phone, took the tablet in the storage compartment of the car, and logged in to the mailbox.

If he didn't believe it, he really had to go back to sleep tonight.

After logging in to the account, it was another minute of 'buzz', and the page got stuck, but it quickly returned to normal.

Only then did Chi Feichi know the reason why his phone was directly stuck on a black screen.

Originally, he would go to July's mailbox to check the information every once in a while, ranging from one month to two or three days. Recently, he was busy investigating, and there was a network monitor in the room, so he didn't check the e-mail.

But in the past, even if it was released for a month, the public security liaison would send one or two emails to harass him at most. During this time, he sent more than 20 emails a day, and nearly 300 emails in less than ten days. The mobile phone does not work. That's weird!

It’s okay to say it’s urgent, but most of the emails are nonsense.

‘July, are you still alive? No news for several days. ’

‘July, are you still accepting bounties from abroad? Did you go abroad? ’

‘To Qiyuejun: I have sent you a lot of emails recently, which may or may not cause you trouble, but…’

'July, this bounty is really important, please reply to me, or not reply, I hope you can help...'

‘July, where have you been? Look at the bounty, there's a high bounty...'



And that's just the mail from 6:00 to 8:30 pm tonight.

Chi Feichi considered whether to change his contact person or not, and after reading nine emails one after another, he found the email about the bounty at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

'In July, Kiichiro Numabuchi fled, rewarded with a high bounty! ’

The title is short, but it really is a big deal.

He has paid attention to the matter of Kiichiro Numabuchi. The evidence of the crime is conclusive, and he is already in the prosecution period. Just as he had guessed before, the two trials were torn between 'death penalty'. It is estimated that it would not be repeated for three or five years. There will be a result, and even if the final result is the death penalty, it still needs the approval of the ruling person, and usually it will be sent back for retrial, and it will take a few years before the death penalty is officially decided.

During this period, Numabuchi Kiichiro was transferred from the detention center of the Metropolitan Police Department to the official detention center. Due to the seriousness of the case, the high risk of Numabuchi, and the experience of escaping, he stayed alone in a single place far away from others. In the human world, there is a camera at the door, and the criminal officer is also very energetic to deal with it.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Numabuchi Kiichiro to escape, but at 1 o'clock this afternoon, Numabuchi Kiichiro suddenly showed signs of poisoning and was rushed to the hospital.

In fact, the person in charge of staring at Kiichiro Numabuchi was already careful enough. After the first aid, Kiichiro Numabuchi was fine, but he still hadn't woken up. His hands were handcuffed by the bedside. There were two guards at any time, and there were people at the door Staring, unfortunately useless.

The person at the door was called away by the doctor for a few minutes. When he brought the doctor into the ward, he found that his two colleagues were lying on the ground. , The window of the ward on the fifth floor was wide open, and the cold autumn wind was blowing into the room. Where is the figure of Numabuchi Kiichiro?

Not to mention whether the poisoning of Kiichiro Numbuchi was a long-planned escape plan, anyway, the hospital was searched twice, but no one was found.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the bounty was released. It is estimated that the wanted order will also be broadcast in tonight's news reports. Tomorrow morning's morning paper will also have a place for Kiichiro Numabuchi. Every day's reports are indispensable for this guy, and the police will do their best to search and try their best to arrest him...

Well, you can tell by the generous bounty amount.

Numbuchi Kiichiro is now not only a serial murderer, but he also escaped more than once. This kind of behavior is a complete provocation to the judicial system. It is estimated that some judicial leaders who have learned the news have clapped the table and shouted "the death penalty".

In the past, Kiichiro Numabuchi was able to spend nine or ten years in the court trial. This time, if he ran away and was caught back, he would be executed immediately, and when the wanted order was issued, in Tokyo, the population density is not small and there are various kinds of people. Where the police and public security were running everywhere, Numbuchi Kiichiro didn't say he ran out of Tokyo, and it was estimated that he would be arrested soon.

Unless Kiichiro Numbuchi is helped, and someone with different means and powers helps, it is possible to save his life.

So he couldn't figure out why Numabuchi Kiichiro ran away.

There should be no such a plot originally, and I don't know if it is because there will be no intersection with Conan, so there is no news related to Numabuchi Kiichiro in the world from Conan's perspective.

Does Numabuchi Kiichiro still don't want to die? Or tired of the constant court trials and want a treat?

"Ten million, Lord!" Fei Chi, who was peeking at the screen, exclaimed, "Zhu Yuan's price is rising faster than you and Kuaidou combined."


Chi Feichi's left eye flashed a blue umbrella icon.

Feichi sighed with emotion at the amount, why should he compare him to Kuaidou...

Search, Numbuchi Kiichiro.

The information related to Numabuchi Kiichiro was immediately transferred out. Since the murder of Numabuchi Kiichiro was too sensational, his personal experience has been almost picked up.

He lost his parents when he was a child, lived with his grandparents in Gunma Prefecture, went to work in Tokyo alone after the old man died, murdered on impulse, fled the scene and disappeared...

Afterwards, he and Fang Zhou combined news reports to make up for the part of being favored by the organization, being abandoned by the organization, and fleeing the organization to kill all the way.

He was sent to the Osaka Police Station and transferred to Tokyo. After that, Kiichiro Numabuchi lied that there was a burial place, returned to Gunma, and took advantage of Yamamura's inattentiveness and ran away again. I ate bamboo rice with them and watched fireflies.

In a word, since Kiichiro Numabuchi is not a high-ranking official or a wealthy is not a particularly important person in the organization, I originally thought that Kiichiro Numabuchi would end his life under the supervision of the police and would not appear in the future. In life, the non-Mexico Corps and other intelligence personnel did not care, and there were only a few words of intelligence, and they did not pay attention like those who paid attention to Conan.

Hospitals generally have good green areas, which are also places where birds like to stay. When Kiichiro Numabuchi escaped from the hospital this afternoon, some birds must have seen them, but if there is no deliberate collection of clues, some birds will not. Everything big and small is reported and uploaded to Umbrella's intelligence platform.

After Chi Feichi posted the instruction of 'gathering intelligence' through the platform, he continued the search without waiting for the whereabouts information of Numoubuchi Jiichiro to come.

Search, Amuro Toru.

As one of the key targets of the non-Mexico Corps, Anshito's whereabouts will be recorded if they are discovered, and it is very easy to find.

As he expected, As soon as Rum's side freed up his hands, Amuro finally appeared in Tokyo again, and if the organization's work came to an end, there would be a rest period. side team.

And the location is... Bunkyo Ward!

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