Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1409: Asshole bounty hunter!

Eleven o'clock at night.

There was a sound of people falling to the ground in a warehouse.

Not long after, a man in a black robe dragged a person outside the warehouse and in front of the large truck parked at the door of the warehouse.

Yanan Takatori stood by and smoked. Seeing this, he put out the cigarette. He carefully put the cigarette **** in a plastic bag and put it in a plastic bag. After making sure that the ash on the side would not reveal any personal information, he opened the door of the truck and jumped first. Going up, I helped Chi Feichi to drag the fainted into the carriage, and said with a low laugh, "Matsumoto Koji and Izu Yamataro... The wanted order has been issued, or you have good intelligence, these are two big fish. "

In the dimly lit carriage, the black cat was wrapped and hung by a large net. Hearing the voices of whispering conversations, he still closed his eyes, pretending to be anesthetized and still not awake, trying his best to confirm the current situation.

The characteristics of Qiyue are the black-robed scythe, like a **** of death. Don't think about it, I'm sure Qiyue will start with his accomplices tonight.

He should still be in the net, behind him there are cold and raised slabs, he should be in a large truck.

The threads of the net are very dense, and the super glue also sticks her clothes, gloves, helmets, etc. tightly, wrapping them all, and it is almost difficult for her fingers to move.

I heard that Qiyue likes to put people in the delivery box, and the big net is very large and the transparent line is thick. With one person, it is difficult to put it into the delivery box. It is estimated that the other party thinks it is very troublesome to get her off the Internet. Will put her here first.

After a while, July or his accomplices should come to untie the big net. You can pretend that you are still awake, and when the other party unties the big net, seize the opportunity to sneak attack, hold a person hostage, or flee directly.

This is the chance to get out.

Of course, it is very likely that the other party does not intend to untie the big net and send it directly to the police station. Although the possibility is not high, July is more likely to do things in the original style, but still have to be prepared.

At present, her fingers can move slightly, and there are metal iron pieces hidden in her fingernails. As long as there is enough time, you can cut the gloves first, and then cut the outer rope little by little...

When the two go to drive the van, she can do it!

It's nothing to be caught for a while, even if you enter the police station, as long as you can escape, you can continue to wave after that. The big deal is that your real face is mastered. You have to be more careful in your actions in the future, or find a place to have plastic surgery to change your face...


Feichi, who was nestled under Chi Feichi's clothes, spoke in a voice that others could not hear, sabotaging the black cat's escape plan, "The black cat woke up, the index finger of her right hand moved just now, and I saw that there were flakes hidden in her fingernails. ."

When a person is in a coma, their emotions will not fluctuate, and the body temperature of each part of the body is relatively stable. After waking up, as long as there are 'thoughts' and emotional fluctuations, the brain, heart and other parts are more active, and the body temperature will change.

Can't hide it!

Unless it is someone like his master, whose body temperature is constant from time to time, sometimes waking up is not much different from sleeping.

Takatori Yano helped put Matsumoto Koji into the delivery box and asked in a low voice, "Do you have any other goals?"

Black Cat: "..."

Yes, I heard that July does not only hunt one target every time, so hurry up and drive to hunt the next target.

Chi Feichi looked at the big net hanging in the corner, and changed to a gentle and elegant male voice, "No, there is no valuable information recently."

Black Cat: "..."

This... she doesn't believe it!

With the fame of July, even if people are not arrested, there will be a lot of people stealing a certain file and plotting a bounty for a certain person, right? Don't you make that money?

Ying and Yan Nan heard that Chi Feichi had changed his falsetto voice, guessed the reason, and still said in a low voice, "Then deal with the black cat, and we will send the goods over there. Have you contacted the other side?"

"not yet."

Chi Feichi still used falsetto to walk towards the corner where the black cat was.

Black Cat: "..."

That's okay, then the first plan is to wait for the other party to untie the big net, and see the opportunity to attack.

"How is the bounty divided?" Yanan Yingtou followed up with Chi Feichi, and said in a deep voice, "The black cat used to be the same as Kidd, and all the stolen things were returned, but it was only three years ago that the opal was stolen. If you don’t pay it back, there are six pieces in total. If you can recover the stolen goods, the employer will give you a bounty, and the wanted order and some fragmentary palace bounties, I have calculated in advance, only more than 30 million…”

Black Cat: "..."

Just over thirty million? talent?

Chi Feichi was not surprised and stopped in front of the big net, "The monster thief who doesn't kill people has always been cheap, and most of the valuable bounties are fans or people who are bored or curious. They ask for their identities to be disclosed. If they fall into the hands of the police, in order to ensure their safety, they will protect their personal information. At most, they will be sent to prison, and even the trial will not be made public. In addition to quickly increasing their reputation, it is better to catch murderers who are not as famous as theirs to make money. ."

Black Cat: "..."

Is the price/performance ratio not high?

Really was right by that Japan's number one phantom thief.

Although it is very shocking, but listening to the other party's calculations, in the eyes of the scavenger hunters, such phantom thieves may really belong to the group with low cost performance.

"Then why don't we take a video, disclose his identity first, and then hand it over to the police?" Ying Tori Yan Nan took advantage of the situation and considered, "This way, you can make two money."

Black Cat: "..."

Humph, bounty hunters are really greedy and greedy when they see money, and they are not as cute as phantom thieves!

"He?" Chi Feichi asked in a warm male voice.

"Yes..." Ying Tori Yan Nan wondered, "What's wrong?"

"It shouldn't be called Care, but Canojo." Chi Feichi corrected.

In Japanese, the pronunciation of 'he' and 'she' is different.

Ying Tou Yan Nan almost sprayed, but he quickly calmed his mind and looked at the dark figure in the net, "Is the black cat a woman? The shoulders are so wide, the chest muscles are so flat that you can't tell, is it natural growth? Like male females?"

Black cat: "!"


"It's just a camouflage, it's covered with cardboard or iron sheets in the body armor," Chi Feichi pointed at Yingtou Yan Nan in falsetto, "The difference in appearance between men and women depends on the gap between the arms and the waist. In a normal body shape, the arms and waist of a woman are different. The gap between them will be more obvious than that of men, the waist of women will be higher than that of men, and there are some other characteristics, I will tell you another day, her camouflage is really not in place."

Even if you don't know the plot ahead of time, and you don't need to see through the hot eyes like Fei Chi, there are still many female characteristics left in the black cat's camouflage.

The problem of 'male and female body lines' was mentioned in the Yi Rong notes of his thief teacher, and there are some solutions, such as using clothing or light to create different body lines for men and women, such as directly using cotton, paper, iron The props such as the film are decorated under the clothes, whether he, Belmod, or Kuroba Kaito will not make the mistake of a black cat.

It's nice to have a teacher with a high level of Yi Rong who pays attention to details. Thank you again for his teacher.

"In this case, I have an idea," Ying took Yan Nan's bad taste, and deliberately made a bad idea to stimulate the black cat, "First disclose her identity and appearance, and then put it on the black market to bid, no matter what she looks like, The price of the black cat will not be low, and then we will compare it with the police's wanted order, and we will sell it to the party with the higher price."

"Master, she is angry." Feichi reminded.

Chi Feichi looked at the black cat who was still motionless, and felt that the black cat was really calm, "I have a better idea. Before revealing her identity, I will try to use her to catch her. Phantom Thief Kidd..."

"Two phantom thieves?" Yingtou Yan Nan smiled, "Then the harvest tonight is really big, but will the phantom thief Kidd come to rescue her?"

Black Cat: "..."

If she can escape this time, she will definitely catch these bounty hunters in the future!

"Take a video first, stab her twice through the net," Chi Fei saw the black cat still motionless, suddenly felt that the scary behavior of him and Ying Tou Yan Nan was boring, and he lost interest, and his tone naturally became more positive When he was **, he looked a little cold. "Hold the video on the forum and told the thief Kidd that if he didn't reach the designated location within an hour, he would cut off both her hands first, and cut off her legs in two hours. Killing her in three hours, the phantom thief Kidd doesn’t want to kill anyone, and he doesn’t want to see him kill someone, so he will definitely come!”

Ying Tori Yan Nan was stunned when he heard Chi Feichi's sudden chilling voice.

Isn't it scary to play? Is the boss for real?

This... If 'July' did this kind of thing, and it was publicly spread on the forum, the relationship with the police would collapse. This obviously does not conform to the development orientation of the boss and the organization for 'July'.

However, if his boss became ill, it seemed not impossible that he would do something terrible because he was suddenly in a bad mood.

Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at Ying Tori Yanan, who was suddenly silent next to him.

Yakutori is not interested in being scared anymore?

Ying Tori Yanan turned his head and looked outside the carriage, signaling that he wanted to go out and talk with Chi Feichi.

Today, he brought up the boss, so he has to remind the boss - calm down, don't be too cruel.

If he doesn't remind him, if the boss wakes up and secretly regrets it, he feels that he will be very unlucky.

In the dimness, the black cat closed his eyes and listened to the footsteps away from here. He guessed that the other party was probably going to prepare. He struggled for a while and finally couldn't help but say, "Wait! We can talk!"

At the door of the truck, Chi Feichi stopped and turned to look over.

Well, he thinks he can talk to the black cat again.

In fact, they have other goals tonight, and Ying and Yan Nan catch the black cat, but they think it is worth the challenge. If they want to try to catch the black cat together with him, it is a test of their level.

Because black cats don't kill people, and they committed crimes three years ago, they will return what they stole. For Yanan Yingto, who is chivalrous from time to time, the black cat is an 'entertainment master'. It is a pity that there is no such person in the world. , so I spied on him before, saying that I don't really want to send the black cat to prison, let's see how people are first, if it's the kind of person they hate, it's not too late to send it.

Black Cat's style is very similar to his younger brother Jingfen's escape from women's clothing addiction, and he doesn't have to catch people as delivery services. Since Yanan Yingtou mentioned it, he agreed.

That's right, they never thought of sending black cats to prison, let alone black market auctions or hacking, it's just bad taste.

Scary things are interesting only if the other party reacts a little bit.

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