Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 147: mystery mail

"It's still early. Actually, I'm pretty free now." Chi Feichi looked at the phone screen and waited for a reply.

Feimo replied quickly: [I won't go, the master will go by himself. I will adjust and test the intelligence network in Tokyo. When you come back, you can officially use it. By the way, don't inform them when the master comes back. , I want to test how long it takes them to find the target without me staring at it]

Chi Feichi: "..."

Is this using him as an experimental prop?

Feimo followed up with a reply: [Please try the command again when the time comes]

After that, Fukuyama Zhiming's reply letter arrived, expressing his support for Chi Feichi to travel, but he should pay attention to safety, remember to take medicine, etc. There are also some poems about chicken soup for the soul in the attachment, so that he can read it when he goes to sea.

"Do you want to go with Mr. Anshi?" Chi Fei asked after replying to the email late.

Anyway, this time he decided to give up the bounty and set up a **** bureau for the wanted criminals gang, which is also very good and lively.

"I'll stay here," Amuro refused with a smile, "By the way, I can take care of Feichi."

"What's wrong with Feichi?" Hattori Heiji curiously looked at the glass box, "Are you ill?"

"I'm not sick, I'm just hibernating." Chi Feichi said to Anshi again, "Mr. Anshi, Feichi, I will put it in the foster care of the hospital. After all, they have experience in caring for animals, so you can take a vacation."

"Alright." Toru Amuro nodded, in a delicate mood.

In fact, he really wanted to follow him. It would be easier for him to find out about Chi Feichi's situation if he had more contact, but there was something going on in the organization recently, so he couldn't leave Tokyo for too long.

Thinking about it carefully, his salary is too easy, there is almost no work, and it doesn't matter if he is idle for a day and runs around everywhere, he started to take vacation after only two days of work...


At the port, Hattori Heiji took the banknotes and the letter and found the staff.

The staff read the letter and said with a smile, "I see, you are a detective hired by Mr. Furukawa, you really don't look like it."

"Don't underestimate me, I'm still very famous in Osaka, and this one," Hattori Heiji raised his hand on Chi Feichi's shoulder and smiled at Chi Feichi, but seeing Chi Feichi calmly looking over, Wanting to say 'it's my assistant', I couldn't say it all at once. "He is also a very good detective. Although he is not well-known, he has also helped the police solve the incident. I specially asked him to help."

"Ah, no, I'm not suspicious of you, you two, please come with me," the staff led the way to board the ship. "Mr. Furukawa called and explained that the detectives he hired were not counted."

"Not counting the number of people?" Hattori Heiji followed.

"Yeah, this tour group only entertains ten people," the staff explained. "Everyone else has to answer the questions and board the boat, but everything on the boat is free."

"Pfft!" Hattori Heiji couldn't help laughing, and turned to look at Chi Feichi, "You're not a human being."

staff member:"……"

Chi Feichi glanced at Hattori Heiji, and he hasn't seen him for a while, so skinny?

"I just can't help but want to tease you. If I can see a different reaction, I'll make money!" After Heiji Hattori entered the cabin, he looked left and right, and followed to the front desk, "But this ship is still It's really nice, just like a hotel."

The staff asked the names of the two of them. After registering, they handed the room card with a smile, "Here, this is the room card. You two should live in room 102. There are exactly two beds!"

When they got to the room, the two of them comfortably leaned on the bed and chatted casually.

"Let's rest for a while. When the ship arrives at Ogasawara, you should be able to see the client."

"Why didn't you call and Ye together?"

"That guy, she's going to be a guest with her mother, so she doesn't have time to come with me... But then again, are you really polite to your assistant, have you always called him Mr. Amuro?"

"He is a capable man."

"Hey? You're complimenting this, right? What do you think of me? Do you think I'm capable?"


"What about Conan?"


"Where's Uncle Maori?"


"...You don't think everyone is capable, do you?"

"It's all about being alive."


After chatting and chatting, Hattori Heiji fell asleep.

Chi Feichi also decided to take a nap, and probably won't be able to sleep at night.


It seemed that he hadn't slept for a long time. Chi Fei woke up late due to the vibration of his phone. He sat up and took out his phone to take a look. It was past 9 o'clock in the evening.

There is a new email in the mailbox, the email address is very unfamiliar, the content is very long, and there is a large string of English in my eyes.

【do you know? In the Field Group, the purple eye is also called the cursed eye.

About seventy years ago, British Baron Field originally had a happy family, he had a beautiful wife and a pair of lovely children, until he adopted an Asian girl with purple eyes.

Within ten years, his wife and children died one after another. In the end, the inheritance could only be passed on to that girl. He called those eyes the most beautiful gem in the world, but he would never have thought that it was just the beginning of a series of nightmares.


Chi Feichi frowned, he knew these things.

Because that baron is the founder of the Field Group, and that Asian girl is his grandmother.

At the beginning, there were other founders' relatives who divided the estate, and she always felt that her grandmother brought bad luck. Now, the relationship between the shareholders of the Field Group is very chaotic.

Those people sent the message to disgust him?

No, the headquarters of the Field Group is in the United Kingdom, and most of those shareholders are British. There are some differences between American English and British English.

Judging from this email, the other party should be more accustomed to using American English.

Continue reading:

[The girl was of marriageable age, she returned to Japan and found a good husband, the aged Baron Field was very happy, and witnessed the wedding for them, and ushered in a new life, a wise boy, a man who had inherited a curse boy……】

The other party's tone was like telling a fairy tale, but the content was creepy.

The boy had a genetic disease. After the age of five, he became blind in both eyes and suffered from mental illness. In addition, his parents were pregnant with a second child, and his mental balance was seriously unbalanced. One day, the castle was drenched with gasoline, lit on fire, and pulled. Baron Field, who loved him most, died together.

The email also included old photos of the boy and the Baron's family, as well as photos of the Baron's funeral.

[The baron is dead.

In the same year of his funeral, the girl gave birth to her second child, who did not inherit purple eyes, but was born with albinism.

As they grow up, children with albinism also develop mental illness.


An email that made the whole family clear.

In Chi Feichi's inherited memory, the original consciousness asked his mother if he had other relatives, and his mother answered no.

But according to this email, his mother originally had four older brothers.

His first uncle, blind and mentally ill, committed suicide at the age of 5!

The second uncle, who did not inherit the dominant characteristic purple eyes, but had albinism and mental illness, died unexpectedly at the age of 21!

The third uncle, also blind and mentally ill, committed suicide at the age of 20!

The fourth uncle, did not inherit the dominant characteristic purple eyes, but the result was even worse, erythropoietic protoporphyria, also known as vampire disease, mental illness to be determined, died at the age of 17!

Until his mother, Garnefield, there has been no abnormality in his body since birth.

Chi Fei stroked it for a while.

Probably his grandmother's genetic mutation is not benign, or it is not only benign. Judging from some of the contents of the email, the children with the disease have high IQs.

But with a high IQ, it is useless to die.

The boys who are born will have mental problems one after another.

As for the body, those who have the dominant genetic characteristic of purple eyes will be blind, and those who do not have the dominant genetic characteristic may have a congenital deficiency of some kind of enzyme, causing even more terrible diseases.

There was an old photo of his fourth uncle in the email. Not only did the porphyria not make him live, but because of repeated rashes, he had atrophic scars on his face and the back of his hands. The background was an old photo of the castle room. Wrapped in black cloth, the faintly exposed face is covered with scars, thin and gloomy, like an old man who has come out of hell, and a photo can scare a child to tears.

But in fact, his fourth uncle passed away at the age of 17, and he would not be older than this age when he took the photo. It is a kind of torture for a young man to become like this, not only physically but also psychologically.

Then, the question is, why is he not blind?

He has a dominant genetic trait, he should be blind around the age of five, and then suffer from mental illness...

Well, the original consciousness of mental illness does exist, but the body is very There are only two possibilities:

The first: The genetic disease came to his mother, and some benign changes occurred in the genes, which made it easier for the offspring to survive, or the genetic changes in his body allowed him to avoid physical diseases.

Second: He or his mother received genetic treatment.

The fact that his parents left after the age of five also made him more concerned. He guessed that he was taking care of him when he was five years old. Now, it seems that he is also determining whether there is any problem with his eyes.

At the end, the email did not give an answer. It seemed that the whole process was centered on his grandmother's adoptive father and his grandmother, until the end of the year when his grandmother died.

His birth, after the death of his grandmother, is not mentioned in it.

Chi Feichi read it, kept silent, wrote down the email address, and started to reply, but when he pressed the email address, he stopped again, turned the phone button louder, pressed it once, deleted it, and pressed it again at a different rhythm. .

This time, the sound of the keys has a touch of melody.

Chi Feichi edited [Who are you? 】Delete, change to【Why am I okay? ].


There is no need to ask who the other party is. He looked at the email address before, but he didn't respond. After pressing and listening to the key tone, he realized that it was very similar to the melody of the Japanese nursery rhyme "Seven Children"!

He had heard the nursery rhyme "Seven Children" when he was a child, or in other words, many children in Japan had heard it, and he could not remember the melody wrong.

In other words, the sender is the boss of a dangerous organization!

At night, this discovery was terrifying...



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