Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1500: art is explosion

"Then I seem to faint..."

Chi Feichi wanted to confirm what happened after that.

"That's right, Jane took you back that night. Three days later, Rum was waiting for you on your way home from school. In the same car, the two people who were injured by your gun were also standing beside the car. But you just walked over and didn't take a look at it at all."

The tone of the electronically synthesized voice is still indistinguishable, "After that, seven years ago, Rum once again found out that this happened to you. At that time, he also saw the change in your personality switch with his own eyes. At that time, you did not recognize When he came out, he guessed whether there was more than one personality in your body, and the abnormal you made it difficult to guess what dangerous actions you would make, and the organization action was imminent, so he would let you fall asleep first, and sent you there. Metro station nearby.”

Chi Feichi's temple throbbed, it seemed that there were many memory fragments hidden in the depths trying to squeeze into the memory that had no gaps, which made his head hurt even more, "Then, the time I met Gin was... a few years ago. ?"

The electronic synth was silent for a moment. "The time you wanted to invite him to see 'Art'? That was five years ago."

"Why am I there?" Chi Feichi asked.

In that dream, he woke up in a closed space.

In a space that does not know whether it is a laboratory or an examination room.

There was a sense of technology all around, but he couldn't open the door and only found a video intercom device.

After that, he pretended to be unwell and in pain, and with a weak voice tricked the person on the side of the intercom to open the door, knocking out the two white coats who entered the door to check the situation, left the room, and walked along the corridor for a while.

He didn't check the whole place because he found that someone was carrying bombs, and there were many bombs in the empty room down the corridor, so he grabbed the bombs and set off a bright fireworks in his dream.

As for whether he would be killed by bombing, he had never considered it at all.

Take out all the large boxes of bombs, arrange them in meditation along the winding corridor, and connect them in series...

The moment he reached for the remote control, he felt a sense of ritual in his heart.


The sound of footsteps sounded, and a figure flashed over quickly. When he first touched the remote control, a hand tightly held his wrist.

He looked up and saw Gin's gloomy face.

"What are you trying to do?" Gin almost gritted his teeth.

He remembered that he was sneering.

He recognized Gin in his dream, but an anime character appeared in his lucid dream with a cold face, trying to scare him?

Although he was not very tall in the dream, and his body didn't seem to be strong enough, but if it wasn't for his fingers to touch the remote control button, he would have pressed it without even thinking about it.

Blow this **** up!

Noticing that he glanced at the remote control from the corner of his sight, Gin took a deep breath and said solemnly, "If you let go of your hand, I will let you go, and the bomb will be detonated, and you will not be alive!"

"It doesn't matter if I live or not," he smiled, his voice soft, like coaxing a child, coaxing the anime character with long silver hair in front of him, "Good boy, let go of your hand, I invite you to see art."

Gin's face stinks like a black block of ice, and the left hand in the pocket of the windbreaker flicked.

At that moment, his face turned cold, and the left hand hanging by his side quickly grabbed towards the remote control, forcing Jin Jiu to immediately reach out his left hand to stop him, but he didn't really grab the remote control, his hand reached to the remote control. He retracted halfway, watching Jin Jiu reach out and grab the empty space.

Air stagnates.

On the gin, he felt a low-pressure annoyed breath of "you wait, you will die sooner or later".

This anime character is too arrogant.

He admired Gin's face that was turning black, "Give me a reason to give up."

Jin Jiu probably saw that he was happy to see him angry, but his face softened a lot, "Even if you want to press the detonation button, at least you have to know what you are doing."

In the dream, interest always came and went quickly, and at the moment when the gin was not black, he felt that it was not much fun again.

It is interesting to blow people up when they are unwilling, reluctant, and fearful.

"I know what I'm doing," he said, but he let go of his hand on the edge of the remote, waiting for Gin to let go of his wrist, leaning against the corridor wall, watching Gin take the remote "I've been preparing for a long time, do you really not look at art?"

"What do you mean by art?" After Gin picked up the remote control, he glanced at him, and gently removed the remote control.

He asked himself to be as serious as possible, "Art is explosion."

"Let's get rid of it," Gin said angrily, "I don't want to be a part of art myself!"


Before he finished speaking, he woke up.

That was when he was 27 in his previous life, a month before his death, on the eve of his plan to secretly blow up the exchange.

During that time, his life relaxed a lot. In addition to preparing, he usually just went to the park for two laps, or played games at home, and went to the bar for two drinks at night.

When he dreamed of this situation that day, he thought that he was thinking about it every day and dreaming at night.

Because I just watched a few episodes of Conan, I complained that Aoyama Gangchang asked for leave again, so that he couldn't see the long-awaited reveal of Rum's identity, so he dreamed of blowing up the characters in it, because he planned to announce 'Bomb Bureau', so I rehearsed it in my dream.

If all this really happened in this world, regardless of whether he almost gave away the gin, what he wanted to know was why he was in that place?

In the 15-year-old memory of the original consciousness, there is no memory related to gin or that place, and there was no stimulation during that time. His arrival may be an organization to do something...

"Just wanted to check your health," the electronic synth continued, "although this kind of personality switch happened once when you were 14 years old, compared to the more common cases of multiple personalities, you The frequency of the appearance of another personality in the body is not high. The organization had just obtained a batch of relevant inspection equipment at that time, so I had someone take you there when you lost consciousness, but when the inspection was still being prepared, your Another personality suddenly sobered up, Chianti and the others should be glad, and I should be glad, if Gin hadn’t discovered it in time, many people in the organization would have become victims of your art of planning…”

Chi Feichi: "…"

That one speaks yin and yang too.

And when he was 14 years old, he also recalled it.

The original consciousness went to the United States for vacation. It was originally agreed that after Jane took him there, Chi Jianai would fly over from other countries and meet him, but the original consciousness did not wait for his mother until the last day. 'Suddenly something' was dismissed, and I felt extremely lost.

So, here he comes again.

He forgot that he had seen Jane in a dream before. At that time, Jane lied on the phone, saying that he refused to go back because of the trouble, and wanted to stay for one more day, planning to go back tomorrow.

He said: ?

This woman is lying!

Therefore, when Jane found a reason to fool him and seemed to be in a hurry to go out, he pretended to be fooled, and followed him back, again finding that his housekeeper had a hidden identity, and seemed to plan to force the dangerous person to respond to his companions, and once again felt that his housekeeper had a hidden identity Stupid doesn't take the time and decides to do me a favor...

He didn't discuss it with Jane.

The situation that time was not very complicated. Jane seemed to have arrived at her destination first, and was about to wait for other companions outside, but the other party was obviously waiting for her companions, and she was still searching for someone in the building.

His thirteen or fourteen-year-old body was easier than adults to use obstacles to infiltrate, and he didn't care if he would die. On the way in, he didn't forget to find an opportunity to knock down two people and 'borrow' some weapons for self-defense .

The process of infiltrating went smoothly, but the question came, how did he find the person he had met briefly before?

In fact, after he touched it, it didn't take much time to find someone.

The people on the other side were only concerned with repeatedly searching the toilet cubicle in the bathroom, searching the ceiling, searching the ventilation ducts, and repeatedly searching other places.

When he sneaked into the bathroom, he noticed that the edge of the mirror on the sink was not right.

Due to perennial water stains and stains, as well as sunlight, the tiles will leave a clear line along the edge of the mirror. Even if no stains remain in the gap, there will be a darker line on the edge of the tile. That mirror The edge line seems to be a little crooked.

He just tried to open the mirror out of curiosity. He didn't expect that there was a small space behind, a woman in black tights and a baseball cap hid in it. The **** smell is the black muzzle of the woman's sudden attack.

"I'll pick you up."

He said, listening to the sound of footsteps approaching outside, regardless of whether the woman was happy or not, whether she would shoot or not, he got into the space, wiped the footprints left on the sink, and closed the mirror.

Although the space is not large, it is still enough to hide a woman and a half-old boy.

The two quietly listened to the footsteps outside the bathroom and left, and after confirming that no one else entered the door, they squatted quietly for a while.

"I've run out of bullets, so I can't break out for the time being." The woman spoke English in a very soft voice.

"What about your teammates?" He asked in a low voice, not worried that he would be shot, and handed over a pistol borrowed from the road, "There should be bullets in it, I'm not sure how many."

"Thank you..." The woman moved lightly, checked the gun in the dark, and tried to keep her voice as low as possible, "My intelligence investigation had a little accident, the other party arranged the main manpower here, and the person who acted with me was already dead. ...the body is in the second room on the left on the third floor, you can confirm it afterwards."

"I don't know your mission," he said.


The woman was silent for a long time before she asked in a difficult voice, "Then why are you here?"

Seeing that he was hiding, he was also hiding, and replied casually, "I heard my housekeeper secretly call someone, saying that there is a woman trapped here, I want to come and see if Piao is pretty, she is outside, about 20 minutes. can come."

"Oh?" The woman's focus was a bit biased. She didn't ask about the support situation, but asked with a smile, "Then you saw it too. Do you think my sister is pretty?"

He told the truth, "Blood all over his face, dirty and hard to see."

Woman: "To say that a lady is dirty is not the slightest gentleman."

Him: "Well, yes."




The silence continued until there was an abnormal sound of turmoil outside, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com woman whispered, "You'd better leave here first and don't meet other people."

He didn't think much about reasoning in his dreams, "Why?"

In the darkness, the woman was silent for a moment, "If you are seen, you will be in trouble."

"Is it a concern?" he asked.

The woman chuckled, "Do you still need my attention?"

He guessed whether it was because a certain woman resented him too much, that he would have such a dream. He felt that it would not be strange for a woman to suddenly turn into a ghost in the next second dream, so he silently handed all the weapons on his body to him. the woman, open the mirror and leave.

Thinking about it now, although the woman's hair and forehead were blocked by a black baseball cap, and there was a lot of blood on her face, those eyes with water-blue pupils and slightly elongated eyes showed the cold arrogance in their eyes when they aimed their guns at him. , and body...

It's easy to play against Belmod.

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