Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1549: 1 wave of mass foundation

Chi Feichi thought about it and felt that based on the current clues, the actions in these four directions are enough, and it is only convenient to arrange these four directions. If there is a new situation, it can be adjusted according to the clues found, " You call your classmates and that boy, and I'll go talk to Maekawa."

Will Maekawa agree to let the puppy take the risk as bait?

After Chi Feichi said, "Wu Ming and the cats will follow secretly", Maekawa immediately nodded and agreed.

In the minds of these staff, the nameless is quite reliable, completely surpassing technological equipment such as transmitters and eavesdroppers.

After the arrangement was made, Chi Feichi drove Koshisui Nanatsuki to Rice Flower Central Park, and searched the old residential area behind the woods.

It didn't take much effort to find the Tibetan dog's stronghold.

Guangou's house was specially equipped with soundproof glass, and the dog's barking was very slight. After reaching the outside of the yard, it was almost inaudible, but Feichi didn't need to use his hot eyes to show off his skills. The traces of the wheels, the dog hair that will fall off when the dog is carried, lock the specific location of the stronghold.

Chi Feichi climbed over the wall and went in, and from behind the glass window reinforced with iron bars, he saw more than ten dogs in a row of dog cages placed against the wall. Only then did he say, "I found it, the thirteen dogs suspected of being stolen in the record book are probably all here."

Yueshui Nanatsuki clenched the phone in his right hand, with a smile that couldn't be hidden in his eyes, "My classmates and the little boy also gained something. When they knocked on the door of a residential building, they found the guy who gave the little boy snacks. The woman, they left without alerting the other party, and immediately sent me the specific address."

"After receiving the address, ask them to go to the nearby police station to report to the police. Dogs are personal property. They are considered theft, and they are all precious breeds. The amount involved is not low. The police will take care of them," Chi Feichi looked up. The sky dyed red by the setting sun, "Let them not be in a hurry to prove to the police that the other party is a dog thief, and take the police to Rice Flower Park. I asked Maekawa to continue to take the puppy as bait. If it goes well, the police can arrest them. A ready-made."

"What about us?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the house next to Zangou, "Are you going to save the puppies now?"

"Since you've found someone, just keep an eye on them, it's only a matter of time to find evidence, you don't need to stay here to guard them," Chi Feichi took out his phone and opened the photo album after looking back, "The information on the pet-seeking register, I have already filmed it just now, you call the people who lost the dog and ask them to come and recognize the dog."

Half an hour later, the sky just darkened, and pet owners had already arrived in a hurry.

Since it was time for dinner, some pet owners who were usually busy with work were also free, so they only needed to temporarily postpone the time for dinner, so in less than an hour, all the people who lost their dogs arrived.

Even at the house of that little boy and classmate Koshisui Nanatsuki, someone came to recognize the dog.

After everyone arrived, Chi Feichi let those people break the door by themselves. After entering the door and recognizing the dog, he went to Yueshui Nanatsu to check the previously registered information, and recorded a list of pets to take away, so as to prevent the pet dog from being stolen. Impersonate.

These dogs, which can be found by their owners after being lost, are not a dispensable existence for their owners. After the dogs were found, they all happily picked up the puppies and did not let go.

A chubby woman hugged her white Chihuahua and approached Koshimizu Nanatsu with a grateful face, "Thank you so much, Nanatsu, after the loss of this child, our family was so worried that we couldn't sleep, Xiao Jia said please. You help, I didn't expect you to help find the dog so quickly!"

In order to convince these pet owners when Koshimizu Nanatsu called over, she truthfully stated that she was a detective, that she was entrusted to find dogs, that she obtained the contact information of the owner of the missing dog at the shelter, and that many dogs were found during the investigation. , Among them, there is a dog that is suspected to be lost by the other party, and let the dog owner come to confirm.

In this case, I said it once in every phone call, and repeated it more than ten times after being notified, and the return is also gratifying. At least everyone knows that there is a detective named Koshimi Nanatsuki, who is also a detective who has helped his own family. In the joy of what was lost and found, they surrounded Yueshui Nanatsuki.

"Miss Yueshui, thank you very much!"

"Quick, kaka, say thank you to Detective Yueshui!"

"By the way, Detective Yueshui, do you work in the area of ​​Mikacho? Do you have an office? Today my husband is working overtime and can't make it here. I must visit with him another day. Thank you again!"

"We are really lucky in Mikacho, there are famous detectives like Mr. Mori, and powerful detectives like Miss Koshimi..."

"Isn't there a high school detective?"

"Yeah, our rice flower town is really rich in famous detectives~~"

In the Maori Detective Agency, a famous detective from a former high school and now an elementary school student who was almost forgotten was eating, and suddenly felt an itchy nose. He turned his back and sneezed, wondering if he was about to catch a cold.

And behind the trees in Rice Flower Central Park, Nanatsuki Yuesui is busy responding to enthusiastic pet owners.

"I just arrived in Tokyo, and now I live in Cupido-cho. I haven't opened a detective agency or joined an agency yet, because I encountered a lot of things when I first came here. I want to think about it after sorting it out."

"Do you plan to open an office in the future?"

"If you have this intention, be sure to choose Rice Flower Town. I think Rice Flower Town is a very popular place for detectives!"

"Yeah, those detectives in Cupido Town are a lot worse than ours in Mikacho..."

"Last year's community baseball game was also won by our Rice Flower Town..."

"After all, Mr. Maori joined our team. As a famous detective, he must be very good at analyzing the enemy's weaknesses. Maybe even the tactics have already been formulated!"

"You can come to our house if you are free..."

Chi Feichi stood beside Yueshui Nanatsuki, preparing to be a background statue quietly for a while.

The community baseball game is indeed their weak point, but when it comes to fighting and tennis, it is actually the stronger of the cup. It's really unfair for these aunts to talk about it. They only choose a good place to sell it...

Wait, that's not the point, the point is - a wave of mass bases from Yueshui is in hand.

His teacher has the identity of a famous detective, and from time to time he mediates conflicts for some residents who are in conflict. He still has a very popular foundation in Mihua Town.

Although the human relationship is rather erratic, if his teacher made a mistake and was reported, he would be criticized and questioned, but when nothing happened, this mass foundation was still very useful.

For example, when these people encounter some troubles, they will take the initiative to contact them when they think of such a detective, or when their relatives and friends are in trouble, they will also mention and recommend them.

Some people trust authorities such as reports more, while others prefer recommendations from relatives and friends. The two-pronged approach is to brush on both sides. When the situation is opened up, they can be entrusted to find Qishui Nanatsuki on their own initiative.

His teacher is too famous now. People don't dare to trouble his teacher when they encounter some trivial matters. As a male, some clients actually have concerns due to personal reasons. The resources for Nanatsuki's growth, and will not conflict with his teacher too much.

Of course, even a well-known detective like his teacher has a lot of free time, and the guys from Detective Kaidocho Ryu are about the same. There are quite a few times when they are not entrusted and get together to play mahjong and drink. He does not expect more Mizusui Nanatsuki could have received a soft-handed request, and felt that Yueshui Nanatsuki didn't need to be so busy.

"It's great that my little girl can meet Miss Yueshui! She lost so much weight after being locked in a cage. If she hadn't been found, I don't know what would have happened."

"My child was lost last night. Today I took my son to the shelter, and I happened to meet Miss Yueshui. I was so lucky..."

"Doctor Chi?" A young man found the person standing beside Yusui Nanatsuki familiar, and said in surprise, "Sorry, I was so happy just now that I didn't notice you here, it's so rude..."

Through the introduction of the young man, Chi Feichi has one more job - by the way, help the dog to check his body.

These dogs are not serious problems. Some of them don't seem to be in good spirits. It is also because they have changed their environment and were not raised with the previous care. After they are brought back, there will probably be no problems.

Chi Feichi also confirmed one by one, and sent 'reassurance pills' to these dog owners. He also said that he can pay more attention to the dog's condition in the near future, but there is no need to go to the hospital to go to the hospital.

These pet owners are residents of Mihua Town, and they have dogs. They may have seen them in the dog activity area. When Chi Feichi checked a dog, the other dog owners chatted with each other, and the chat was almost endless. No, I almost didn't kiss my dog ​​by the way. At the same time, I also express my gratitude to the considerate detective Yue Shui who helped find the dog and did not forget to find the last veterinarian to come with Yue Shui Qi Tsuki was a little confused. She really didn't bring a veterinarian here for these dogs. If she could find these dogs, a certain veterinarian was the main force. "Wait, actually..."

"By the way, Detective Yueshui, my family Xiaoshan said, you asked the classmate who lost the dog to take him to identify the person. They and the police are now squatting in Rice Flower Park," the mother of the little boy who lost the dog remembered the incident, with a serious look on his face. Asked, "Will those bad guys really go to Cornflower Park tonight to steal dogs again?"

"It's very likely..." Qishui Yueshui noticed that the faces of the dog owners were a bit sullen, sweating, and hurriedly advised, "Don't be impulsive, the police are there now, if People are caught and they will get the punishment they deserve."

An old man holding a dog laughed out loud, "No need to worry, Detective Yueshui, we just want to go and see if someone has caught it. If necessary, we can also help!"

A woman holding a butterfly dog ​​smiled and said, "My husband is a lawyer, everyone can get together and count the price of pets. I asked my husband to ask a friend to sue for us, although the dog was recovered. Wrong, but it's okay to cause them some trouble~"

Yueshui Nanatsuki: "..."

Can't be bothered.



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