Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1578: 3 No Gold Finger God Pit

At one o'clock in the afternoon, after Chi Feichi finished eating, he got up and threw the bento box into the trash can. The white of his left eye disappeared, and together with his pupil, it turned into a chaotic purple, which quickly outlined the pattern of the Holy Spirit's Gate.

Feichizhi, who was lying on the table, stood up, "Master, how is it?"


Chi Feichi replied softly, let his left eye return to normal, picked up Feichi and walked upstairs.

Now the countertop is white and dazzling, and even the black circle around the edge has completely disappeared.

In fact, he has been waiting for the thin black edge to disappear for a week. Based on the current situation, the change should come before tonight.

There is that person's monitoring in the basement. Even if there is no one in the lounge, he doesn't want to make any noise for that person to notice, and there are too many dangerous chemicals in the laboratory, so he also wants to avoid it.

Fortunately, there are other rooms on the ground floor here, and further up, there are the second and third floors where the plane can be parked.

Originally, he and Koizumi Hongzi's port laboratory was the best, but the laboratory entered the expansion project not long ago, and Koizumi Hongzi's house is not very safe. The ghost knows what will happen to him this time, and what will happen to him? The explosion of magic potions collided...

An open, spacious and enclosed space is the safest.

When they got upstairs, Chi Feichi put Feichi down, leaned against the wall, took out his mobile phone and read the research materials to pass the time.

Without the computer in the basement, he couldn't look at the research data of most of the drugs in the organization, but he could look at his own and the experimental data from Gong Kurin's side.

After transferring the purple-eyed guinea pig to Gong Kureen to help raise and breed it, he had a lot of free time here.

Umbrella's drug research doesn't need his help for the time being. The same is true for the research on Miyakorin's side. They are all waiting for enough data.

In the past few days, in addition to watching the progress, he couldn't take time to start thinking about new drugs.

Since he was just passing the time, he did not follow the previous research, but deduced a strange drug whose final effect he did not know.

The deduction is simple, the production is difficult, and it will take some time to finally synthesize it.

Fei Chi saw Chi Feichi staring at the data on the phone again, he crawled around the edge of the field, and then slowly rolled over to Chi Feichi, "Master, I want to go to the basement to see if that one is... …”

The next second, Feichi jumped up, "Master, your eyes are on fire!"

Chi Feichi quickly pressed the lock screen button on the phone, and after the phone turned black, he looked at his own eyes reflected on it.

What has changed is the left eye.

In the pupil of the left eye, there is a small flame jumping. Since the mobile phone screen cannot reflect the color, he is not sure what color the flame is, but the flame is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually occupies the entire left eye socket. The edge continued to spread to his face.

Fei Chi was so anxious that he swirled around, and the speed of his speech soared directly to the peak of the previous commentary, "Master, your whole eye is burning, does it hurt? Do you want me to go downstairs and take a look in the mirror for you? We are Let it burn, or put it out? No, the fire shouldn't be extinguished, right? Then..."

"It doesn't hurt, let it burn," Chi Feichi interrupted Feichi's words and ran away, took out all the flammable and explosive items on his body, found an evidence bag with his mobile phone, and fastened the bag. Afterwards, he handed it to Feichi, "Take my cell phone, go downstairs, and don't come near me for the time being."

While one person and one snake were talking, the flame in Chi Feichi's left eye had spread to half of his face.

Feichi nodded solemnly, and finally looked at Chi Feichi, turned around and wrapped the bag with his tail, and ran downstairs with a 'swish' along the stairs.

"Fei Chi, slow down, some things will explode when hit hard."

Chi Feichi went forward and closed the door. After thinking about it, his left eye turned chaotic purple again, and he sketched the door of the Holy Spirit.

The space changed again, the seven sins symbols disappeared completely, and a sea of ​​lava-like fire spread below the nameless statue, gradually spreading to the surroundings.

It even seemed to be able to be ignited by the fire. A corner was ignited from the location of the nameless statue, and it burned in other directions of the starry sky.

Chi Feichi didn't hesitate and used his eyes to connect with Wuming.

The image of the nameless side quickly appeared in his left eye.

Wuming seemed to be standing by the pond in a house where a group of cats gathered, looking down at the reflection in the water, looking at the left half of his face that was on fire, until he noticed that the reflection in the water had purple eyes floating in the air, and then raised his head. At the beginning, Miaomiao asked in a daze, "Master, is this change for me?"

As early as two days ago, Chi Feichi told all animals and people with statues on the platform to prepare and try not to go out.

Everyone knew about Joshua's youthful changes last time.

After Chi Feichi guessed that some creatures might change with him this time, other creatures were also mentally prepared.

"Yes." Chi Feichi affirmed.

Wuming represents the fire in the attribute, and this time the fire in the space burned from the Wuming statue, probably because the last change was random or according to a certain rule, Wuming was selected.

It's just that San Wu's golden finger is still so pitted, if it's on fire, it's on fire. This time, I didn't even give it to the dream lottery program!

Wuming let out a long sigh of relief, "Just now my face suddenly caught fire, which shocked me, and I was still thinking about jumping into the water to put out the fire, but the fire was burning, I didn't feel pain, and I hated water, So I'm still hesitating, but master, I shouldn't get younger, right? If I get younger, I'll become a kitten."

"This time it should be interesting."

Chi Feichi said, seeing that the fire on Wuming's body had already burned to his forelimbs, he looked down and saw that the fire on his body had also burned his left arm, and the clothes in the fire had been burned so much that there was no residue left. Black smoke rose up.

"... Wuming, is your hair still there?"

Due to the raging fire, he couldn't see what happened to the place where Wuming was on fire.

Wuming's entire head was shrouded in flames, he lowered his head and raised his left paw to take a look, "It's still there, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't seem to burn the hair..."

Saying that, Wuming tried shaking his beard again, and suddenly became happy.

"The beard is still there!"

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and pulled a strand of hair to look at it, and found that the flames only covered the surface of the hair, and he could probably understand why Wuming was so happy.

He didn't want to become Rum either...

Although his hair will not be burned, foreign objects such as his clothes will definitely be burned.

Three no golden fingers pit.

With such a fire without warning, if he didn't get up, he would show what it means to spontaneously ignite a human body in front of other people, and by the way, he would make a news headline.

Even if he hid when his body caught fire, he might have burned the furniture, or hid and burned outside for a while, but couldn't find his clothes, so he needed to consider Guoben going home, and he could also make a news headline by the way.

Then he would rather be burned to death!

When Chi Feichi silently scolded Sanwu Golden Finger for the tenth time, one person and one cat were covered in fire.

Then there was a continuous burning for half an hour.

"Master, I won't be like this in the future, right?" Wuming looked down at the reflection of the 'cat-shaped fire' in the water, then turned to look at the group of cats behind him, sighed, and was rarely sad, " If it's like this in the future, I can't help them lick their fur..."


Chi Feichi's face was a little dark.

He doesn't help cats lick their fur, but a flaming man can't go out to meet people. If Sanwu's golden fingers are so pitted, he must find a way to get this thing out, dissect it and study it.

The fire continued to burn for another hour. As Chi Feichi's face became more and more ugly and Wuming became more and more silent, the flames finally began to slowly sink into one person and one cat.

At first, the edges of the wildly beating flames contracted, revealing the bodies of one person and one cat. Then, as if the flames had burned into the skin, a fiery burning sensation began to appear all over the body, and after that, it seemed to burn into the bones.

However, the appearance of one person and one cat has not changed. In the heat and pain, Wuming bowed his waist, and his white hair exploded into a hedgehog.

Chi Feichi endured the awkward and unpleasant pain, sat down against the wall, watched Wuming the stagnant hedgehog with his left eye, and called softly, "Wuming?"

"No, it's all right," Wuming still didn't move, meowing softly with a firm expression on his face, also because the main force was on enduring the pain, and he didn't have the strength to scream too loudly, "You'll be fine after you endure it, right, Master?"

"Well..." Chi Feichi didn't want to talk anymore, but still reminded, "There may be another wave of more pain."

Wuming's eyes were sluggish for a moment, he threw himself on the grass beside the pool, and learned Feichi's unruly method of rolling, "Ow! Kill meow!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

His words seemed to be the last straw that overwhelmed the nameless spirit.

Chi Feichi's words were fulfilled, and the burning sensation of the flame was still spreading into the body. After passing through the skin and bones, it reached the internal organs of the abdomen.

"Ow! Meow meow meow!"

Wuming began to roll in a vengeful manner, his claws grabbing the yellow grass clippings on the grass.

Chi Feichi didn't say much.

At the moment when there was a sudden pain in his abdomen, he also chose to lie down on the ground. Wuming has not groaned in pain until now, he was stubborn enough.

"Ow..." Wuming's right paw swayed After raising a piece of grass again, it suddenly stopped, "Master, I don't seem to be in pain anymore, how about you?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Chi Feichi also took a breath and sat up.

The pain just now disappeared in an instant, as if it had never been in pain, there was no sequelae of the pain at all, and it was as easy as before the body caught fire.

With that level of pain, it was considered mild to say that it caused a cold sweat, but he didn't even have a drop of cold sweat on his body.

I could vaguely feel that in the abdomen where the burning sensation finally converged, there seemed to be a warm... flame.

He couldn't see through his body, and naturally he couldn't see what's going on inside his body, but he could feel that it was a flame, just like he could feel his own fingers, so naturally it seemed that the flame was originally a part of the body.

"Master, I feel a small flame in my stomach. It's very cold today, and it's even colder when I stand by the pond, but now I don't feel cold anymore..." Wuming said thoughtfully, and suddenly found that happiness was so simple. "Then am I not afraid of the cold in the future?"

"should be."

Chi Feichi tried to move the flame he felt in his abdomen, and found that the flame could be pulled away and moved, so he controlled the flame to move to his right hand, and stretched out his right hand at the same time, when he felt the flame in his body moved to his right hand, Then move the feeling of fire to the surface of the skin.

A throbbing fire appeared in Chi Feichi's hand, the color was orange-red with a little blue flame.

Sure enough, it was a change similar to 'fire magic'.

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