Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2060: Eavesdropping from Loriel

"Conan: I Am Not a Snake Syndrome"

On the way back, Chi Shinosuke told Chi Feichi about the other 'allies'.

Not all those who are related to the Chi family and Umbrella, or who will have a lot of contact in the future, are here tonight, such as the Suzuki Foundation, although they also decided to come to the UK to watch the award ceremony, as a support for Chi Shinosuke, But it is not sure whether Suzuki Shiro or Suzuki Jirokichi will come over, and they will wait until the eve of the ceremony.

"There is also Mr. Fukada Haruji, he has contacted me, his plane will arrive at the city airport tomorrow afternoon, I have already made a reservation for the restaurant, and after picking him up tomorrow, I will have dinner with him," said Ike Shinosuke to Ike As Feichi said, he turned his head to look at Chi Ganai again, "It's fine for me and Feichi to go, we have to go to the company, you can take Xiao Ai to play around London."

Hui Yuanai glanced at Chi Feichi's cufflinks from time to time, and found that he couldn't tell if the black spots on the cufflinks were black diamonds, but he wasn't too worried.

After going back, she can use the spare glasses to confirm.

If the cufflink bug was still in Jane's place, she could still hear if Jane had a conversation tonight, and she would try to recover the bug tomorrow.

And if the cufflink bug gets to Brother Feichi, it will be easier for her to recover it, so don't worry too much.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the British retro building.

The door of the living room was ajar, and there were two young maids in the room, one was squatting in the fireplace to add charcoal, and the other was tidying the sofa.

After seeing the four members of the Chi family enter the door, the two quickly got up to greet them.

"Mr. Shinosuke, Mrs. Kanai, Master Feichi, Miss Alice..."

"I counted the time and asked them to light up the fireplace and tidy up the sofa to ensure that the host's family can live in a warm and comfortable environment when they come back." Lydia came out of the kitchen and said with a smile. After packing, if you feel hungry, I can help make some food, and Mr. Darcy is the same, please feel free to tell me what you want to eat."

Hui Yuanai looked around, but didn't find Jane's figure, and wondered whether to inquire, or to wait and see what happened.

"Thank you, but when you were guarding outside at night, His Majesty arranged for the guards to bring us dinner, and we have already eaten," Darcy responded, turning his head and saying goodbye to Ike Shinosuke, "Boss, I'm going back first."

Chi Shinosuke nodded to Darcy, and after Darcy left, he said to Chi Kanai, "I wanted to finish the work before going home, but I'm afraid it won't work tonight. Feichi and I have to confirm that we are right in the next two days. Arrangements for guests."

"Do you need me to help?" Chi Kanai asked hurriedly.

"No, you take good care of Xiao Ai, you can just go to the study with me," Chi Shinosuke walked towards the stairs, and when he passed the kitchen, he said again, "Lydia, please help me prepare a cup of coffee, no matter what it is Anything is fine, Feichi, how about you?"

Chi Feichi followed Chi Shinosuke, "Make me a cup of green tea, please, Lydia."

Seeing that the two had reached the stairs, Lydia hurriedly asked, "Do you need me to prepare some more cakes or pastries?"

Chi Zhenzhijie went up the stairs without looking back, "Anything is fine."

"Me too." Chi Feichi said indifferently.

Lydia looked at the backs of the two in neat dresses, and sighed helplessly, "At least change into comfortable clothes."

"There is more work than expected, Shinosuke also wants to finish these things quickly, and spare time to accompany us to visit London," Chi Kanai said, and gently closed the door behind him with his backhand, "Lydia, wait a minute Please send up the snacks by the way. Feichi doesn’t like too sweet food, and I don’t like half-salty and not sweet food too much. Let’s help him make some pasta. If Shinosuke, he probably won’t want a piece of trouble to eat. , Food that will stain the paper in the study, how do you feel about making him a dorayaki?"

Lydia smiled, "Mr. Shinnosuke will definitely say that the extra meal tonight is very satisfactory."

"If you expect him to praise you, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. He doesn't pay attention to what he eats, as long as he can fill his stomach." Chi Kanai hung the windbreaker he took off on the coat hook, squatting again Lower body, help Hui Yuan Ai take off his coat, "Xiao Ai, let's go to bed early, don't eat too much before going to bed, before you brush your teeth, you can ask Lydia to save a dorayaki for you, but no more gone."

"No need, I'm not very hungry." Hui Yuan Ai looked at the three of Chi's family who were tired and busy all day, and obediently stretched out his hand to cooperate with Chi Kanai to take off his coat, "Are they going to be busy until late?"

"Shinosuke wants to let Feichi know the general situation, and then he and Feichi will organize the list of important guests." Chi Kanai stood up, hung up Haibara's coat, and looked at the wall clock on the wall, "I don't think it will be too late. It can be done in the evening, before the wee hours of the morning.”

won't it be too late

Haibara Ai felt that there was something wrong with Chi Kana's understanding of "late", and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Shinosuke...has he been so busy?"

"It wasn't always like this before, but there are always busy times, and it will be better in the future."

Chi Kana took Hui Yuan Ai to wash up, and after Hui Yuan Ai returned to the room and lay down on the bed, he said good night and turned to close the door of the room.

Hui Yuanai lay down for a while, got up quietly and locked the door of the room, took out the spare glasses from the desk drawer, put them on, and pressed the button to receive the bug signal.

There was the sound of a fuel lighter 'clicking', followed by the voices of Chi Shinosuke and Chi Feichi.

"...The reception of other guests will be handed over to them. I don't think there will be any problems. As for Mr. Maori, I sent someone an invitation letter, but he hasn't responded yet..."

"I'm afraid Xiaolan hasn't cleaned up the mailbox recently. Mr. Mao Li rarely checks the mailbox by himself except for newspapers."

"He is your teacher after all, you need to call him tomorrow, pay attention to the jet lag, find a time that won't disturb him, and arrange a plane to pick him up if he needs it."

"I'll call tomorrow morning."

"Then, wait for you to call in the morning to confirm whether there is any arrangement for Mr. Mori. In the morning, we will go to the company. There will be a meeting about the network development plan after integration. Wilson also has something to tell you. In the afternoon, we will pick up Mr. Fukada. Tomorrow Dashan and some high-level officials from Japan have arrived, and I will organize a party tomorrow night to let Umbrella’s future managers get to know each other, and we are the same... Do you feel tired after this arrangement? Although you I always insist that I am not sick, but the multiple personalities in the past..."

"Yes, I don't deny it, it's true, but I don't feel very tired."

"Very good. If you can persist, you can persist for another two days. Dashan, Wilson, and Mr. Yan all support you. It is a good thing for you to let more people see this. Maybe you don't care about other things. What do people think, but let everyone recognize you, it will be much more convenient for you in the future..."

"Looks like I'm going to perform well."

"I believe you can…"

Huiyuan Ai didn't listen any more, turned off the power of the glasses, sighed, took out the laptop that Dr. A Li helped assemble, went back to the bed and sat down, using the computer to look up information about genetic diseases.

Sure enough, the cufflink bug landed on Brother Feichi's sleeve.

The bug is in Brother Feichi's place, so it will be easier to recover it, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

Why did Jane appear here? I can't find out for a while. I can only wait until tomorrow to see if I have a chance to contact Jane.

What makes her worry about it now is another thing.

The godmother said 'it will be better in the future', but she felt that after Umbrella's reorganization, there might be more things, and Mr. Shinosuke would be busier.

She didn't pour cold water on her voice, not only to take care of the godmother's situation, but also because she also hoped that Mr. Shinosuke could relax in the future.

Getting up in the morning to have breakfast, try on clothes, wait for the servants to make lunch, go out to meet the queen in the afternoon, and attend the dinner party, it seems very easy. Among them, just one banquet has almost exhausted her strength.

She just followed Chi Kanai around, no one asked her to remember those people.

Mr. Shinnosuke must confirm the familiarity and attitude of those people, and he must explain the situation of those people to Brother Feichi, and Brother Feichi must remember the situation and the corresponding people that Mr. Shinnosuke said, and also show the status of a reliable heir Image, these two people are much more tired than her.

She hoped that the two of them would be more relaxed in the future, this time not because no one was with her, but because of worry.

Brother Feichi will not talk about it. I have a mental illness. The doctor has said to pay attention to rest. If you keep working hard, something will happen sooner or later, and Mr. Shinosuke is already in his forties. She is so busy, so she is inevitably worried. Mr. Shinosuke's health was too much for him.

The doctor occasionally stays up late when he is obsessed with research. She has long felt that the doctor is not younger than a young man and should rest properly. Now comparing the two, she feels that the doctor is not the one to worry about the most... Chi Feichi came out of the study on the second floor, went upstairs to wash up, went back to his room, changed into pajamas, leaned on the bed, and checked the emails he had received earlier with his mobile phone.

Late, 11:49.

In Hui Yuanai's room, a 'ding dong' sound came from the laptop.

Hui Yuanai opened his eyes in a daze, and realized that he had fallen asleep without knowing when. He was amused. He looked at a bunch of downloaded files on the computer, and didn't rush to open them. He looked at the time displayed on the computer. Closed the computer and put it on the bedside table, picked up the spare glasses, put them on, and turned on the power of the glasses.

It was too late, she didn't want to bother Brother Feichi tonight, the bug can be recovered tomorrow, she just wanted to hear if Brother Feichi and Mr. Shinosuke were done with their work.

Although eavesdropping is not good, she is just out of concern, so it shouldn't matter...

The microphone on the temple of the glasses emits sound.

"...I have something to do tomorrow. If it's convenient for you, please contact me first... No, it's just Umbrella's business, it will take a little time..."

On the other end, Chi Feichi's voice was still calm and calm, without any hint of sleepiness.

Hui Yuanai listened, admiring Chi Feichi's ability to stay awake.

From what Brother Feichi said, it doesn't sound like he was talking to his father. Have you finished talking about Brother Feichi and Mr. Shinnosuke? Is Brother Feichi calling someone?

Eavesdropping seems a little bit...

"Bermod has her mission... She told you that she can help?"

Hui Yuanai raised his hand to turn off the power, but he put his hand on the glasses frame but froze in place, and the drowsiness dissipated in an instant.

Brother Chi's voice is correct.

She also heard very clearly what Brother Feichi said was...



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